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|The 3 trials.|The Circus.|On Monkey Island|Under Monkey Island|
        Deep in the Caribbean, on an island named Melee.... A young man
about the age of twenty arrived late at night. The island was quiet. It
seemed to be deserted. Guybrush thought about getting back into his small
boat and searching for another island when he saw a distant glow. He
walked up a winding path to find an old man with a long gray coat
on and wearing thick glasses. He seemed to be a lookout.
        "Excuse me sir, do you know where I can find any pirates
around here?",Guybrush cleared his throat.
        "Ah! Don't sneak up on me like that! What's that you said?",
the old man deafly asked.
        "Where can I go to become a pirate?", Guybrush said rather
        "Ha! You want to become a pirate!? Well, you look more like a
flooring inspector!", laughed the lookout, " But if your serious about
this pirating thing, go to the Scumm bar in town Mr. Uhh.... Mr. ...."
        "Threepwood. Guybrush Threepwood."
        "Ah, yes. Well, just go down to town Mr. Thriftweed and go
to the Scumm Bar."
        "THREEPWOOD!!!", exclaimed Guybrush rather rudely, " I'm off
to the Scumm Bar."
        Guybrush started to walk down the path leading to town. In
the dark on the Oceanside he noticed a poster reading, "Re-elect
governor Marley....when there's only one candidate, there's only one
        After crossing a dock, He saw a sign that said, "Scumm Bar".
        "I guess I'm at the right place." Guybrush thought.
        As he entered the door, he immediately was taken over by the
smell of grog and foul-smelling drunken pirates. He looked up and saw
one pirate swinging on an old wooden chandelier with a mug full of
grog in one hand. He went up to the first pirate he saw.
        "Excuse me, do you know how I can become a pirate?"
        When the guy started talking a bunch of nonsense, he knew he
was on his own. Guybrush wandered around the bar past a red curtain
where he entered a less crowded room. There was a door at the far end
which kept swinging back and forth from the cook entering and exiting
it bringing the pirates their grog.In the corner was a fireplace.
In the middle of the room was a table where three important looking
pirates sat and drank their grog.
        "Do you know how I could become a pirate?" he asked them.
        "Ah, a pirate wannabe, eh. Well, you must go through...."
        "THE THREE TRIALS!", they all said in unison.
        "The three what?", questioned Guybrush.
        "The three trials", responded the pirate in the middle.
        "Yes, ye must master the sword, achieve the art of Thievery
and do uh, er, Treasure Huntery. Come back to us with proof of all these
and then you'll be a pirate.", said the pirate sitting on the left side
of the table.
        "That's all?", Guybrush wondered.
        "Yes, now off with ya, let us get back to drinking our grog."
        Guybrush left the Scumm Bar with a sense of bewilderment.
He had no clue what to do first. As he wandered deeper into town
past a small archway, he noticed a man on a corner who seemed to be
looking for someone.
        "Do you have a cousin named Sven?", the man nervously asked
        "Uh, no, but I once had a barber named Dominique."
        "Close enough. Let's talk business. Would you like to buy a
rare map of Melee Island? One of a kind. Only 100 pieces of eight."
        "No, I don't have any money."
        "Come back later if you change your mind."
        Across the road from the man selling maps were three men who
were all leaned up against a barrel. Walking down the road and past
the clock on the archway that read 11:00, guybrush saw a shop.
        "Ahoy there fancypants", the storekeeper said as Guybrush
entered the store, "You want to buy anything?"
        "Actually, I thought I'd just browse."
        "Fine, just don't put your lips on anything."
        Guybrush looked around the store for a few minutes then
remembered thathe had no money and left and then left the store.
Guybrush headed back towards the lookout past the store, and turning
the corner that the man selling map was on, glanced at the clock which
still read 11:00. When Guybrush arrived at the old mans lookout he saw a
path he had not noticed before. He took that path.
As he continued down the path, Guybrush noticed a strange looking
yellow flower.
