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Checkatie Checks In Part II

While Maro was looking for the twins, Coricopat was looking for her. He spotted her walking past the entrance to his sister and his chamber. Jumping down from his perch he slowly walked up to her.

“ Oh, Coricopat hi. I was just looking for you and your sister. Where is she anyway?” Maro asked when she saw that he was by himself.

“ Jellylorum asked for her, to help with someone,” he said smiling.

“ Oh,” Maro replied, not letting him know, she knew who she was helping.

“ So, why were you looking for me?” Coricopat prodded.

“ Huh? Oh, I just wanted to talk with you guys,” she lied. She really wanted to see Coricopat.

“ Oh, okay,” he said, somewhat hurt. Then he did something he thought he’d never do. He began to lick her ears and rub against her. She tensed, then looked up to him. He smiled at her, but it spooked her and she ran. She didn’t know why. She wanted him to do that, but something inside told her it was too good to be true. Coricopat called after her, but she didn’t hear anything or see anything until she bumped into someone. It was Tugger.

“ Hey, watch where you’re going!” he sneered.

“ I’m sorry,” she said panting. Tugger’s snarl turned into a look of sympathy and confusion when he saw the queen’s face.

“ Are you okay?” he asked rubbing his head with hers. She backed away and ran again. Confusion, happiness, and pain all filled her head. She had to find Demeter.

>^.^< Meanwhile, back in the drier she shared with Quaxo, Patch was telling her mate everything that happened, as she tried her hardest not to cry. It didn’t work, and soon she was bawling her head off again. Quaxo pulled her close to him, and she cried into his chest. She didn’t know why she was crying so much, she was usually strong when it came to things like this. The light brown tom just held her close, and rocked her back and forth. Patchabie stopped crying, and nuzzled her tom. He smiled down to her, and she gave him a small kiss.

“ I love you very much,” Quaxo purred to his queen.

“ I love you to,” she purred back, as she hugged him tight. ‘No matter what happens, I can always count on my Quaxy to help me out,’ she thought to herself.

>^.^< Demeter was engaged in a conversation with Exotica when Maro came running up to her.

“ Maro, sweetie what’s the matter?” Demeter asked when the grey queen stopped to catch her breath, and began to cry.

“ I need to talk to you,” she gasped.

“ Would you excuse us,” Demeter said apologetically to the dark brown siamese queen. Exotica nodded sympathetically, and left, nuzzling Maro as she did. This time Maro didn’t tense, for it was another female. Once Ex was gone, Demeter asked again,

“ Are you okay? What’s the matter?”

“ I don’t know. First Patchy’s mom is dying, then I find out we’re sisters. Next thing I know I have Coricopat rubbing against me, then Tugger.”

“ Whoa, slow down. Start from the beginning. So Maro told her the whole story about Patchabie, her mom, and brother. Then she told her that she found out that she and Patchy were sisters. When she came to Coricopat she paused. “ Go, on,” Dem pressed.

“ Well, I really like him, and all. I guess I didn’t really expect him to like me back. Because you know, he’s really reserved, and always with his sister. And when he rubbed against me, I thought that it was too good to be true. You know what I mean?” Demeter nodded. It was the same way with her and Munkustrap for awhile.

“ Don’t worry, if it’s meant to be, it will work out,” Dems smiled.

“ Thanks,” Maro said rubbing the older queen’s shoulder, with her head.

“ Anytime.”

>^.^< Mistoffelees took Jemima to his spot in the Junk Yard. No one knew about it at all. It was under a bunch of junk, and Misto had chose that on purpose. His place was somewhat dark, but it didn’t matter, they were cats. It was warm, and had a couple of blankets and cushions in it. Jemima plopped down on one of the cushions, and Misto lied next to her.

