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Poems by Douglas M. Littlefield Jr.

These poems on this page express some of my great feeling. These came from my heart, and these are not copied off of anyone or anything. Using thses poems on anyother page without persmission is considered stealing, and these poems have been TAGED! Also, there is a form at the bottom of this page please fill it out so i know what you think of my poems.

Is Love Worth it?

Love? Is Love worth the pain?
Love, Is Love worth the hurt?
Love, Is Love worth the happieness?
Love, Is love Worth the saddness?
Love is the best thing in the world,
Love is the worst thing in the world,
Can you hate the person you love?,
The Love you have for a person,
Will never die,
Your love maybe gone,
But not gone all the way,
Your Love will be in your heart,
Your love will never leave you all the way,
Love is worth everything,
Love is worth being hurt,
Love is Worth being sad,
True Love will find you,
Dont Let yourself Find True Love.

But now its to late...

I pull the gun out from under my coat,
I willingly take my life,
As my soul comes from out of my body
I look back apon my body,
Laying there, no feeling,
Laying there, no motion,
Just there with no soul,
I see the light and know its time
Time to move on to a better life
I step towards the light,
seeing not what I think,
Seeing my future,
Looking at what I would miss,
Hearing the ones I love, hurt,
Then, Looking down upon my body again,
seeing the doctors try and bring me back
As my soul almost fades away,
Knowing now after I seen what lies ahead,
thinking why did I do this?
But then, I hear the doctors say,
It's to late we have lost him,
Now its too late, and I have lost everything,
everything I have ever loved,
its just to late.......

"Love to Love, Hate to Hate, Love to hate, Hate to Love,
Its harder to love than be loved..."

-=Friends & More Forever=-

Your friendship,
Your Love,
Your hand,
Your heart is with me now,
You are in my heart where you belong,
The Love i have for you will never die,
Our Friendship will always be,
My Life without you, is incomplete,
But now, you are in my life,
And now, i am one again,
You are my life, my soul,
My heart that beats everyday,
You are my true love...


Why does the one i love ignore me?
Why does the one i give my heart to
not listen to my words? Why?
Why does my heart break each day
because i'm not with my love?
Why would it? Why does my heart,
hurt so bad, when my love is better,
off with out me in her life?
Why? WHen i know she is happier without,
me in her life?
Will I ever know?

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