        "I'll take one.", Guybrush said to nobody but the dark forest.
        The further Guybrush wandered down the endless path, the more he
wished that he had a map. Finally, he saw a small amount of light
coming from a clearing. As he leaped from rock to rock down a small hill,
he saw a small circus tent. When Guybrush entered the flap, he
was greeted by two excited circus men.
        "Hi. How would you like a once in a lifetime experience?", said
one of the brothers with great speed.
        "We are the Amazing Fettuchini Brothers."
        "We have been looking for someone to test our new cannon act."
        "Would you like to perform this death-defying feat."
        "Actually, not so death-defying."
        "But amazing."
        "What do you say?"
        "Will you pay me?", Guybrush cleverly asked.
        "Of course. How does 478 pieces of eight sound?"
        "Do you have a helmet. We want to make sure it's safe.", asked
the Fettuchini Brothers.
        " Uh, no.", Guybrush answered.
        " Well, you can't do it without a helmet. Come back when you
have a helmet and then we can do it."
        Guybrush left the brothers and headed back toward town. He
went back into the Scumm Bar and past the red curtain. When the cook
exited the kitchen, Guybrush ran in. He grabbed a pot which he found
under a cutting table. He also grabbed a hunk of meat and threw it in
the cooking stew with the yellow flowers he had found.
        " It's not exactly spices, but every cook make substitutions.",
Guybrush said to himself. He then left the Scumm Bar and traveled the
long path to the circus.
Guybrush entered the flap enterance for the circus and was again
greeted by the ecstatic Fettucini Brothers. Again, they asked him if
he had a helmet and this time Guybrush responded.
        “Of course, what sort of idiot do you take me for.”, Guybrush
        “Well then, let’s try it!’
        ...Meanwhile, deep under Melee Island.... LeChuck, the evil
ghost pirate planned his evil scheme when his another ghost pirate
entered LeChuck’s captain room.
        “Uh, sir....”
        “Ah! Nothing better than sailing the seas of the underworld”,
LeChuck interrupted,  “Makes you glad to be dead, eh?”
        There was no reply.
        “Ye, are glad to be dead aren’t you!?!?”, LeChuck was furious.
        “Oh, yes sir, glad to be dead, it was such a fortune that you
happened to capture my ship and murder me and everyone else on board.
Yes sir, glad.”
        “Glad to hear it.”, LeChuck answered.
        “Sir, uh, theres a problem on Melee island.”
        “What!?!?!?” LeChuck boomed.
        The pirate tried to sneak out of the room when he was caught
by LeChuck’s voice.
        “What kind of problem is there on Melee Island??”
        “Nothing sir, I, there’s just a new kid in town. A pirate
wannabe. Nothing to worry about. Don’t know why I bothered you with
it. I’ll take care of it.”, said the pirate shakingly.
        “No, I’ll handle this myself.”, LeChuck said, “My plans are too
big to be messed up by and ametuer.”
        Back at the circus tent, Guybrush earned his 478 pieces of
eight for getting shot out of the cannon successfully.
        Guybrush then went to the man selling the maps and bought one.
        “It’ll make a great gift.”, Guybrush thought.
        He then went under the arch with the clock that still read
11:00 and entered the store. He bought a sword and a shovel for a total
of 150 pieces of eight figuring that he’d need them for achieving the
three trials. As he was walking towards a church, Guybrush heard a noise.
        It was coming from an alley. He went back there to see a sherrif.
        “Hi, I’m sherrif Fester Shinetop. Are you new around here?”,
asked the sherrif.
        “My name is Guybrush Threepwood. I want to become a pirate.”
        “Well, I just want to warn you, there’s been alot of weird
things going on here at Melee Island and I don’t think now is the time
to be vacationing.”
