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Jellicle Old and Jellicles New II

~Kitty Kibbles~OK here's the Second Part of my story, for any of you that care. Thanks to Patchy and Biranna who read my stuff and told me they liked it. *thanks guys!! Purrs and Huggs.*If you have ANYTHING to say about this send it to my NEW E-MAIL ADDY

*Misto went to Mina's spot. It was a old car that had rusted out. She used the back seat and the trunk as her living space. He over heard voices. Mina's was the first one he knew.

"...and then he snapped at me and said that we'd never go hunting together again." cried Mina rubbing her nose.

"Dont worry Mina." said Patchy licking away Mina's tears.

Tansy agreed with Patchy. "Yeah Mina he'll come around."

At that time Misto scratched at the back door of the car.

Tansy looked up and over the door. "Oh. Hey Misto." she said.

"Hey Tansyleaf. It ok if I talk to Mina?"

Tansy nodded. "Come on Patch, let's leave these two alone, they need to talk." Tansy and Patchy left; Patchy said she'd come back later.

Misto jumped in the car. Mina was in the trunk, her back facing him. "Hi Mina." he said solftly.

"Hey." came the muffled reply.

He gently rubbed his head agaist her neck. "Don't shut me out Mina. Please?" he said purring softly. Mina looked up at him, the tears shineing in her eyes. It broke Misto's heart to see her like that. He settled down next to her and licked away her tears.*

I woke up. My hands were shaking, and the tears were soaking into my fur. Wait a sec...FUR?!?! I looked in my mirrior. Yep, sure enough, FUR! I stepped closer to the mirrior, and looked at myself. All over my body was black fur. A white lighting bolt slanted across my face from the right. And my eyes... Goddess my eyes! The right was dark blue, and the left was gold. Both had little white lighting bolts in the center. I looked down at my hands and gasped. My nails were claws, sharp and deadly. I looked closer. There were little sparkes dancing on them! I looked in the mirrior in utter shock. As I looked at my reflection, the fur started to melt away and disapear. I stumbled over to my computer and flicked it on. As it booted up, I went and got a drink. When I went down, I thought someone had left the light on it was so bright. I looked over on the was off. Wait... I have NIGHT VISION!! I waited and stood there, and reliazed that I had all the senses of a cat. "Bast, Goddess of Cats, help me unders and please!" I wispered squeezing the cat pendent I wore on my neck. I went back upstairs my drink forgotten.

I got on my comp and called up my E-Mail. I E-Mailed Patchy and told her about my dreams...and my transformation. I E-Mailed Tansyleaf, Biranna, Rumpleteazer and told them what happend too. About 20 to 45 minutes later, they had all Mailed me back. Tha same thing had been happing to them. The dreams, and the waking up covered in fur. "Mina what the HECK is going on?" was the basic question. Patchy woke up covered in calico fur, Tansy woke up in black-brown mixed with white, Biraana all black, Rumpleteazer also a calico. I decided I'd write them all in the morning, and went to bed.

*I woke up. Misto was laying next to me, watching me. I looked down at my body, and saw that it was covered in black fur. I was in a half-cat half human state. I looked at Misto, who was by now sitting up.

"What's going on?! What's happing to me and my friends?!" I cried.

Misto gave me a look. "You mean you don't know? You don't remember?" he asked

"Remember what?" I asked.

"You, Patchy, Biranna, and Rumpleteazer, are one of us. One of the Jellicles. Your friends, family, and mates are calling to you, trying to get you to come back home. Quaxo and Old Deuteronomy are calling to Patchy, Alonzo and Kit are calling Tansyleaf, Samowi and Bleckania are calling to Biranna; Mungojerrie is calling Rumpleteazer, and I was calling you."

"Why? Why were you calling me?" I asked.

"Why?" he asked in confusion. "Don't you...don't you remember about us?" he asked stroking my cheek.

I started to purr. "What about us?" I mumered enjoying his petting.

"We're mates." said Misto.

