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Phantomess of the Jellicles

The greatest escape artists have something to learn from Miss WinterLite’s disappearing turn. But you’d know her if you saw her for her eyes were mirrors within. Her crystal coat and frame were clearly glass thin. Every night after her past’s death, she’d watch them dance. Look once, and once again, she didn’t seem to be there!

^ Some time after Grizabella’s ascent to the Heavyside Layer ^
Chapter 1-

Back paws, front paw. Back Paws, front paw. WinterLite thought. She pulled her right forepaw tighter against her torso and limped on. All four paw pads were bleeding but that leg had been bitten by that mean Pollicle and now it ached enough when she wasn’t walking on it. Winter now longed for the cold season she was named after. The snow would comfort her blistering paws and numb some of the pain, plus she wouldn’t have to walk on the sharp gravel. Winter sighed and trudged on, knowing that even in England it couldn’t snow in August. Her steps gradually came to a stop and she flopped over, as Winter put all knowing of the world back herself.

Meanwhile, in the Jellicle junkyard, everything was going as normal. Rum Tum Tugger was being admired by the Queens, Mistofflees was practicing his magic, Demeter was digging through the debris pile and so on.

But Bomburina was bored, very very bored. So the red-ish Cat decided to take a walk outside the Junkyard. (yes she was THAT bored) Bom bounded over fences, boxes, and trash cans. When she jumped down from a dumpster, Bom landed on something soft and rolled off with an “oof”. She sprang up in a defense position, her fur on its end. Bom calmed down as she realized she had tripped on another cat! The cat Bom fell apon, grimaced in pain but made no noise. It tried to get to its feet but collapsed in pain. The cat, now Bom it was now a she, blinked her large purple-blue eyes at Bom, as if saying ‘‘ please end it all, please ’’. Bom wrapped her arms around the female feline. The gray cat struggled little and gave up her futile tries. And Bom began the ascent home.

WinterLite stretched out. She had the most wonderful dream. A feline queen had taken her a place beside a fire. Winter usually didn’t like fires but now she wouldn’t mind one after this dream. Lite’s eyes fluttered open and she gave a gasp of delight. It wasn’t a dream after all! Winter sat on a bed of rags and beaten pillows. The bed was so cozy.

“Good thing you’re awake now, dearie. I was worried that salve Skimble gave me didn’t work.” The red female from Winter’s dream was standing beside the bed. “And sit down, you’re still weak.” Bom gently pushed the young girl back down. “but since you’re awake, we’ll be introduced. My name is Bomburina. And your name is..?

The kitten opened her mouth and made a strange airy sound but nothing came out. The kitten’s brow furrowed and she tried again. She looked up at Bom with frightened eyes but she still made no noise.

“Kitten, can’t you talk?” Bom inquired.

The young cat girl tried to say something again and reluctantly shook her head no. Her eyes stared a Bom full of distressed and the reddish queen realized that the purple eyes could show more expression than the rest of her face.

“Then how about I….” she paused “how about I renameyou?” A sweet little nod informed her yes. “how about Prumplespites?” A face that looked like I ate dog food was made. “Speedy?“ same reaction. “Whitingtion’s next best friend?” A confused look. “Heaven’s Alumnus?”

Apparently the silver cat didn’t like any of these names. Then she thought long and hard. “How about Winger?”

Both felines liked the name and ‘Winger” threw her arms around the Queens as a thanking gesture. Bomburina saw that even in those strong arms there was a tiny kitten, smaller than even Electra had ever been for some deep reason. Bomburina, also ,now realized she hadn’t any family other than Demeter who was now a permanent mate for Munkustrap and had her new batch of kittens. And Bom jealous of Dem and would have loved to have a family. At that time, a generous thought struck her mind that she would be able to thank the Everlasting Cat for.

“Dearie, would you… err.. like to become my.. um adopted… uh, child?” ‘Winger’ burst into silent tears for she had never had a nice family ever as this lady had been in the last few minutes. Of course she’d accept! And there, began the new life. Precisely I should say there really was the cause and beginning of many new lives.


Bom had made a wonderful mother. She had a nice cozy box in the junkyard to live in. She kept her new child well fed and made sure Winger was healthy. But the child, herself, was amazing! This didn’t show at first from her lack of speech but one night Bom and her visiting sister Demeter, had caught Winger reading a thick novel most humans couldn’t read or understand.

Her mother was so proud. Bom’s child now seemed like Heavyside Layer’s gift to her.

But, not only had this young Queen become smart and throw it out as a surprise, she was also able to out run anyone or anything. Winger could run faster than any other Cat in the tribe, thanks to her long and thin body. Wing had beaten even Alonzo and Pouncival in races.

