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Shout out page!

Welcome to this page. For those of you know me in real life think i dont have a life, well I use too *L* Back when I lived in Las Vegas NV. Those were the good times. On this page will be a full listing of everyone that i can think of off the top of my head of who i was friends with. Thanks for comeing here and please enjoy!

  • Harry Long Counselor
  • Bob Allen Teacher
  • Terry Badger Gym Teacher
  • Leonard De Piazza Current Events/News Teacher
  • Renee Franson Science Teacher
  • Steve Huesch Math Teacher
  • Joyce Middleton English Teacher
  • Paula Rishovd-DeShaw Shop Teacher
  • Melodie Simmon Sex Ed/Health Teacher
  • 8th Grade

  • Doug Bender
  • >Melanie Bender
  • James Brewer<
  • Dustin Brookins
  • Jennifer Buchanan
  • Callista Burney
  • Rocky Cozzolino
  • Colby Cunnigham
  • Monica Detork
  • Patrick Campbell>
  • Laura Du Bois
  • Michael Dubreuil
  • Brenda Glover>
  • Joshua Fraissinet
  • Heather Goodrick
  • Jerry Hanson
  • Brenda Konetzki
  • Shana Konetzki
  • Wesley Laughlin
  • Monica Matrin
  • Brandi Maxon
  • Jennifer Perkins
  • Danny Miller
  • Kelly Milner
  • Robbie Robertson
  • Sky Torson My cousin
  • Jessica Voight
  • Justin Wythe
  • 7th Grade now ( this is the grade i was in when i left Las Vegas! )

  • Paul Addingtion
  • Justin Akers
  • Christina Arnold
  • Kelsey Ashby (twins)
  • Kendra Ashby (twins)
  • Hannah Ashmead (hannah bananna heh)
  • Jonathan Atkin
  • Brandon Barber
  • Angela Bentz
  • Jennifer Berg (you rule girl)
  • Yul Biart
  • Dawn Bishop
  • Jeremey Boles
  • Kelly Bronnerberg (here is a cuttie)
  • Amber Brown (your a sweet heart)
  • Lisa Buchanan (FLIRT hehe)
  • Federico Buj
  • Sammi Burkhart (Have the biggest crush on you :P)
  • Michael Burnette
  • Michael Chalmer (FLOWER POWER :p)
  • Meghan Chisum (:P~~~ haha)
  • Christy Clark
  • Josh Clark (B'B Gun War..Broken Window! haha.i won!)
  • Cossondra Cobb (The funnest person there is!)
  • Anderw Coe (you annoying little shit *L*)
  • Michelle Cook (heh)
  • Todd Coon (your pretty cool)
  • Shannon Cope (friends since oh 4th grade!)
  • Todd Costello (i know too now haha)
  • Jesse Craig (GOODIE GOODIE PREP haha)
  • Adam Davids (man did we have fun!!!)
  • Marco Denton (I'd say you were like my best friend heh)
  • Raphael Dolciame (RJ!!!!!! HAHAH remember what we did *L*)
  • Teanna Englehart (Lets keep in first girl hehe)
  • James Fisher (hehe you and whats his name were pretty cool *L*)
  • Lee Golightly (now what a name lee hehe)
  • Lisa Granskie (art class ruled with you in it *eg* haha)
  • Shannon Iglinski (now here is a hottie :P)
  • Rachel Jacobs (friends since 4th grade)
  • Nina Kester (yeah you were right i did like her haha)
  • Jamie Konetzki
  • Joey Konetzki (English sucked haha)
  • Irene Kostin (wow)
  • Randy Linville (well i heard your quite the looker :P)
  • Adam Lueck (you goodie goodie :P)
  • Cynthia Matinez (you rule hun)
  • Marie McGary (Mr. Allen's class ruled with you damn you were funny)
  • Crystal Merten (*drop dead fine*)
  • Jeremy Moe (MOE!!!!!!! you out of jail yet? haha)
  • Jennifer Money (another cuttie)
  • Anthony Montano (waz up G?)
  • David Moore
  • Jayson Morrison
  • Josh Morrison (me and you were the little rebels haha you know it)
  • Fallon Moreville (I called your house and said nah i dont wanna talk to her just want to know if this is where she lives then your sister made me talk to you heh ..ya ya i liked you)
  • Chelsea North (yet another Cuttie!!)
  • Misti Odell (pretty cool)
  • Sean Patterson (yeah i kicked your ass, haha i told you not to fuck with me!)
  • Alicia Peralta (I never could forget you!!!)
  • Ok there is like so many more but my hand is tired from typing this now *L* So i'll finish this later. home