“ What do you need to talk to me about?” Jems asked, resting her head on his shoulder. Misto swallowed hard, and began. “ I don’t know what happened to my parents. I told everyone that Macavity had killed them. The truth is, I was abandoned shortly after I had received my sight. That’s how I know what my mother looked like. I never got to see my father though,” Misto sniffled and continued. “ I wandered about the streets, looking for a home, and I met Macavity. I had never seen him

before, or heard anything bad about him, so I became his friend and accomplice. I stole for him, terrorized pollicles, and even harmed other cats, as well as cat-napping a few,” he broke off, as tears poured down his cheeks. “ They were only babies Jem. I stole innocent little kittens, for that creep.” Jemima nuzzled him, and tried to lick his tears away, but they kept coming. “ I didn’t know anything else, but that lifestyle. But then, I met you and Vici, and--,” Misto couldn’t say anymore, but she had already heard the story when he confessed to the Jellicles about him working for Macavity. Although, she knew there was something more to his story that he wasn’t telling her. He began to speak again, “ I just wish I could take all of what I did back. Jemima, I need to tell you something, but first I need you to promise me, that you won’t leave me,” he mewed softly as the tears shone in his black eyes.

“ I promise,” she said quietly.

“ Jemi, you and Elie have two brothers, who still work for Macavity. The thing is after Jenny had her litter, I stole your brothers for Macavity,” Misto hung his head as Jemima gasped, and began to weep.

“ Does my mother know about this?” she said quietly.

“ No, I hypnotized her, as soon as I snatched them. The names that Macavity gave them are Helios and Shamus. I’m so sorry Jem,” he said and rubbed against his mate. Surprisingly, she rubbed back, then cried into his shoulder.

>^.^< Back in Jenny’s oven, they were working hard on keeping Tinsletoot alive. They weren’t doing so well. Finally Jelly took Old Deuteronomy aside and whispered, “ She’s not going to make it through the night. You might want to say good-bye now.” Old Deuteronomy looked to the ground and nodded. Jelly nuzzled him, as silent tears began to fall from her eyes.

“ Come Jenny, Tantomile, let’s leave Old Deuteronomy alone,” Jellylorum said walking towards her best friend and the mystical female. They acknowledged their friend, and left with her to leave their loving leader alone with his dying sister. When they were gone, Deuteronomy didn’t know where to begin, so he sat where he was until a weak cry came from the frail calico.

“ Come here, Deut.” The large grey, brown, and black tom slowly walked to her, blinded by his tears. “ Sit down,” she forced out. He sat, and she grabbed his paw. “ I just wanted to say,” she struggled, “ That I am so proud of you.” Old Deuteronomy’s tears began to fall once more at his older sister’s compliment.

“ Thank you,” he said softly, and squeezed her paw. Then gently picked her up, and walked out of the oven with her. He needed to get her to the Heavyside Layer, and was going to do just that. Once out of the oven he began to shakily call the cats in his deep baritone voice.

“ Jellicle Cats, come out today. Jellicle Cats come one come all!!” Slowly all of the Jellicles began to emerge from there places. When Coricopat appeared, he took Tinsletoot from his leader, and held her for him. Misto and Jemima were the last ones to show up.

“ Now that you are all here, I wish to inform you, that at the next Jellicle Ball, no one will be going to the Heavyside Layer, because I’m sending my sister to it now,” he said, then wiped at his eyes. No Jellicle spoke, but simply nodded their heads. They agreed with their leader.

She needed to go, and no other Jellicle deserved to go to the Layer more than her. Once he saw he had the approval of his tribe, the wise leader called upon the glorious staircase that led into the enchanting heaven. As soon as it was down Patchabie and Checkatie said good-bye to their mother, and Munkustrap said farewell to his aunt, even though he didn’t know her. Then Old Deuteronomy let Coricopat walk her to the top. The mystical male walked backwards, so he couldn’t see all of the wonders of the Heavyside. When he reached the top, he closed his eyes, and turned around to set the light calico down. He placed her gently on the top step, and told her good-bye. Turning back around, he opened his eyes, and walked back to the group. Patchabie held her brother and sister’s paws tight, and began to sing to keep her from crying.

“ Up, up, up, past the Russell Hotel. Up, up, up, up to the Heavyside Layer.” Soon all of the other Jellicles were singing it, as the Layer was closing.

“ Good-bye Momma,” Patchabie whispered, as she watched her mom disappear along with the Layer itself. Munku went to comfort his dad, who had collapsed into a large heap of sobs. Patchabie hugged Marolene tight, and Checkatie left the group. He didn’t know these cats, and all he wanted was to be alone.