Though our main character’s talents were wondrous, the Jellicles were some what hesitant to accept her. Such as, when Etcetra and Victoria was invited to meet this new addition to the family, they stayed away from Winger with huge eyes and it wasn’t until Jellyorum scolded them that the 2 came near her. They naturally did liked this Cat immediately with her playful personality and tirelessness. All 3 girls giggled (Winger kinda smiled/giggled but close enough) all after-noon. Sadly, some did not even care to be near the newcomer. Electra caught a scent of a movement in Wing’s air because ‘Lectra took a distaste for Winger.

Before long, the Jellicle Ball came. Winger was extremely nervous yet completely excited about her first Ball. She loved dancing and wanted to meet some more Cats. Maybe even some Toms. *teeheeheehehe!* Sure she was dumb (that means a mute, speechless, or voiceless not stupid.) but all Winger would do would be to mouth all the words. Mr. Mistoffelees was to be there, surely. And best of all! This was the year Winger would be allowed into the adult group. Anywho, on the night before the grand Jellicle Ball, Bomburina strode into the area where Winger was supposedly living. “Are you sill reading? If you read too much, miss scholar, you’ll head hurt too much to go to the Ball.” Bom nagged.

Winger shook her head as if saying, no can’t be true, I’ve read for hours before and that’s never happened. But Wing put her book, Myst: Book of Dn’I away, back in her pile of books and rolled over in her bed. Winger sat there thinking of her past life.

Those awful nights. Mother and father fought a lot and forgot they had 4 kittens to take care of so often. Wing’s mother would frequently come into their childs’ room and cuddle against Winger. She’d say, “my little Wintry, someday you’ll become a great Cat and you’ll father will be proud of you.” Winter knew that her father often came home after drinking some beer left behind the liquor store. The he’d yell and scream at his children and at her mother. Father especially hated her, for being an angel, for behaving, never stealing or fighting, and for being so kind and gentle. Father wanted a Tom like Macvity. He got that same Tom too. Minutes after she was born, Macvity was born in her litter…

Chapter- 3

Macvity was always favored by his father. He was into trouble and worse than his own parent. He always tried to deceive humans that he wasn’t at the scene of the crime. And his father liked that.

Winter remembered that one night when all her world was broken.

The family was at home, except for father and Macvity. The 3 other kittens were at their mothers feet as she taught them there lessons for their studies. A storm whistled and raged outside, but they curled up together by the hearth and paid close attention.

Then, all of a sudden, the door burst open and a gang of Toms stepped in. Winter’s mother screamed curses at them until a ginger tabby strode in beside his father.

“Hello mother. I see you have your little favorites. Can’t wait to see them dead… like you.” With that Macvity reached out and slashed across his own mother’s face and neck. She tried to fight but one more blow finished her silently. Now Macvity turned on his siblings. “Oh, now who’s gonna protect you guys?” A wicked grin shone and he grasped Peaches (his littlest sister) by the neck and snapped the life out of her. The gang laughed. Macvity got a smile of approval from his living parent.

Then he advanced on Winter. She was a good head taller than him and swifter, but she was, to put it mildly, a lover not a fighter. He circled her. “ah, my eldest sibling of the litter. I make you an offer.” Winter scoffed at this. Macvity gave her a good smack. “Shut up! You can work with me or die end up like your precious mother.”

Winter shook her head. “Wasn’t she your mother too? Did you hate your family for no reason?” She was answered by 2 Toms pinning her against the wall. “get off you little-“ she finished with some pretty bad words I dare not repeat. Winter wiggled and threw herself until she was able to become free of their grasps. She dashed out the door and out into her name’s night. WinterLite heard theToms chasing her but they would never catch her in this weather and her own endurance.

She ran for who knew how long and how far. She then learned to survive out in the city as she wondered from place to place. Never sleep in the same place twice; eat if you see food; and make sure no one is following. Her rules kept her alive for a year, more or less until she stumbled across a new yard. “Good. New place that looks like I can stay.” she thought. Barking unexpectedly filled her ears as a huge Pollicle leaped at her. Winter was quick but now she was tired and hungry and surprised. Those Pollicle teeth bit her paw and she raced off. Her paw became slightly infected and pain filled every step of every moment.

When Bombalurina found her, Winter was frightened that this new Cat would hurt her. But the Everlasting cat must’ve been smiling down on her because Bom had helped cure, named, bring her into the tribe, AND become her new mother. Bom did think she was a Kitten despite her length, since Winter was rather young looking… not that she really cared or minded. But Winger wanted to thank her and couldn’t since her voice hadn’t been used in many months.

