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Ranking System

Here's how to gain points:
  1. Recruiting---5 pts (this will get lower once we get a lot of members)

  2. Helping someone get their dot---3 pts (you cant be getting your dot at the same time)

  3. Winning the tournament---10 pts

  4. For 2nd place on the tournament---5 pts

  5. Helping newbies---2 pts per newbie (i.e. giving them stuff or helping them gain lvs.) ***NOTE*** I keep getting emails from all of you saying you helped someone, and thats great, but a newbie is only lvs 1-10. If you help anyone with a higher level, great, but you get no points. You should know to help others without getting points for it.

  6. Item Hunt---5 pts (the item to find will be posted on the Bulletin Board, and you must find the item, not just have it on at the time)

  7. *NEW!* Ironman quest: the first of our quests, the object is to basically clear the dungeon without going to town. Its hard, but worth it.--10 pts! The Butcher does not need to be killed (If you do, you will earn an extra 3 pts). You cannot have help from anyone, and no weapons other then what you start out with. Make a new character, like Orion~IM for example, and delete him when done. One can only do this once successfully.
Have the person you helped E-mail me.

Here's the point system:


Once you become a Commander, I will choose one of the following ranks for you to become. A high ranking person MUST have ICQ. Only the best will get this far. Good luck, and work hard.

There will be 2 of each rank listed below.

  • General: A General must find out if members cheat or not. If someone cheats, tell me, and they will be banned.

  • Admiral: The Admiral is in charge of the tournaments, and must run them whenever we have them.

  • Grand Moff: The Moff is in charge of newbies. If you are a newbie and need help, email a Moff.

  • Lord: The Lord will fill in for an Emperor in their absence. They must know a lot about the guild, and how it works. This is a difficult job.

  • Lord Of Arms: The Lord of Arms trains new recruits, as they are recruited. Recruits have their own games and channel, so it is a Lord of Arms's job to watch them.

    Also, there may be times when a certain person shows extraordinary work in the guild, and may get a high ranks without getting all the points required.

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