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About Me

Page updated 5/12/98

Welcome to the page about me!

My name is Douglas M. Littlefield Jr. As some of you may know or may not know. I go to Kenowa Hills High School in Grand Rapids Michigan. It's a pretty cool school. Its better than most schools I have ever been to really. Most people say " oh I hate my school " Well I say I think mines pretty cool. And for those who dont know me, I really dont like school *L*.

I am on the KHHS Equestrian Team, I have 5 horses and one Donkey. There names are, Prince ( my fav. horse ), Coe ( he is pretty cool ) Raj ( fast ), Brandi ( she can very lets say Ignorant haha ) and last but not least Dez ( Deztany, she is slow and very stupid haha A good trail horse mainly.)
The KHHS Equestrian Team, is ok I guess. Our Teacher aka Coach is Mr. Lahaukie ( dont ask! ). He is the Auto Tech and Equestrian teacher. We have a ONLY 7 people on our team. When most teams have a minium of 20 people. Rockford High School has a team of 40. The Coach will be picking 3 people to go to the STATE show in Lansing soon, I hopefully will make it if I keep up. I think Shanna, Julie and I are going to be the ones to go since we are the only really good Western/pleasure/english riders on the team. So who knows heh.

I do have my pictures up. I have some new pictures up. My Old pictures can be found by clicking here On this page will be a list of pictures to choose from,

I listen to any kind of music really, except country/opera and stuff like that. I dont really have a favorite singer/band/group either like i said im pretty much open to any kind of music i listen to.

My Birthday is January 7, 1983, im 15 years old as well. I have short brown hair, and Brown eyes, But my eyes change to a light green when im really mad or around summer. I guess im just strange.

Some of the things i like to do would be to rock climb. I love it!!!!! I do work out at the gym some times. I like to ride of course. hang out, party and stuff heh. I dont smoke, And no im not the type of person that thinks, "oh, you smoke? ewww i cant like you now" or any of that stuff. You smoke, and were friends, thats cool with me heh I could careless if you do it or not. I dont drink often heh not saying i havent before *eg*

And i guess here is a picture of me.
