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My Sweetheart


This page is for my sweetheart, David!! He is the sweetest man I have ever met, or will ever meet. He loves me unconditionally, as I do him. He's shown me how to trust again. And I have complete and utter trust in him. He's taught me how to love a person with all my heart, and to not be afraid to show it. He's taught me that it is ok to be afraid to say things. But that it's always better, to just let things go.

I love you with all my heart honey, and this page is for you! I hope you love it, and will continue to love it as it grows with my love for you. I've never felt this way about anyone else honey, and I hope this means something to you! You truly are, my one true love! *hugs, kisses, and lots of lovin'*

Right now this is going to be a bunch of poems until I can get some pretty pics and stuff collected, but I think they will do. Please let me know if you find any good graphics or poems to put up here.

This first one is my ABSOLUTE favorite!

By: Author Unknown

Everything I ever wanted
The man of my dreams
He means the world to me
And, yes, he's all he seems

My knight in shining armor
My beackon in the night
With him right by my side
Everything feels right

He loves me for who I am
And admires me for who I want to be
My words and actions will never be able
To tell him how much he means to me.

His loving words and his warm hugs
Make me feel what I've never felt before
With every sweet look and gentle kiss
I love him more and more

My mind has made me think I was in love before
But true love is from the heart
This is the secret no one knows
And my promise that we'll never part.

You have changed my life completely.
You have only been here for a short time
But I can't imagine life without you.
You have given me hope and security.
Given me a positive outlook to my future.
You have taken me under your wing,
You have shown me that you care.
Shown me how to smile again.
Shown me how happy I once was.
You have given me reason to love again.
My heart has been mended.
You have accepted me and everything I stand for
As I have done with you.
You are my Prince Charming
My Knight in Shining Armor.
I thank you for all you have done.
Even though the words "I Love You"
Are always spoken..
I want you to know
That every time I look deep in your eyes...
I'm saying "I Love You" over and over again.

When you hold me close, I instantly feel safe.
When you gaze at me, I never want to turn away.
Everytime I'm with you, I'm at heaven's gate.

Somehow you took my life and made everything seem alright,
Took all my doubts and fears away, Taught me trust again.

I love you more than anything
More than words can say.
You're my sunshine when the whole world is grey,
You're my strength,
You're my Love,
You're my Friend,
And I'm yours...for all eternity.

"Love Is Shown In Little Ways..."
By: Author Unknown

In homemade treats and bright bouquets.
In cherries and strawberry wine,
And in a fancy valentine.
In shared umbrellas when it rains,
In turtle doves and daisy chains.
In help you know is always there,
And in a well-worn teddy bear.
Love is seen in little things,
The promise of two golden rings.
A long walk in the springtime breeze.
A kitten curled up on your knees.
In hugs when words just aren't enough,
And sometimes in that mushy stuff! :o)
Love lies in a loved one's poem,
In welcome back! I am glad you are home!
In hearts that rarely disagree,
A smile you are always glad to see.
In kindness done despite the cost,
in comfort when you are feeling lost.
in heartfelt words of pride and praise,
Love is shown in little ways!

"Love's Philosophy"
By: Author Unknown

The fountains mingle with the river
And the rivers with the ocean,
The winds of heaven mix forever
With a sweet emotion
Nothing in the world is single,
All things by a law divine
In one spirit meet and mingle.
Why not I with thine?
See the mountains kiss the high heaven,
and waves clasp one another.
No sister-flower would be forgiven
if it disdained its brother.
And the sunset clasps the earth
And the moonbeams kiss the sea.
What is all this sweet work worth
If thou kiss not me?

"Love Is Enough"
By: Author Unknown

Love is enough, though the world be a warning,
And the woods have no voice but the voice of complaining
The skies be too dark for dim eyes to discover
The goldcups and daisies fair blooming there under,
Though the hills be held shadows, and the sea a dark wonder
And this day draw a veil over all deeds pass'd over,
Yet their hands shall not tremble and their fear shall not alter
These the lips and the eyes of the loved and the lover.

"These I can promise..."
By: Author Unknown

I cannot promise you
a life of sunshine;
I cannot promise riches,
wealth or gold;
I cannot promise you an
easy pathway
That leads away from
Change or growing old,
But, I can promise all
my heart's devotion,
A smile to chase away your tears
of sorrow,
A love that's ever true and ever growing,
A hand to hold in yours
through each tomorrow.

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"Wind Beneath My Wings" is now playing
--Dedicated to my one and only, David! I love you honey, and you are the 'wind beneath MY wings'--
-- I don't know what I would do if I didn't have you in my life--
