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Cimmanon Helps Out

Tumblebrutus was balancing on a bar, when he saw Electra walk into the Junk Yard. He decided to talk to her, but before he could jump down, Alonzo startled him by saying,

“ So, are you finally going to tell her how you feel, about her?” Tumble gave his friend a fear filled nod. “ Well, good for you. Good luck.” Tumble smiled at him, then jumped off the bar. Once on the ground he casually walked up to her and said,,

“ Hey Electra.” She gave him a shy grin, and replied.,

“ Hi Tumble.” ,

“ El, I have something to talk to you about, in private,” he said softly.,

“ Okay,” Electra said, then started off to her own hiding place, a very old cabinet, which was missing a couple of doors. He followed her, glancing up to Alonzo on his way. Alonzo gave him a smile and a wink. Tumble nodded his head to the big black and white tom, but soon took his place by Electra’s side. When they reached the cabinet, Tumble waited to see if Electra was going to go inside, she decided not to. Instead she just sat down before it. He then sat facing her.,

“ What did you want to talk to me about?” she asked as she wiggled her whiskers slightly.,

“ Um, I don’t really know how to say this, but I really like you, and was wondering if you liked me also?” Tumble said quietly, and lowered his head.,

“ You do?” Electra asked walking to him. He nodded his head, which was still lowered, because he was so nervous. The red and grey feline placed her head under his chin to lift up his head. She looked him in his dark green eyes and said, “ Tumble, I really like you too.” Tumblebrutus broke into a smile of relief, and asked,,

“ Really?” She looked to him and sarcastically asked.,

“ Hey, do you have a brown patch over your right eye? Yes I really like you.” Tumble let out a happy mew, and Electra smiled at the male cat who was a couple of months older than her. He walked over to her, and they began to nuzzle each other. Alonzo, who had followed them, watched with a big smile on his face. They were acting just like him and Cassandra used to. He sighed, still smiling, and left so they could be alone.,

Alonzo found Mistoffelees resting on the old car in the Yard. He decided he’d drop off one of his comments about Jemima to him. Misto noticed his best friend, but before he could call out to him, Alonzo joined him.

“ Hey Misto,” Alonzo said batting his head playfully.

“ Hi Lonz, what are you up to?” Misto asked shaking his head a little. Alonzo sprawled out onto his back, to let the sun’s rays warm his belly and said,

“ Oh, I just watched Tumble and Lect, get together.”

“ Well, it’s about time,” Misto said, then said a bit confused, “ You watched them. How?”

“ Well, I asked Tumble this morning, when he was about to greet her, if he was going to tell her how he felt. He said he was so I followed them to Electra’s hideout.”

“ You spied on them?” Misto asked, not the least bit shocked. His friend was always spying on other cats.

“ Yeah, I couldn’t resist.” Mistoffelees shook his head at the older tom. Then Alonzo asked, “ What do you think about Jemima?” Misto now had a look of surprise on his white face. He knew Alonzo missed Cassandra, but Jemima was too young for him.

“ Isn’t she a bit young for you?”

“ Yeah, but not for you. You need a girl Misto, and Jemima is the perfect age. And she’s still fresh. Like you,” Alonzo said just a trifle louder than Misto wanted.

“ Shh,” Misto hissed. No one knew Misto had never been with a female before.

“ Oh, sorry pal, I forgot,” Alonzo said rolling onto his side.

“ That’s okay,” Misto said, then noticed Patch step into his view, but he was out of hers. He looked to Alonzo and smiled, then he called out, “ Hey Patchy!” Patchabie looked around, for the body to match the voice she knew too well.

When she couldn’t find it she cried, “ Okay Misto, enough with the voice throwing, where are you?”

“ I didn’t throw my voice, I’m simply out of your view. I’m on top of the car.” Patch then jumped onto the car, expecting to find it deserted. Misto always played games with her. Only when she got on top of it, she was utterly shocked to find both Mistoffelees and Alonzo up there.