        “Thanks. Bye”
        Guybrush headed further into town. At the end of town, not far
from the store, there was another arch and then a long path on the edge
of a cliff leading to a mansion. Guarding the mansion was a pack of
piranha poodles. He threw the ‘poisoned’ meat that he had cooked at
them and they gobbled it up. Soon they were fast asleep. Guybrush
snuck past them carefully so as not to wake them up. He quietly
entered the door to the mansion. When Guybrush got inside he saw the
perfect thing to steal. It was in a case and was called the Idol of
Many Hands. As he was lifting off the case, Fester Shinetop walked in.
        “What are you doing with that?”, he asked Guybrush.
        “Uh, the Governor said that I could have it.”, Guybrush
nervously replied.
        “We’ll see about that...”
        The Sherrif went up to the Governor’s room. Guybrush saw
the opportunity to escape but the Sherrif came down with the
Governor shortly.
        “Did you say he could borrow this?”, the Sherrif asked
Governor Elaine Marley.
        It was obvious to Guybrush the the Governor did not like
the Sherrif.
        “Yes, I did. Leave him alone.”, the Governor said. Then
she went back upstairs.
        Guybrush had gotten away with it. He left towards town.
Back at the Scumm Bar, Guybrush asked the pirate leaders about
the three trials.
        “Now you have to do sword fighting and treasure hunting”,
the leaders said as Guybrush handed them the Idol.
        “I’m off then”, answered Guybrush.
        Right as Guybrush was leaving the Scumm Bar, Fester
Shinetop grabbed him, tied a rope to him with a cannon ball on
the end. He then threw him off the dock and into the water.
Fortunately, being able to hold his breath for 10 minutes, Guybrush
was able to pick up the cannon ball and climb out. His head just
peeked over the deck to see Fester Shinetop taking off a costume
and revealing the ghost pirate LeChuck. Then LeChuck disappeared
into the darkness.
        Guybrush went up to the Old man’s lookout to warm himself up
by the fire. After his clothes were dried, Guybrush went towards
another path. At the end of the road he came to a house. He read
the sign outside the house saying there were sword lessons here for
100 pieces of eight. He knocked on the door.
        “Yes?”, a man with a shaved head and cigar in his mouth
answered the door.
        “Can you give me some sword lessons?”
        After some persuading, Guybrush got the man to teach him how
to sword fight.
Guybrush learned some insults and their comebacks and was told to
use them to catch people off-guard when fighting. He was then told
to go out and practice.
        Guybrush had seen many other pirates on the paths except for
the ones in the deep woods. The first pirate he encountered was a dirty,
rotten one.
        “Hi, my name is Guybrush. Prepare to die!”, Guybrush said
        “You fight like a dairy farmer”, the pirate said as they
fought back and forth.
        “How appropriate. You fight like a cow.”
        After a lengthy fight, Guybrush gave up. He travelled down
the winding path looking for more pirates. He came upon another
pirate at a fork in the road.
        “What ye be wanting, ya scurby lubber?”, yelled the pirate.
        “Prepare to die.”
        “I got this scar on my face during a mighty struggle!”, said
the pirate braggingly.
        “I hope NOW you’ve learned to not pick your nose!”, Guybrush
        “Only ONCE have I met such a fool as you!!!”, said the pirate
as he thrusted his sword in hopes of catching Guybrush off-guard.
        “I’m glad to hear that you attended your family reunion.”,
said Guybrush as he won the fight to the pirate.
        “Wow! Your good enough to fight the swordmaster!”, exclaimed
the pirate.
        “Who?”, Guybrush questioned.
        “The Sword Master of Melee Island. Best sword fighter around
        Guybrush thanked the pirate and headed to the Scumm Bar. There
he asked the important pirates where he could find the Sword Master.
They did not know but they said that the storekeeper knew. At the
store, Guybrush asked the storekeeper where the Sword Master was.
        “Carla?”, asked the storekeeper, “she told me not to tell
anyone where her hideout is. But I could ask her if you could come.
Wait here.”
Guybrush waited until the storekeeper returned.
        “She said go away!”, the storekeeper explained.
        “Do you suppose you could ask her again for me?”, Guybrush
        “Allright, I guess I could hike all the way out there, AGAIN!”,
grumbled the storekeeper.
