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  1. Absolutely no cheats/hacks/duping/PKs!

  2. Always obey the superior officer, give the higher officer the gavel

  3. No name changing, a new character must be made

  4. Guild characters can only play private games, which you will find out after joining

  5. You can have multiple characters in the guild, but they must be as follows: If Orion~KJ made a new character, his new character would be Orion2~KJ

  6. No banning anyone in the guild, unless they cheat. If there is a problem, talk to me

  7. If a non-member comes, ask what he is doing there. If you get no answer, ban

  8. I have the final word on what goes on in this guild

  9. No continuous swearing (plz!)

  10. There will be a 100 member cap (for now)

  11. Only accept items from members, so you get legit items

  12. You can be in no other guilds

  13. If you miss 3 meetings without telling me you will not be there, you will be banned from KJ.

  14. Absolutely NO transferring between a guild character and a non guild character, but transferring between guild characters is allowed.

  15. Tell NO ONE the main channel, games, or password....If someone doesn't know what they are, have that person email me.

  16. Talking out of turn at meetings repeatedly will get you kicked out of the channel as a warning. Once you return, talking out of turn again will get you banned from the channel, this means you can't participate in the tournament for that week. It also means a 10 point reduction. Talking about Diablo, or ideas are welcomned in the channel.

Violation of any of these rules will result in that person losing all of their points. If the violator is cheating, or playing a public game with his/her KJ character, a new character MUST be made. If that person violates a rule again, he/she will be banned from the guild. No one can totally be banned until Saturday. If I ban you, you must wait to see your punishment. At the meeting, the members will get to vote on what happens to the "banned" person.

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