“ Well, isn’t this a surprise? You actually didn’t play a trick on me,” she said as she gave him a friendly nuzzle, then went to give Alonzo one. Alonzo politely declined. She shrugged, and went to lie next to Misto.

“ So what are you two up to?”

“ Oh, I was just seeing about getting Misto here, hooked up with Jemima,” Alonzo replied. Mistoffelees sighed, he hated it when other cats tried to make decisions for him.

“ What’s wrong Misto? Don’t you like Jemmy?” Patch asked quietly.

“ I do, but I don’t like it when others say I need a girl,” Misto said hotly, looking to Alonzo. Patch looked to Alonzo also and said angrily,

“ You told him he needed a girl?”

“ Well, don’t you think it’s time he got one? I mean you both are the same age, and you have Quax,” Alonzo said flipping his tail back and forth.

“ Maybe, but I think Misto can take care of his own life, right Misto?” Patch asked looking to the spot where Misto had been, only to find him gone.

“ Now look what you’ve done!”

“ What I’ve done!” Alonzo said astonished. Patch just ignored him, plus the nasty calls he sent after her, and went to find Misto.

“ Watch me, Mum,” Cimmanon called to Rumpleteazer who was lying next to Mungojerrie on a leather couch. She looked up and watched her son try to push a potted plant off of a desk. She began to chuckle. Jerrie told him to turn around and push it off with his back feet. Cim did what his dad told him, and the plant fell to the ground with a loud crash.

“ Yay,” Teazer cried happily. Jerrie smiled. Their son was turning out just like them. Cim got off the desk, and trotted his 1-month-old self to his parents.

“ ‘Ow was that?” Cim asked when he’d gotten on the couch.

“ Very good,” Teazer said proudly and began to wash her son’s face.

“ The next thing we’re going to teach you is to steal food without getting caught,” Jerrie said.

“ Alright!” Cimmanon mewed. Teazer and Jerrie just smiled at their son. “Is it alright if I take a walk around the neighborhood?” Cim asked. Jerrie looked to Teazer and she nodded.

“ But, be back soon, we’re going to the Junk Yard later on.”

“ I will, thanks Mum.” Then he was out of the room, on his way to explore the big neighborhood in which he lived.

The air was crisp and clear in Victoria Grove. The sun was warming up the day, and there was a slight breeze blowing every now and then. Cimmanon was about to pass by a house that looked a little bit like his, when he heard,

“ Oh, daddy look a kitten!” Cim froze in his tracks, taken off guard, at the sudden outburst. Although he tried to run when he saw a small boy running up to him, but the boy caught him by his tail.

“ RREEOOWWW!!” he howled in pain. The young boy picked him up by the scruff of his neck, and carried him proudly to his daddy.

“ Can we keep him?” the boy asked his brown eyes sparkling.

“ No, son. I’m afraid we can’t,” his father replied and took Cimmanon out of the boy’s grasp. The man held Cim in his arms, and tried to calm the shaking kitten down.

“ Why not?” the boy whined, which made Cim flatten his ears against his head.

“ He belongs to someone already. He has a collar on, see,” the man said showing Cim’s black leather collar to the child.

“ Rats,” the kid said pouting; “ Can’t we just take the collar off him and say he’s ours?”

“ No, we can’t the people who own him might come looking for him, or maybe even his mother. He’s not very old,” the man said, scratching Cim behind his ears.

“ I may not be very old, but I’m smarter than your kid,” Cim thought bitterly to himself. Then he felt himself being placed on the ground. When he realized he was free, he took off to his place to be with his momma.

Patchabie found Mistoffelees sitting on one of the walls that surrounded the Yard. She jumped on to some clutter and then on to the wall to join him.

“ Misto, I’m really sorry for what happened down there with Alonzo, you, and me,” Patch said rubbing her head on his side. He looked to her, and his black eyes told her that he wasn’t mad at her.

“ I really don’t like it when Alonzo tries to set me up. He doesn’t think that I can find a feline on my own. I know I’m not as handsome of a tom as him—,” Misto was cut off by a,

“ No, you’re better looking than he is,” from Patch. Misto gave her a sad smile, then looked away. Patch nuzzled him.