        This time when the storekeeper left, Guybrush followed him.
The storekeeper went through the woods, and to a bridge where it led
to the Sword Master’s secret hideout. He listened to their conversation
from a distance.
        “I told you old man, tell the kid to bug off!”, Carla said.
        With that the old man left. Guybrush then went up to the Sword
Master’s door and knocked. When she answered, he was asked how he knew
how to get to her hideout. He said he was just wandering through the
        “I challenge you to a sword fight!”, Guybrush said boldly.
        “Allright, let’s get this over with”, Carla answered.
        They abruptly started fighting back and forth throwing
insults and comebacks as sharp as their swords. Guybrush had been told
by his trainer that ‘ any fool can wave around a piece of metal and hope
to hit something. But the pros use technique’.
        The fight ended with Guybrush winning and Carla very surprised.
She gave him a T-shirt to prove that he fought the Sword Master, and won.
        As Guybrush was leaving, he turned and said to no one, “I beet
the Sword Master and all I got is a dumb T-shirt?”
        Guybrush now had completed the thievery and sword fighting
trials. All he had to accomplish was Treasure Hunting and he’d be a pirate.
He went to the fork in the road and wandered around the deserted woods like
a fool until he FINALLY found an X. Of course, he used his shovel and got
digging. Hours later, he came up with something...a T-shirt!
        "100% cotton", Guybrush read aloud, "I dug up the treasure of Melee
Island and all I got was this dumb T-shirt"
        Guybrush now had completed the three trials, as the pirates at the
Scumm Bar had told him to. He walked the long path back to the village and
to the Scumm Bar. When he went in, it was empty. Only the cook was in the
other room shooting out tears and bending over in his sulking sadness.
        "What is the matter?", Guybrush asked him.
        "My business! Everyone has left!", replied the cook.
        Guybrush saw the opportunity and picked up all the spare mugs.
Guybrush went out to the dock and was greeted by the lookout. He gave
Guybrush a letter that said Elaine had been kidnapped by LeChuck and taken
to Monkey Island.
        "I'll get a crew together and rescue her!", Guybrush, being a
swashbuckling pirate, said.
        He went to the jail next to the storekeepers place and talked
to the man in it who said he'd join his crew if Guybrush let him free.
Guybrush went back to the Scumm Bar and filled a mug with grog from the
keg in the kitchen. He ran to the jail and used the grog on the lock.
the lock broke off (the acid from the grog ate away at it) and the man
was set free, but ran off.
        Guybrush figured he needed more people for a crew. He went to the
swordmaster and she agreed with some convincing.
        Now that Guybrush had the crew that he needed, he now had to buy
a ship. He head on over to Stan's Used Ship Emporium. After quite a bit
of bargaining, Stan sold Guybrush the Sea Monkey on credit that
Guybrush had stolen from the storekeeper. Stan had his boat ready at
the dock next to Scumm Bar right when Guybrush arrived down there. The
crew was also there and they all got on the ship together.
        The second the ship started to sail, the whole crew (except
Guybrush) pulled out their lawn chairs and started lounging in the
sun... Guybrush yelled at them and tried to convince them to get
up and help him but it was no use. So Guybrush decided to take over
himself. He was looking around in the captains room when he noticed
a cabinet that required a key to open it. Since, there was no key
around, Guybrush decided to search the rest of the ship. After an
hour or so, he gave up.
        Guybrush was looking around in the kitchen when he opened a
cupboard to reveal many cereal boxes. Giving in to his hunger,
He took one. As he opened it, he realized that there was a prize inside.
        "Oh, goody!", Guybrush exclaimed.
        When Guybrush opened the prize, there was a key!! He used it
on the cabinet upstairs in the captains room. It actually worked!
Inside the cabinet was a real heavy chest and inside that was....
a piece of paper! It was directions to Monkey Island! It called
for various items such as brimstone, a pressed pirate skull (the flag),
and some Monkey Blood (an expensive wine). When Guybrush added the last
ingredient, he felt a sudden stir. He went up to the deck to notice
that there was an Island in view! Ha! It was Monkey Island!
