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Even Rats Have Children

Mungojerrie limped through the junkyard, Rumpleteazer by his side. If one looked closely enough they might catch sight of the two or three feline shadows that seemed to float through the darkness, making up his escort. Jerrie was healing well and would soon by fit enough to protect himself but he enjoyed feeling like a kitten again, mother hovering near to bail him out of trouble. Jerrie stopped for a rest and smiled as Rumpleteazer started fussing over him thinking he’d stopped due to pain.

A small burst of light popped into life behind a pile of boxes which startled Jerrie’s escort into revealing thier positions by knocking various things over.

A small black kitten stumbled into view, wide eyed and dazed. With a sneeze she sat down and blinked furiously. Bombalurina hopped out of the shadows and poked the kitten with her nose. “You alright Sootaput?” Bomby asked.

“Now I understand why Uncle Mistoffelees told me to close my eyes!” Sootaput laughed at herself and smiled up at Bombalurina.

“How are your lessons going?” Mungojerrie called to the kitten from where he sat.

Sootaput sauntered over to him and purred. “He says I’m doing well but he often gets mad at me for ‘chasing butterflies’ during my lessons. Or so he says anyway.”

Rumpleteazer let out a signature giggle. “It’s all that time you spent with Alonzo!”

“Well Uncle Alonzo’s lessons are so much easyer to understand and I don’t get so dizzy!” she replied with a smirk.

Mistoffelees came into view with a poof and gave Sootaput a once over to make sure she hadn’t blown herself up like he’d thought. “What happened?! I saw that from my garden!”

“I was practising the lightening spell but it just won’t work!” she answered unhappily.

He frowned. “But that one’s simple! Show me how your doing it!”

Sootaput nodded, stood in a balanced position and began to spin. She spun until she was nothing but a small black cyclone. As she spun a golden bubble began to form in the center of the furry hurricane. Sootaput suddenly stopped and stood in the balanced position again until the world stopped spinning. The golden bubble hung suspended a foot from the ground and the older cats looked at it with curiosity. “Now close your eyes everybody, it gets kinda bright.” she told the cats around her. Carefully she unsheathed a claw and poked it into the bubble careful to close her eyes. The bubble erupted into a flash of color and light, blinding to any that looked directly at it.

“Now I understand!” Mistoffelees suddenly yelled, scaring the other cats out of their bafflement. He lead the kitten away babbling about magic and energies.

“Well that was interesting.” Jerrie announced, turning to shrug at Rumpleteazer.

“I think I’d better take you back, you need a nap.” Rumple smiled at Jerrie and the pair began to head back to Coricopat and Tantomile’s home. The shadow escort returned to the shadows and crept quietly after the pair.

With an angry chitter a large rat blinked unhappily and scratched at it’s aching head before running off to report.

Sootaput slept in the center of her five uncles. Plato, Cuaxo, Tumblebrutus, Poucival, and Alonzo slept peacefully, making up the kittens bed.

A large tan tom cat snuk up to the group and let out his impression of a “Macavity Laugh.” All six cats awoke with a jump and got into a defensive position looking about. Alonzo spotted the cat first and tackled him with a laugh. “Carbuckety! Your back!” he cried.

“You bet!” Carbuckety laughed and rubbed against each cat in turn.

“Oh! Carbuckety. Meet Sootaput.” Plato grinned, showing the tan cat to the black kitten. Carbuckety gave a catish bow.

“Hello Sootaput. I’m Carbuckety.”

Sootaput nodded shyly to the larger cat before Tumble piped up. “There is lots to tell you about Carbuckety but we’d better go see Munkustrap first.”

Carbuckety agreed and they all ran off to find the silver tabby.

Munkustrap smiled, “Welcome back Carbuckety. I was wondering if you’d ever find the time to come back for a visit.”

“Thank you, sir. Truth be told, sir. I think I’m back for good. Family went off to America and left me behind, sir. I tell you, sir, it’s good to be back!” he replied, bowing respectably.

“Well now that your here you help with the Mungo and Macavity watches.”

“The what watches?”

“LONG story!” Cuaxo called.

“You can hear the tale later. For now, rest.”Munkustrap told him.

“Yes sir, sir! I’ll go fufill those direct orders now, sir!”

Munkustrap laughed and motioned them away. Carbuckety and his friends padded away talking and exchanging stories, leaving Sootaput alone with Munkustrap.

“Can I help you little one?” he asked, lying down.