“ I just wish that the felines I do fall for, aren’t involved with someone else, or like someone else,” Misto said looking back to her. Patch gave him an ‘I’m sorry’ look. Misto just gave her a little nod, and said,

“ It’s not your fault. I know that you are involved with Quaxo, and I’m happy for you and him. I just don’t know if Jem likes me, but I can tell you that I like that little calico kitten as much as I liked Victoria.”

“ Why don’t you go and talk to her,” Patch said wrapping her tail around his.

“ You know what, I think I will. Thanks Patchabie,” he said as he gave her a quick lick on her cheek, and teleported himself to the ground. She smiled to herself. She loved it when she helped other cats out. Then she felt herself rising in the air, and she knew that Mistoffelees was bringing her down. After he saw that she was safely on the ground he gave her a grin, and was off to find Jemima.

Tantomile looked depressed when Mistoffelees came up to her. “ What’s the matter Tanty?” Misto asked solemnly, then noticed Coricopat wasn’t with her, “Where’s Corico?” Misto asked after he’d let her rub her head on his chest.

“ He had to go to the vet,” Misto grimaced.

“ Why?”

“ Well, we were asleep in the middle of the floor, when he all of a sudden got his back leg stepped on. Our masters took him there to see if it was broken,” she sighed. She looked pitiful. Misto knew that they had never spent a day apart since they where born. He nuzzled her for a while, then asked her if she’d seen Jemima.

“ She’s in our chamber sleeping.”

“ What’s she doing in there?” Misto asked surprised. No one ever stayed in the twin’s chamber without them in it, unless they were hurt.

“ She got chased by a giant dog this morning, and she got bit by it, a couple of times. Nothing bad. She was more shook up than anything. Why do you need to talk to her?”

“ Yes, if I have your permission to go to your chamber, alone,” Misto said politely. Tantomile nodded, and a small smile was seen. “ Thanks, I won’t stay too long, I promise.” With that he was off to the tunnel that led to the chamber.

Once inside, he saw Jemima sleeping on a pile of rags. Misto walked over and sat next to her. Being the light sleeper she is she woke up. She looked up to Mistoffelees and smiled.

“ Hi,” she said quietly.

“ Hello.”

“ Do you need to talk to me about something?” Misto nodded his head, and his heart began to race. “ Well, go on.”

“ Jemima, I need to know how you feel about me.”

“ Why, did Alonzo say something to you about me?” she asked her anger starting to rise if Alonzo had said something he shouldn’t have about her feelings for him.

“ He stated that I needed a feline, and he asked me what I thought about you. At first I was mad at him for trying to set me up, then Patch came and told me that I should go after you, if I really liked you. I do Jemima. I’m in love with you. I always have been. The feelings I had for Vici, that was just a crush, but I truly love you. That’s why I need to know how you feel about me,” Misto mewed softly. Jemima couldn’t stop the smile from growing on her face.

“ You have no idea, what this means to me. I love you too. I told Alonzo, but he didn’t tell you,” Jemima squealed.

“ So, that’s why he asked me that question, it was a favor for you,” Misto said, but he couldn’t believe Alonzo could actually keep a secret. “ This is great, we both love each other!”

“ And we would have never gotten together had it not been for Patch and Alonzo,” Jemima said, as she rubbed her head under his chin. Misto began to purr very loudly, then lied down with her. This was the happiest day of his life, next to getting to stay in the Jelllicles.

It was mid afternoon when Jellylorum entered the Junk Yard with Gus at her side. They were greeted by Admetus and Plato.

“ Hi Jelly, Gus,” Admetus said, then rubbed against Gus. Gus was getting pretty weak, and he meowed to let Admetus know he didn’t want to be rubbed against. Admetus stopped and jumped onto a pail to let them pass.

“ If you’re looking for Munku, he isn’t here yet,” Plato informed them. Jelly thanked the young tom, and helped Gus farther into the Junk Yard. When they were out of Plato and Admetus’ range, Plato asked if Admetus thought Gus would be the next Jellicle chosen to go to the Heavyside Layer.