>^.^< “ Momma Jen, there’s something that I need to tell you,” Misto said to the already weeping queen.

“ What is it dear,” she said wiping her eyes, and forcing a smile to the young tom. Misto swallowed hard,

“ Um, well, there’s no easy way to say this, is there Jemima?” the elegant calico shook her small head, as she held back tears of forgiveness. She had forgiven him, but he still needed to do this. “ Jen, you have two sons, who are still working to keep Macavity’s memory alive,” he said as Jenny gasped and began to weep again. The same reaction that he had received from Jemima.

“ What, how can this be. I would have known if I had two more kittens than Jemi and Elie,” Jenny said shocked, and confused.

“ I hypnotized you after I stole them for Macavity. I’m really sorry, I wish I could take it back,” Misto said as his voice cracked with fresh sobs.

“ Well, there’s nothing we can do about it now,” Jenny said running a friendly hand down the black and white toms cheek. “ Misto, honey, I forgive you, because I know you were young, and misled. Now all you have to do is tell Skimble. He should be here in a couple of hours,” Jenny said wiping the tears from the tom’s cheeks, but more fell in their place. “ Oh, baby, I love you so much,” she said embracing the weeping tomcat. He didn’t care about his image, he needed to release all of this bottled up past and loneliness. Jemima held his hand silently as he poured his heart out in the Gumbie Cat’s orange fur of her chest.

>^.^< “ Checkers, where are you?” Patchabie’s soft voice called out. She received a small mew as a response. It came from a trash can on its side. Peering into the garbage can, she saw her brother. He was shaking, and curled into a tight, tight ball. “ What’s the matter?” she asked letting herself into the dark can.

“ I don’t know these cats, and yet they’ve sent our mom to the Heavyside Layer. I know that you know them, and trust them, but I just didn’t feel comfortable letting them send her.”

“ Oh, I’m sorry,” Patch said lying next to her brother. She nuzzled him under his chin, and he began to purr softly. “ Would you like to meet more of your kind now? You are a Jellicle too you know?” she said, looking her twin square in the face. His green and yellow eyes were glowing, and he nodded. “ Good, because, I wasn’t going to let you leave!” Patchabie laughed, which made him chuckle. She helped him up, and then gave him a hug. She felt much better, and hoped he did too.

“ Well, are you going to hug me all day, or are you going to introduce me to your friends?” Checks smiled. She gave him a light punch on his arm, then led him out of the trash can, and into the heart of the Junk Yard. They were greeted by Victoria and Alonzo.

“ Hello Vici, Lonz,” Patch said to the couple, as they lie sprawled out on a torn blanket, entangled in each other’s arms and legs. “ I would like you to meet my twin brother Checkatie. Checkatie, this is Alonzo and Victoria.”

“ Nice to meet you,” Alonzo said.

“ Hi,” Victoria said in her usual sweet voice. Checkatie felt a pang of jealousy as he saw how beautiful Victoria was, but he disregarded it, for he knew that she was already claimed. “ I’m so sorry for your loss,” the white queen added.

“ Yeah, me too,” the white and black tom said.

“ Thanks,” Check said smiling, he was already liking these Jellicles.

“ Well, we must be going,” Patch said nudging her brother, “ He still has a lot of Jellicles to meet.” Victoria and Alonzo said goodbye to the siblings, and went back to there cuddling.

“ So, you like Vici, huh?” Patch said when they were out of earshot.

“ She’s quite exquisite,” Checks admitted.

“ Remember this though, ‘she’s taken’,” Patchabie said glancing at her twin who only smiled and nodded. Then she spotted Tugger absorbing what ever sun rays were left, while he lay atop the old car. The calico queen, groaned, but to her relief she saw Demeter and Bombalurina close by. She silently thanked the Heavyside, and led the calico tom to the sisters.

“ Hello Bom, Dem,” the young queen smiled as she walked up to the gorgeous, older queens.

“ Hey Patchy girl,” Bomba smiled back. “ How are you holding up?”

“ I’m okay, thanks,” she said rubbing her shoulder with the sleek red queens.