Winger now was now back to date. She rolled over and tried to go to sleep. She had what she wanted from life and didn’t want her horrid memories ruin the Ball. Once asleep, the silver Cat Queen’s dreams were occupied with better memories of Mother’s face and gentle, wise words.


^the next Night……^

Winger was amazed that his still place was supposed to be filed with Jellicles dancing, talking and such. Bom ushered her quickly under the Old Ford’s bumper and said “You’ll know what to do and when to come out.”

With that Bom hid in her place. Wing sat there for a few minutes and became fidgety until some one ran out. A car’s headlights swept across the Junkyard. Then, a black and gray striped tabby slinked out from some where. He stood on his hind legs and began the ball. “Are you blind when you’re born?”

The first Cat (Demeter) that came out sang back, “Can you see in the dark?” and so on through the next 2 verses. Most of the words from last year’s Ball were used but the new Kittens and Cats added their own dialogue.

At the line “Can ride on a broom stick to places for distant?” sung Tantomilne, Winger knew this was her cue and she sprung out in perfect timing with a stunning beautiful tiger striped and leopard spotted Cat. As that Queen sang “Familiar with candle-” Winger danced.

All the Cats, some Winger never heard of, came out together and put on their presentation. Wing was amazed that all these Cats could dance so in time and wonderfully. She was amazed that she could dance this way herself. And all to soon, the song ended and everyone slinked off . Wing didn’t want to so she just danced a little solo. Mistofflees ran out and touched her. It gave her chills for a strange way but she liked immediately .

He was magical, cute (both kittenish way and adult way), and nice. Unfortunately, Winger knew that he was….ah.. um.. really small compared to her height, and much younger than her, but he didn’t know that.

The Ball passed on with new and old songs. It was a blast.

Atleast, until he came. “Macvity!” screamed Demeter.

Wing tried to hide and the he appeared. Macvity was just as, if not more, fearful as he did that one night. Images of Winter’s dying mother and the 2 kittens. The ginger cat appeared and laughed at the fleeing Jellicles. “mwhahahaha! you are pitiful, trying to hide from me, aren’t you?” he snickered. Macvity picked up some one near by.

“Sassafras! No! Put her down you fiend in feline shape!” Demeter wailed at him. Wing felt now that her old self was back. Sassafras wiggled within Macvity’s grasp, screaming, kicking, biting, the whole bit.

“put her down. NOW!” a voice sounded. It was quiet but sharp and clear enough for everyone to hear. Everyone looked for the source. “Macvity, my little brother, PUT HER DOWN! NOW!” Someone leaped down from the car roof and into Macvity’s side. The next few minutes were flashes and blurs of red, silver, and black fur.

Eventually, Macvity staggered back from the fight and disappeared. But his last words echoed and stayed, “WinterLite- you’ll pay, you little bitch of a sister!”

The Jellicles turned their heads to Sassafras’s savor. Winger stood there, bleeding severely. Her shiny coat was now matted and darkened with blood and her face….it would never be the same. Winger, err excuse me, her real name now known was WinterLite. Winter’s face was halfway torn off and patches of her own skin laid on the ground. Winter took one look around and fainted.

She came to in her old bed of rags and a huge pile of books, food, and even a small flute, beside her.

Bombalurina strode in with a worried look on her face. “oh! you’re awake.” Bom sounded distant and withdrawal. “I didn’t think that you were older than a year but apparently I was wrong. I thought that you’re were mute too but I was- was wrong. Wing, I mean Winter, you- you” she didn’t finished. Bom was crying and ran from the room.

“Great,” winter thought. “Mom’s crying, I’m hurt, the rest of the Jellicles ain’t so happy…. good Heavyside Layer, it’s been a really bad day.” Winter shook her head and began to look through the pile of stuff at her beside. The flute she could use along with thebooks and some food, she wondered what’s with the colourful ribbon. It didn’t matter, so she just played with it.

After a few days, Winter could get out of bed and wander about. And within a week, she stepped outside. Her first footfall outside, made everyone in the junkyard look up and then many turned away. Panic flew through her senses. It then occurred to Winter that her face must’ve been scarred. One look in a broken mirror and she gasped in horror. The area around one eye was puffed out and horrifyingly disfigured. It looked worse infected than her paw had once been.

Winter ran. Ran from that mirror, the Cats, just anything to anywhere else. It was once again that night, and she became the chaser and the one being chased. “No! I gotta hide, gotta go-“ she stumbled into a hole. She didn’t screamed, she dare not or could not as she fell deeper and deeper. “Ooff!” She landed in a puddle on her feet. (‘when youfall on your head, do you land on your feet?’) She did a shimmy, and quickly trotted down a dark tunnel to who knew where or what.