“Sir? I want to know what we’re doing about Macavity.”

The question apperantly caught the tom off gaurd because his ears perked and his eyes widened. “I know you don’t like him, Sootaput, but I don’t want you using your small time as a kitten tracking him down.”

Sootaput looked at the ground and played with the dirt nervously. “He needs to be stopped. We’ve done almost nothing to do so. He is severely injured and probably ratless! What better time then now to eliminate him?”

Munkustrap frowned as Tugger loped into view. “Eliminate? Awfully big word, Sootaput.” he said sternly.

Sootaput looked up at her gaurdian. “Well it’s true!”

“We cannot underestimate his resources, little one. We must wait until everything is confirmed.” Munku told her.

“But your doing nothing to confirm it!” she cried.

“Not true. We have watches on his house twenty-four hours a day now!”

“For all your watches he could have left the building!” she hissed.

Tugger murred angrily and Munkustrap frowned. Sootaput realized she’d crossed the line and closed her eyes, spinning in a circle she poofed out of view.

“She’s right you know.” Munkustrap sighed. “We should be attacking him but for all we know he has an army of rats down there.”

Tugger nodded. “We should keep an eye on her before she tries something on her own.”

“She’s a kitten. She believes she knows more then she does.”

“Which will get her in trouble.”

“I should see if Jerrie can tell us anything. That might help.”

“Sure. Let’s go.”

The two cats walked off towards Tantomile and Coricopat’s home, tails swaying like banners in the wind.

“Find me a kitten! A kitten as ruthless and devious as me!” Macavity wheezed, glaring down at his troup of rats. As Sootaput expected he was injured and weak, he accually thought he was dying. So he got the idea in his head that he needed an heir to his throne. The rats chittered and scrambled out of ever crevice and hole In the house disapearing into the night.

Electra hissed as she saw the horde of rats erupt from the house, as if on cue. Each rat skittered down a different road. Unsure of what to do she waited to see what the rats were doing when they returned.

She waited for hours before hearing the skittering of rat claws on pavement. A few of the rats returned with bundles in thier mouths, held in place by thier wickedly sharp yellow teeth.

An idea popped into her head as she watched a rat draw close to where she sat. Sticking her fur on end she snarled down at the rat who took one look at her, dropped the bundle and skittered back to the house.

Electra leaped to the ground from the dumpster and unwapped the bundle. Inside lay a grey kitten, it was breathing fine but appeared to have been hit on the head rather hard. Sniffing the kitten she found a scent she knew and ran off to return the kitten to the proper side of town.

The three kittens began to awaken in front of Macavity’s throne. A plain tan kitten, a tiger stripe (Like himself), and a siamese. The tan kitten was the first to awaken, he quickly scanned the area and leapt onto the back of the nearest rat tearing ferociously at its neck. The siamese hissed angrily and held it’s position facing the rats. The tiger stipe was the last to wake up and with a high pitched scream it hid behind the siamese.

“Pititful coward!” Macavity snarled at the tiger kitten. “You dihonor the black in your coat!” The kitten continued to hide behind the siamese, only more so. “Rats! Approach the siamese!”

Ignoring the attack on thier fellow the rats slowly and menicingly approached the siamese, chittering angrily. The siamese looked around, pushed the tiger infront of the rats then jumped onto one of the exspensive tapestry’s lining the walls. With a snip of his claws the large tapestry fell ontop of many of the rats who were confused by his actions. He then put every hair on end and hissed at the few left over rats. The rats stopped, even more confused then before and looked at thier leader who chuckled.

“Brain over brawn.” Macavity mused, looking between the two kittens. “ENOUGH!” With a booming roar the kittens ceased moving and turned to the old injured cat above them. “Tell me your names.”

The tan kitten pushed the rat he’d been wrestling off and stood proudly before the cat. “Wileysnark!” he announced, a touch of proud venom in his voice.

The siamese sat on the tapastry trapping many of the rats beneath him and grinned. “Vendartin.” he replied calmly.

The scared tiger kitten scrambled out from under the tapestry and looked around. Seeing a stair case he darted up it hoping it was an exit.

“Well, my sons.” Macavity rumbled. “I have much to teach you.”

Sootaput sat on the edge of the old wooden fence that surrounded that junkyard. She knew Tugger would freak on her when he next saw her and Munkustrap would frown and shake his head. She also knew that what she said was correct and hoped Munkus would see that. She sighed and looked from the junkyard to the street, wondering...