“ And who is the one that looks exactly like you,” Bom said looking behind Patchy.

“ Well, I was getting to him. Bom, this is my twin brother Checkatie. Checks, this is Bombalurina.”

“ A pleasure,” he said.

“ Ooh, watch out Bomby, I think he likes you,” Demeter giggled.

“ And this is Bombalurina’s younger sister, and Cousin Munk’s mate Demeter.”

“ Nice to meet you, and I’d have to get to know your sister better,” he said flatly.

“ My mistake,” Demeter said giving him a look of apology.

“ That’s okay.”

“ Hey, what’s wrong with me?” Bom huffed playfully and struck a pose which made the small group burst into laughter.

“ Hey, you guys, want to play a little trick on Tugger?" Patchy asked the sisters. They looked at each other, smiled, then looked back to the calico queen.

“ Just tell us what to do,” Bom said smiling.

“ Well, you know how Checkers looks exactly like me, only a tad bit bigger, but not enough to notice?” the sexy queens nodded. Checks looked to his sister confused and unsure.

“ Ok, why don’t we have you two go up to the Tugger with Checkers, pretending it’s me. You see, I know that he’s forgiven me.” At that last statement, the older queens smiled really wide.

“ Are you up to it Checkers?” Patch asked.

“ Only for you Patches,” he said sighing and shaking his head at his unbelievable sister. She thanked him and promised she make it up to him.

“ Yeah right,” Checks said.

“ Alright, let’s go. Patchy you make yourself hidden somehow,” Demeter said. With that the three of them were off to the car. When they reached it, they jumped onto it.

“ Hi Tugger Bugger,” Bom cooed.

“ Hey,” he said lazily to the red queen. Then when he spotted Checkatie he got up.

“ Hey Patchy, um, I just wanted to let you know that I’m not mad at you for what you did to my nose. It actually taught me a good lesson. So, I guess what I’m trying to say is, thanks.” Then he gave Checkatie a hug and rubbed heads with him. Checkatie dove right into his part.

“ What are you doing you nutcase, can’t you see that I’m a tom, not a queen.” Tugger was caught off guard by this, and quickly jumped back, stammering some excuses. Bom and Dem rolled on the top of the car with laughter, holding their stomachs’ and kicking their legs in the air.

Patchabie howled with laughter from her hiding place. Tugger’s tan face went dark red with humiliation. Checkatie jumped off the car followed by the queens, shouting over his shoulder,

“ I’m Patchabie’s twin by the way!”

>^.^< It was now dusk in the Junk Yard, and Checkatie had met everyone, except for the twins and Sootaput. Skimbleshanks had entered the Junk Yard and was suddenly attacked by his grandchildren.

“ Hi Grandpa Skimple,” Kiabell said jumping into his grandfather’s arms for a hug.

“ Did you bring us anything from the train station?” Jasperjem asked.

“ Well, uh, no,” Skimble said, trying to pry Kiabell from his chest, but couldn’t. He gave up, and began to laugh happily, for he loved his grandchildren so. Finally Kia let go. Misto and Jemima jumped down from Pouncival’s chair, to claim their children.

“ Go find Aunt Victoria and Uncle Alonzo,” Jemima told the four kittens. They knew that the pair weren’t their real aunt and uncle, but that’s what they had been told to call them.

“ Okay Mommy,” Joqui said, and led her brothers away from their parents and grandpa. When they were gone, Misto quietly spoke to Skimble.

“ Dad,” he said for he was technically his father now.

“ Yes Mistoffelees,” the Railway Cat asked tiredly.

“ I need to talk to you about something important. Jemima and Momma Jen already know about this—,”

“ Yes we do,” Jennyanydots said coming out from her oven, and walking over to the disheveled magic cat.

“ I’ll just come right out and say this. Right after Momma Jen had the litter that contained Jemima and Elie, she had two tom kittens, who I stole for Macavity. Macavity named them Shamus and Helios. The reason Jenny didn’t know is because I hypnotized her as soon as I stole them. I’m so very sorry,” Misto said hanging his head, he really loved Skimbleshanks, and now he felt that he let him down. Jemima, who was standing behind him, wrapped her arms around his waist, and laid her head on his back. Skimble just stood there, not knowing whether to cry or beat the young tom senseless. Not being a fighter tom anymore, he chose the first one, although, being a tom, he didn’t cry for long.