“ Probably, if he makes it that long,” Admetus said, then jumped off his pail.

“ Come on, let’s go get some lunch.” Plato agreed and followed Metus out of the Junk Yard.

Electra and Tumblebrutus were lying down together when Etcetera came up to them.

“ Hi guys,” she said a touch of boredom in her voice.

“ What’s wrong?” Electra asked sensing something wasn’t right.

“ I’m just a little bored, I guess. So what are you guys up to?” she asked walking behind Tumble to play with his tail.

“ Cettie, um, me and Tumble are partners now,” Electra said smiling at the brown and white tom at her side. He licked her face.

“ Wow, that’s great!” Etcetera cried out gleefully. “ So, who asked who?”

“ Tumble came to me and confessed his feelings for me, and I told him that I felt the same about him.” Etcetera smiled at her friends. Then she walked over to lie next to Electra. Electra began to lick her good friend’s ears, and Cetera started to purr a little. She knew she’d feel better if she saw Electra. Tumble then began to groom Electra’s neck. She smiled, but didn’t stop grooming Cetera.

“ Aaahhh, what happened to your nose?!” Sootaput’s kitten voice rang out through the Junk Yard. The three stopped what they were doing, and decided to go investigate the purpose for the sudden outburst. When they found her, she was nuzzling Tugger. Tumblebrutus then noticed Tugger’s nose; it had been badly scratched. Although it wasn’t just his nose, all around his muzzle, he could see scratch marks.

“ Dang Tugg, who did you make mad?” Tumble asked, arching his eyebrows. Etcetera was just as furious as Sooty. She demanded that he tell them who did that to him.

“ It was Patchabie,” he said, lowering his head from embarrassment. Electra and Tumble fell over laughing. Etcetera and Sootaput glared at the pair, then said in unison.

“ Just wait ‘til I get my claws on her.” They then looked at each other, surprised that they had said the same thing. They smiled at each other, and Etcetera said that they’d see them later. Tugger knew a fight was going to break out if they found her, and he stepped in front of them, and said,

“ Don’t you dare touch her, I deserved this. I hit her after she was being nice to me, by warning me that if I didn’t stop making my master lady mad at me, I might end up a stray, like Alonzo and Tumble. No offense Tumble.”

“ None, taken.” The young females looked to Tugger in surprise.

“ You mean, you don’t care that she messed up your appearance?” Soot asked.

“ Like I said, I deserved it, she was only concerned about me.” Etcetera and Sootaput shrugged, then began to nuzzle their beloved Tugger. Electra and Tumble smiled at them, as Tugger groaned. He hated being ‘cuddled’.

“ See ya later,” Tumble said over his shoulder as he and Electra left. Rum Tum Tugger sighed and let the kittens nuzzle him, he knew it made them feel better, and it sort of made him feel better also.

When the three prankster’s entered the Junk Yard, Cimmanon told his mom that he was going to find Alonzo. Teazer nodded, and he left the entrance of the Yard. He found Alonzo, grumbling to himself about the argument he and Patch had gotten into. Cim bounded up to the large tom, and Alonzo smiled at him.

“ What can I do for you, little Cim?” he asked as the kitten walked up to him.

“ You’re a stray, right?” Cim asked, cautiously, just in case he was wrong.

“ Yeah, why?”

“ Well, I almost got taken in by a young boy today who wants a cat. If ‘e knows you’re a stray, maybe ‘e will get to keep you, that is, if you want a ‘ome?” Alonzo looked at the kitten wide-eyed. No one had ever offered to help him find a home, and now here was a little kitten, wanting to help. He was touched, and became speechless. “ What’s wrong?” Cim mewed softly.

“ I-I- I don’t know what to say, you’d do that for me?” Cim looked to the older male, and was confused.

“ Yeah, why is that such a shock?”

“ No one has ever offered to help me.”

