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Freinds Page 1

SiGh it happend again, this page was erased 3-9-98

Michell ~ Baby, We have grown so very close in the past couple weeks. I dont know what to say that i havent said already. We have been there for eachother, now and before we were together. We started out really good friends, and then well look at us now. Remember that i love you always and forever. Nothing will come between us. Not anything or anyone. no matter what!! I love you!!!!!!

Lisa ~ Well hon what can i say ya know? Your parents hate me, for what? who knows,! heh But we will be friends forever and ever. We let your parents come between us once. I hope that we will be friends forever and ever. Even though it seems like you have changed so much. Just the way you act now, its diffrent. But its not bad i guess. Thanks lisa for the times you helped me out. *Love ya always*

Gabby ~ Well love you are someone so very special to me. I'm not sure what i'd do without in my life. You and paul mean so much to me. You both know i love you very much. I will never ever forget the things you have said to me and helped me with. Most of all i will never ever forget you. You were there when no one else was. *hugs* Love you always! Most everything has been said on this page .

Paul ~ Man thanks, thats just about all i can say.

~ Dude were great friends. We would have alot of fun in real life. We are the best of friends, well actully your my big brother. Some people think i'm joking and nuts when i tell them =p. I'm like dude i'm for real! hehe anyways Dave you have helped me out. "rabbit & Cat* (for those of you who dont know, its a inside joke) *L* Well i hope things work out. I sure wish you could come on the show though. It going to rule! Well Dave i could go on and on but i'll stop here. Thanks Dave *I Love ya man!* (non - gay way) *L*

Paul ~ *L* dude you know i'm going to say more about you than what i said up there. I bet i got you though huh? *L* *hugs* Man paul thank you for everything you have helped me with. I understand that you are trying to stay out of the middle of things. I understand that all the way. Some times i wish i could to :P. You have helped me out many times. You and Gabby both know i love you both! Never ever forget that paul! i mean it NEVER EVER!!! thanks again!

Heaven ~ Monique , monique Monique , Monique , monique, Monique, what can i say to you girl. oh ya know i love ya! Thanks for being there for me. We have been friends for along time. We go through alot together. We both have our Ups and Downs but we are there to help eachother out when we need it. -=Friends Forever=-

MachoMan ~ Well Joey your pretty cool. You have helped me out alot to. We talk some times, Got to hear your voice on the phone :P. Well man thanks, your a pretty cool friend. I hope you stay that way. -=Friends Forever=-

ChrisRay~ Well Chris me and you are great friends. At one point of time we were really really good friends then, we faught and we both hated eachother then we have become great friends again. You helped me alot. I remember the day i called you and kat up on the phone. I never said to much, i guess b/c mainly you guys were telling me to just get over her and move on. I guess maybe i should of listend that time. I said it once and i'll say again, thank and i love ya, your a good friend to me. I hope you stay that way. And dude dont let those ppl get to you. I know it is hard, but it will stop sooner or later. My friend Jenni (orangeb1) said to tell you just to ignore them and that she knows its hard b/c she is going through the same problem. but she said it will pass and things will get better sooner or later. Well man i better end this now. Thanks again *hugs* =) C-ya!

[Friends Page 2]
[Michell] [Lisa] [Gabby] [Paul] [Sonysux] [Paul 2] [Heaven] [MachoMan] [ChrisRay]