“I wouldn’t, if I were you.” Mistoffelees announced, appearing on the fence beside her.

Sooty scrambled to keep her balanced postion on the fence before turning to laugh at her uncle. “I’ll never get used to that, Uncle.” she smiled slightly and sat beside him.

“I don’t think anyone has!” he grinned. “and i’ll be very surprised if anyone ever does!”

“They don’t believe me, Uncle.” she sighed. “They think I’m too small.”

“It’s not that they don’t believe you or that you too small, Soot. You just don’t have all the facts or experiace that they do.”

“But Tugger and Munkus are still mad at me.” she pouted.

Misto smiled down at her. “Why?”

“Cause....I kinda....”Sooty scratched nervously at one ear. “Crossed the line....a bit.”

“Not only did she cross the line.” Munku announced as he came from the shadows. “She also stomped kitten prints on the other side.”

Sootaput jumped to the ground and hung her head infront of the leader. “I’m sorry for yelling at you, sir.” she said quietly.

“I know and I forgive you. I understand you hatred of Macavity but you can’t let it eat you up inside!” he told her.

“I know...”

“Now go play, you don’t need your heart weighed down like this.”

Sootaput nodded and disapeared to find someone to play with.

“She angers quickly.” Mistoffelees said, watching her poof out of view.

“Yes, she does. Hopefully her anger won’t run away with her. If it does she’ll be in deep trouble.”Munkustrap replied.

“She had a deep inner strenght. I doubt even Macavity could make her do something her heart won’t let her do.”

“Then lets hope what Macavity wants her to do goes against her heart.”

“The rats have been sneaking around latley. I smelled one just yesterday.”

“Electra says the rats collected kittens one day. Three went in, one came out.”

“well, then we’re in trouble.”


“Because rats....have children. Even rats like Macavity.”

Sootaput wandered the junkyard in the early morning looking for someone to play with. She passed a broken board in the fence a short “Pssst!” paused her in her tracks. She stepped over to the broken board and looked outside. A siamese kitten poked it’s head into the junkyard, winked at her, and disapeared again. Sooty cocked her head to one side then peeked throught the fence. The siamese purred playfully and pawed at her head. Sootaput hissed playfully and leapt on the other kitten. The two kittens rolled down the side walk nipping and hissing until the siamese dislodged himself from the other kitten and ran off.

“Tag! Your it!” he called.

“I’m gonna get you!” Sootaput called back, chasing after him. She fallowed him down the streets and alleyways until she tackled him in an alleyway behind some old broken down buildings.

“Your it!” she laughed.

“Wait!” he puffed. “I’m to tired! Let’s stop and rest a bit!”

“Your trying to trick me!” she hissed playfully.

“No! I swear! Let’s just rest! I promis!”

Sootaput eyed him warily before sitting down next to him to catch her own breath. “That was fun.” she grinned.

“Yes it was. I’m Vendartin.”

A loud hiss was heard as a large black and white form flew over the two kittens heads. Sootaput whirled around to find Uncle Alonzo holding a tan kitten on the ground. The kitten snarled and hissed up at Alonzo who hissed right back as Cassandra came behind Sooty and picked her up by the scruff. Alonzo rolled the kitten away and gave it a warning swipe before fallowing Cass, keeping his eye on the two kittens behind them.

“What’s going on?” Sootaput asked as her Uncle came up beside her and the feamale siamese.

“What your doing over here is what I want to know, Sootaput!” Alonzo said sternly. “This is Macavity’s turf, those kittens were not Jellicles, and that one was about to eat you for breakfast!”

“We were playing tag! I didn’t watch where we were going! I didn’t know cats who weren’t jellicles were bad! I didn’t even see the tan one!” she tried to defend herself.

“They’re not all bad, but ones that lead you onto Macavity’s turf are!”

“Vendartin is nice!” she hissed.

“Not another word! I have to go keep watch. Take her home Cass."

“So let me get this straight. You chased a strange kitten into Macavity’s territory, then almost got eaten by another kitten?” Tugger yelled, walking circles around the little black kitten. Sooty had stopped trying to defend herself. Tugger was in one of his moods and it was best to let him talk himself till he finnaly forgot what he was so mad about and go to sleep. She stayed silent and stared at the ground, waiting patiently. He contined to scold her until she began to fear SHE would fall asleep.