“ Oh. Well, come on, let’s go find my parents and tell them, that we are going back to Victoria Grove.” Alonzo, got up, not really knowing why, he was still in too much shock that someone actually wanted to help him, and followed the orange kitten with black and white stripes. Cim found his mom talking with Demeter. When they noticed both cats the ladies smiled at them.

“ Mummie?” Cim asked, standing before her.

“ Yes dear?” she answered, and Dem grinned at the mother and son.

“ Is it all right, if Alonzo and I go back to Victoria Grove?”

“ Why do you need to?” she asked concerned and looked to Alonzo, who just looked at Cim.

“ Well, earlier today, a boy tried to keep me, because ‘e wants a cat, although ‘is father let me go, once ‘e saw I ‘ad a collar on, and I was just going to take Alonzo over there, so ‘e could get a ‘ome,” Cim said proudly.

Teazer stared at her son, her mouth agape. Dem, gave Cimmanon a nuzzle and told him that was a generous thing to do for a fellow Jellicle. “ Can I Mummie?” Teazer nuzzled her son’s head and said that he could. He let out a grateful cry, and started for the exit. Rumpleteazer and Demeter watched as the black and white tom followed the little kitten out of the Junk Yard. Demeter looked to Teazer after they were out of the Yard and said,

“ You have a very sentimental son. You taught him well.” Teazer gave her a sweet smile as she welled inside with a new sense of pride. One that may even bring her to stop doing all of the naughty things she had been doing, but she’d have to think about that.

“ It’s not far from ‘ere,” Cim, told Alonzo. Alonzo just nodded, for he was too busy taking in the beauty of the neighborhood he was probably soon to join. “ ‘Ere it is,” Cim said stopping in front of the three story house, that was big enough to be a small mansion.

“ Wow,” Alonzo breathed. “ I’m going to live here?”

“ If they take you in, yes,” Cimmanon replied, not quite understanding why Alonzo was so star- struck, so to speak.

“ Why are you doing this for me, honestly?” Alonzo asked the small kitten at his side. “ Why not Tumble?” Cim looked up to the black and white fighter tom, and said honestly,

“ Because I look up to you. You are always so calm and relaxed, unlike my parents. I don’t know ‘ow to tell them, that I don’t like it when they mess up the ‘ouse. You are best friends with a magical cat; you can get any female you want, kind of like Tugger, but you only chose to stick with Cassandra, so I was told. To put it short, you are my big brother. Tumble is nice, yes, but you are the one I look up to,” Cim said, looking back to the house. Alonzo was so touched it brought tears to his eyes, then a sudden cry from a child brought him back to his ready to fight stage.

“ Daddy look, the kitten that was here this morning is back, and he has another cat with him!” Cim then saw the child run out of the front door, which almost sent Alonzo into a hissing fit. Cim told him to relax, because it was the kid he was telling him about. Alonzo had just calmed down, when the boy picked him up off the ground.

“ Hey! What the—,” Alonzo said to himself. Cimmanon, began to giggle as he watched Alonzo squirm under the boy’s grasp. The boy’s father came outside, then and told his son to put Alonzo down.

“ But dad he doesn’t have a collar. He’s a stray. That’s why this kitten brought him here, he knew that I wanted a cat!” the boy squealed with delight, which made Alonzo grit his teeth.

“ Okay, maybe you are semi-smart,” Cim thought to himself about the boy.

“ Can we keep him dad, please?”

“ Set him down, and see what he does,” the dad said, the boy did what he was told, and Alonzo ran behind the child’s father. The dad looked down to Alonzo, who then rubbed against his leg and meowed. Cim watched in amazement, at Alonzo’s response. “ Well, I guess he can stay,” the dad said, reaching down to pick the black and white tom up. Alonzo quickly jumped out of the dad’s way, he hated to be held. He then walked over to Cimmanon, and thanked him. The humans watched, and waited until Alonzo walked up to them, and then disappeared into the house, but not until he told Cim that he’d see him later on that night. Cim nodded, and watched Alonzo disappear behind a closing door. Cimmanon had a big smile on his face, as he walked back to the Junk Yard.

The End