        Guybrush took some of the leaflets to the fire in the kitchen
to make a flaming mass and used that on the cannon on the deck. As the
fuse was narrowing down, Guybrush put on the pot as a helmit and hopped
in the cannon. KABOOM!!!!

        Guybrush landed on a beach. A monkey walked past him followed by an
old man in ragged clothes. Guybrush picked himself up. "Hi there!", said the
man, "my names Herman Toothrot, wow, we haven't had a visitor here since I
don't know when...". Guybrush asked a few questions then took off into the
        Wandering all around the island, Guybrush tried to think of where
Elaine might be. When he reached a large Monkey Head, he thought that that
could be some kind of secret passage. When he pulled an arm of a totem pole
it opened the gate to get into the area where the Monkey Head was. But
when he let go of it, the gate closed quickly. He would need something to
hold it.
        Some more wandering led him to a fort. In the fort was a cannon,
some cannon balls and gunpowder and a telescope. Guybrush took all of it.
When he was leaving Herman came in and asked him why he was taking his
telescope. Guybrush replied that it was his!
        Guybrush kept having a nagging feeling that he needed to get into
that Monkey Head. So, he would find someone to hole the totem pole arm for
him. He searched around the island. All he could find was a monkey. It
seemed that the if he could just bribe the Monkey with something.... He went
to a palm tree near the beach and grabbed a banana that was on the ground.
He picked it up and gave it to the monkey. The monkey followed him with
obiedience until he lost interest. Guybrush would have to get MORE bananas.
        He decided not to climb the tree because "He's never been that good
of a climber". So he went to the top of a cliff to get a view of the island.
He saw a catapult with a big rock on it. Deciding to try to hit the tree and
maybe knock some bananas off, Guybrush turned the catapult to face the tree
and threw a rock off the ledge above. It hit it right on!
        Back down at the beach Guybrush was surprised to see only a few
bananas... he'd need more. So, Guybrush decided to check out the other side
of the mountain (unaccesable because of a large mountain), by boat. He would
need some oars though. And down in the deep gorge is exactly where he found
some. But he couldn't get down there without a rope.... he remembered seeing
some rope in a pond. In a hanging guys' hands. He would have to fill up the
pond. So, Guybrush took the gunpowder and put it by a dam, then used a
flint rock with the cannonball and the river ran into the pond. Now he had
his rope, he could get those oars.
        When Guybrush was paddling around the warm, sunny island, he noticed
a small village off the beach and through the green jungle. He got off the
boat and walked towards it. In the village there was no one around... a
bunch of empty huts were the only thing in existence. He saw a banana in
a fruit bowl by a large stone head. As he picked it up, three cannibals
grabbed him and threw him in a hut and locked it.
        As Guybrush looked around the room, he picked up a loose board and
saw a tunnel. He followed the tunnel and escaped from that place. He'd come
back later when they had forgot about him. But now he had a good ammount of
bananas. He fed them to the Monkey, who now followed him. So Guybrush led
him to the Monkey Head and showed him what to do. The monkey, being what
he is, hung on the arm by one arm opening the gate for Guybrush. There
were many small idols planted in the ground near the Monkey Head.
Guybrush took the smallest on because "it's kinda cute". As he approached
the giant head of a monkey, he noticed that the way to get in was by the
        He would need some kind of key. And maybe the cannibals would
have that.... so Guybrush went back to the cannibal village and gave them
the cute idol he had found so they would be nice to him. It worked! They
were as friendly as cannibals have ever been known to be! They told him to
come to them if he needed anything.
        "Hi there!!", a voice interrupted.
        Guybrush turned around to see Herman Toothrot's face smiling at
        "Go away.", Guybrush said.
        "No need to be so mean.", Herman repled, "hey, if you see my
banana picker around here, please give it to me! Those cannibals have
taken it again!"
