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      Reunion Page

      Here are some good adoption links that I have found while surfing on the web!

      LINC Online Reunion Registry
      LINC Online Reunion Registry

      On this page, I am planning on including some OLD pictures of me and Kelly that were taken when we were really young. There are also going to be some pictures of her as she was growing up, and some of me also when I get them scanned. Ok, so this page is becoming a shrine to Kelly Lynn :-) but guess what?!?! It's MY page and I can do it how I want to! *giggle* I am also going to include a few pictures of the other important people in this story. Like, Cindy and Phil, Kelcie and Leslie, and whoever else I feel like putting on here. And when I finally get to see my sis, and her family, I will include some pictures of them as well. *hugs* Anyways, now for the pictures! I'm sure somewheres along the way I have gotten the ages/dates on these pics wrong, so forgive me please! It's been a lotta work into this page, but I love working on it!

      I Love You Kelly Lynn, even though we haven't seen each other in over 15years, and I have never ever forgotten about you. There was not a day that went by, that I didn't think about my baby sister. Although, you aren't much of a baby anymore, YOU'RE bigger than me!!! *hugs and love* Love you always...Your Big Sis, Jennifer Marie

      This is Kelly and I in 1983(ages 3 & 5 respectively)..Last Time we seen each other

      This first one was in Dec of 1981(ages 4 & 2), and the second one is June of 1982(ages 4 & 2)

      Kelly and I in the summer of 82(ages 4 & 2)

      Kelly..age 5 and Kelly..age 6. Isn't she a cutie? :-)

      Kelly..age 8 and Kelly..age9

      Kelly almost 10

      Kelly..age 11 and Kelly age..12

      More Pics
      Click above to see more pictures of everyone!

      "Under the Sea" is now playing
      --This is just a fun midi, and I thought it would be cute to have one on this page--

      Click here to go back to my Main Page