Victoria appeared around the corner and looked at Tugger and Sootaput. This was the third time she’d walked by and Tugger was still yelling. Deciding to save her poor friend she walked over to Tugger and interupted him. “Hey Tugger. Munku is looking for you.” she called.

Tugger gave Sootaput another stern look then ran off. Victoria walked over to her friend and purred. “It’s okay. He gets that way sometimes.” Sootaput snorted. “You’ll get used to him after a while.”

“Sure, like getting used to Uncle Misto appearing in a puff of smoke.”

Viccy laughed. “Try not to let him get you down.” with another purr she stalked away, leaving the kitten to her thoughts.

“We almost had had her!” Wileysnark growled flexing his claws.

“Indeed.” Vendartin purred, licking his paws.

“So what stopped you?” Macavity murred.

“Jellicles, father. Grown ones. I believe they’ve been watching the house.” Vendartin told him, as if it was nothing at all.

“What?!” Macavity hissed and swatted his claws at the cowering rats. “Your sopposed to tell me if my hideout has been located!” The rats cowered even more as Macavity mused over this latest development. “We have to find a new hide out.” he told them.

“There’s an abandoned General Store a few blocks from here.” Wileysnark announced.

“Good boy. Rats! Start evacutation. My sons and I will meet you there.”

Alonzo and Carbuckety watched the large rats as they skittered about in a frenzy.

“What are they up too?” Carbuckety asked warily.

“That’s what I’d like to know!” Alonzo replied.

“They’re all gathered in this alleyway.”

“Then something’s happening in the other alley!” Alonzo announced, leaping to his feet and jumping off the dumpster to run full tilt to the other side of the building. They found the kitty door ripped off and three pairs of kitty prints that disapeared a meter away from the building.

Carbuckety sniffed the air. “Macavity’s not there...”

Tugger stalked the junk yard looking for Victoria. Munkustrap didn’t need to talk to him! He was asleep at his house! He finnally found her cuddling with Plato, embarrased he’s walked in a different direction. Tugger snorted. “Sure. Viccy’s got Plato, Skimble’s got Jelly, Alonzo’s got Demeter! And who do I, the best cat on campus, get?! Nobody!”

Across the path infront of him a red feline appeared and stood in his way. At first he thought it was Bomby but on closer inspection he found the feline to have more black in her coat then the female he knew. Her eyes were also a darker shade then Bombalurina’s and she wore a black, slightly silver spiked, collar.

She looked him up and down before speaking. “I’m looking for Munkustrap.” she announced flatly.

“He’s at his house sleeping.” Tugger replied warily, not liking being confronted like this.

“Because I want to see him. Can you take me to him, or would that mess up your mane to much?”

Tugger bristled. “Oh, of course! I can take you to see him.” he replied sarcasticly.

“Well then lets get going. After you.”

Tugger snorted. “Yes, your magesty,” he grumbled and headed off to Munkustrap’s house. When the reached the small gate into Munku’s yard Tugger pushed it open with his head. “After you, princess.” he snorted. The feamale stalked pompously through the gate.

Lying on the front porch of the blue victorian house was Munkustrap, his ears swivled to facec the gate as it creeked open, slowly his eyes opened to view his visitors.

“Cousin!” the feamale cried, running to munkustrap and licking his nose.

“Amyflit!” Munkustrap grinned and licked her nose back. Tugger snorted and started heading out the gate. “Tugger wait!” Munkus called his friend back. “Amyflit, this is Rum Tum Tugger. Tugger this is my cousin Amyflit!”

“Tugger was gentlemanly enough to show me where you live.” Amyflit grinned at her cousin as Tugger contemplated swatting her. “It’s been so long! Heaviside, I’ve missed you!”

“I missed you too! Lets go back to the junk yard! I can introduce you to the other Jellicles!”

After she met many of the Jellicles Munkustrap took her to Vicarage wall to visit old Deuteronomy. Deuteronomy was surprised to see her but seemed overjoyed. “This is wonderful. You can help us with our current Macavity problems!”

Munkustrap proceede to explain the Macavity incidents which left him feeling helpless and stupid. Amyfit soon reasured him that he’d done the right thing and that even Deuteronomy agreed with his decisions.

“What is your advice?”Munkus asked the old cat.

“As long as he doesn’t know about Carbuckety and Amyflit we are better off. The less he knows about us the better.” Munkustrap nodded in agreement. “Good, now go back and tell the others.”

The two nodded and ran off back to the junkyard.