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My IrC PaGe !!!

Here are some of the chat server and rooms that i have found fun, and easy for the NL to get into.

This server is rather small. But there are many people in this server.
Sega Server
#Netlink1 #Duke1 #Bar
#mIRC #99 #Bomberman1
#wow #Lizard #Michell

This server is rather large, and there are many rooms. These are some of the most pop. ones
AimNet Server
#Sega #teen #Chat
#Friends #Friendly #teenChat
#Sex #teensex #HotTub
#Turks #Bible #CyberSex

This server is huge! I warn you if your on a NL Never type /list !
This server is only accessed on the NL if your on the Upgrade!

Talk City
#teen #talk #Lovers