“ Mistoffelees, I understand that when you did that, you were really confused and very young. So, I forgive you.” Misto sunk to his knees in relief and began to cry happy tears.

>^.^< Checkatie was talking with his sisters, when Munkustrap came up to them.

“ Hello Cousin Munk,” Patchy said sweetly.

“ Hi,” he sighed.

“ What’s wrong?” Marolene asked. Munku looked away for a moment, then looked back to the trio.

“ I wish I had known her,” Munkustrap said looking to the sky.

“ Oh, well, you do know her, through Uncle Deuteronomy, myself, and Checkers,” Patch said standing up and walking to her cousin.

“ I know, but I wish I had gotten to know her better before she left," he said looking to his elegant cousin.

“ Me too. You see I got separated from her when I was young,” the small calico said.

“ I’m sorry,” Munks said, rubbing his shoulder with hers.

“ That’s okay, I know who she is through Uncle D, and Checkers.”

“ No wonder you’re so strong willed,” the silver and black tabby smiled.

“ Why is that?” Patch asked confused.

“ You know how to look for the strength you have inside yourself, as well as share it with those around you,” he said.

“ So, you think I have to be strong to see my mother in my family?”

“ Yes, because I don’t know how to do that?” Munku admitted.

“ Neither do I,” Checkatie confessed.

“ Me neither,” Marolene said honestly.

“ Thanks you guys,” Patch said grinning, “ Although, I didn’t need cheering up. So, why are you doing this?”

“ I didn’t plan to do this, I just came to tell you I wish I had known my aunt,” Munku said.

“ That’s right,” Patch said sitting down.

“ Is something wrong?” Marolene asked.

“ I don’t know,” the calico queen said. “ I’m starting to feel real dizzy,” Patch said lying down.

“ Pick her up. Let’s get her to Quaxo’s drier,” Marolene told the toms. She wasn’t very big, so Checks just picked her up real easily, and followed the small grey queen to Quaxo’s drier.

>^.^< “ What in the Heavyside happened to her!!!” Quaxo yelled, at the small group as Checkatie put her down gently.

“ We don’t know,” Marolene said, trying to calm the light brown tom down.

“ I’ll be alright Quaxo. I’m just feeling a little sick right now,” she said grabbing her mate’s paw. “ Cousin Munk, Checkers could you leave us for a while? Please?”

“ As you wish Patches,” the calico tom said, nuzzling his sister before he jumped out of the drier.

“ You take care of her Maro,” Munkustrap said before he left. A few moments later Patchy asked,

“ Are they gone?” Marolene looked out of the drier,

“ Yes sis, they are.” Patch gripped Quaxo’s paw tighter, as tears formed in her eyes.

“ Maro, come over here,” Patch said to her sis. Marolene walked over to where her best friend lay.

“ Yes?” Patchabie took in a deep breath and grabbed her best friend’s small paw.

“ I’m pregnant,” she said as a tear of happiness slipped down her cheek.

“ You’re what?? You mean, I’m going to be a daddy??” Quaxo said shocked. Patch nodded her head.

“ I’m going to be an aunt!!” the grey queen said as she hugged her sister tight. Quaxo began to nuzzle his mate and Marolene.

“ Oh, my goodness, I’m so happy,” Quaxo choked.

“ How long have you known?” Marolene asked.

“ 1 month,” Patchy said happily.

“ Why didn’t you tell us sooner?” Quax asked.

“ I wanted to be sure,” the calico queen smiled, and licked her mate’s cheek.

“ I’m going to be an aunt!!!” Maro said again and began to dance around the small drier, bumping into the pair. They only laughed. She stopped and hugged her sister again, then hugged Quaxo. They were so happy that they didn’t notice Persephone, Shamus, and Helios watching them, until it was too late, and they jumped into the drier, knocking them all unconscious, and dragging them out of the Junk Yard in the same sheet they had used for them the first time.

To Be Continued...........