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Mustard Seed Ministry Presents-


Learning How to Move Mountains!

A music ministry dedicated to kindness.
Conducting a world search for everyone's God-given talents and finding how they can be used to serve God.
Helping Dreams come to light.

At Mustard Seed Ministries
Mountains are Moving!

LeFerna has completed the first project for the ministry, "Turning Trials into Songs."
An introduction to LeFerna and her style of southern Gospel music and lyrical ministry.

Both Inspiring and motivating,
LeFerna's concerts are filled with song lyrics and personal testimony that will stay with you to the end.


LeFerna promotes local Christian Radio
and music sellers everywhere...

Email for booking information Mustard Seed Ministry

Some of LeFerna's favorite sites

Free Christian Music for your web site!
Australian Christian Resources
Cybergrace Christian Network - A FAVORITE!
World Village