I pulled away a little. "We're what?" I asked.

"We're mates. " Misto repeated.

"And Patchy, Biranna, Tansy and Rumpleteazer?" I asked. "Who are their mates?"

"Quaxo is Patchy's, Samowi's Biranna's, Tansy is Alonzo's mate and Munfojerrie is Rumpleteazer's."

I nodded. "That's cool. So why are you reaching out to us?"

"We want you to come home. We miss you."

"Oh. Is that why we're changing, growing fur?"

Misto nodded. "Your body is changing back, it knows what to do." I started to fade out.

"What's happening?" I asked.

"Your waking up." said Misto. He gave me a passionate kiss goodbye.

"Not bad." I thought. "It's like having a cat like you, except it's in my mouth. It's nice though." I thought slightly embarrassed at where my mind was going.

"I'll be back tomorrow night, to explain more." he wispered.

"Ok." I wispered back as I faded out of his arms.*

I awoke with a start. I could still feel Misto's kiss on my mouth. "Ok, so either I'm going insane, or this is really real." I sais as I stumbled over to my computer. I E-Mailed the girles and asked them if they had had the same sort of dream. Part of me wanted to go back to sleep to continue the dream, but I knew I'd have to wait untill tonight.

A little bit later all of the girls had Mailed me back. They had all had the same kind of dream. "Ok." I growled shuting off my computer, "What the HELL is going on?!? I know we belong with the Jellicles but I don't understand." I looked in the mirrior, my skin was darker. As a matter of fact in was starting to look like the color of my fur! My eyes were starting to change from dark brown to dark blue and gold. The lighting bolt across my face was startng to show up. "How long, untill all of us are toltaly changed?" I wondered. "How long, till we're compleatly Jellicle?"

*Mina was sitting in the Junk Yard. Patchy, Biranna, Tansy, and Rumpleteazer were sitting next to her. They all instinctively knew who the others were.

"Patchy?" Mina asked.

"Hi Mina." she said as they hugged.

"I was wondering if I 'd ever meet you." they both said.

"I'm your sister, of course you'd meet me." said Patchy.

The girls quickly got reaquaited with eachother. They started to fade out.

"What's happing?" cried Biranna and Rumple.

"We're not asleep, we're daydreaming, we're not as strong, so we can't stay here." said Patchy.

The girls flickered and faded. The last words they yelled to each other were: "See ya tonight!" Because they knew that everything would be explained tonight.*

I came out of my daze. I promtly E-Mailed the guys to see if the same thing had happened to them. It had. We had all really seen each other. "Cool." I said and waited for night to fall.

*Mina, Biranna, and Rumpleteazer sat on the tire waiting for Patchy. Patchy slowly appeared in front of the.

"Hey, about time you showed up." said Biranna.

"Sorry, had trouble falling asleep." replied Patchy.

"Look." said both Rumpleteazer and Mina pointing. A group of cats were coming towards them. The group was made up of Old Deuteronomy, Kit, Samowi, Quaxo, Alonzo, Mungojerrie, and Misto.

"What's going on?" asked Patchy.

"Don't you get it?" asked Mina. "We're no longer human; we're now Jellicle."

"You've best listen to her Patchy." Old Deuteronomy rumbled in hid baratone voice. Mina saw Misto and walked over to him. "I see one of you has found her mate." said Deuteronomy as Misto held Mina purring happily.

"But why are we turning into Jellicles?" asked Biranna.

"The four of you are Jellicles that got away from us. You were reborn into human bodies and we've spent all this time looking for you." explained Misto. "I was finally able to track you down by your mark."

"Mark?" the girls said.

"Right here." said Misto pointing to their temples. On their left temple was a mark the shape and size of a pawprint.

"It was made by your mates as a type of I.D. It only shows up when your on compleate cat form." said Alonzo.

By this time the other girls were sitting with their mates. "I'm glad we found you again." said Patchy as she rubbed her head agaist Quaxo. The others purred in agreement.

The End