        Guybrush wandered off to a hut. Inside was Herman's banana
picker. After a few minutes of thinking, Guybrush decided to give the
banana picker to the old man. In exchange, he gave Guybrush the key to
the Monkey Head! A big cotton swab! Guybrush stuck it down his pants and
walked to the Monkey Head.
        Back at the Monkey Head, that stupid Monkey was still hanging from
the totem pole.
        "He must be getting tired", Guybrush said to no one.
        After some time of thinking, Guybrush decided to use the key in
the Monkey Head's ear. The mouth of the giant Monkey opened up and a
bridge rolled out. Guybrush knew he was near Elaine.

         As Guybrush entered the Monkey Head to the reddish underground of
Monkey Island, he noted as he passed a mushroom patch,
         "I always knew there would be mushrooms in hell."
         After some time of wandering around, Guybrush gave up and went back
to the outside of the underground. He had a very hard time finding his way
throught the catacombs. He went back to the cannibal village to see if they
had a map or something.
         They gave him a head in exchange for a leaflet, "How to get ahead
in life", Guybrush had picked up along the way. The head was supposed to
guide him throught the catacombs. Before Guybrush left to the Monkey Head, the
cannibals said something about a root that could destroy pirates. Guybrush
once again went back down into the underworld of Monkey Island. After
awhile, he reached LeChuck's ghost ship.
         The ghost ship was exactly that, a ghost ship. It's crew was on the
deck playing music. This is what made Guybrush decide to become invisible.
The cannibals had told him that the necklace that the head of the
navigator wore would make one invisible. After much nagging (it came down
to pretty pretty pretty please with sugar, nuts, and caramel on top),
Guybrush convinced the head (what good is a necklace without any shoulders
anyway?) to give Guybrush the necklace. Now Guybrush walked onto the ship
and right past the Ghost crew without even being seen.
         There was a door to the right which looked pretty promising until
it squeeked when Guybrush tried to open it. So, he went into the captains
room to the left to see LeChuck glaring out at the fiery, red sea. He had
not the slightest idea of Guybrush Threepwood's presence and stood there
with his beard blowing in the wind that didn't exist....hmmmm. Guybrush
new that he had to get that key hanging on the wall next to LeChuck, but
every time he came within 5 feet of LeChuck, he would turn around as if he
thought he heard something. So Guybrush pulled out the compass Stan had
given him and used the magnet to attract the compass (yes, Guybrush is
getting more and more like MacGyver every day!).
         Guybrush now had to find the door that contained Elaine. He thought
that it probably was the one that creaked. He went down a hatch and past a
pirate sleeping on a bed with his bare foot hanging off the side and into
a room where the ghost animals were kept. Next to the animals was a glowing
crate that Guybrush couldn't open with his bare hands. He's need something.
He plucked off a ghost chicken's feather and used it to tickle the sleeping
pirate causing the pirate to drop his grog that he held in one hand.
         As Guybrush fetched the grog, he momentarily thought about taking a
swig until he remembered that this was supposed to be an all-ages game.
He went back into the animal room and down another hatch (which he opened
with the key).
         "AAAAH!!", Guybrush shrieked when he saw a rat, "I hate rats!!"
         He used the grog with a pan to occupy the rat while he got a glob
of grease. He went back up to the deck and used the grease on the squeaky
         "Works almost as good as WD-40!", Guybrush couldn't help saying to
himself. When he opened the door, he found himself in the brig, where a
pirate guarded the door to Elaine! Guybrush quietly approached the ghost
tools next to the pirate and grabbed them. He took them down to the crate
and opened it with them. Inside was the root!!! The root that destroyed
pirates!! Guybrush was now done here... for now.
         Back at the cannibal village, Guybrush gave the voodoo root to
the cannibals who make you some pirate potion that will kill pirates with
one squirt.
         Guybrush hurried back to the Ghost Ship to find that it had already
left! He found out from one of the betrayed members that it was going to the
church on Melee Island where LeChuck and Elaine were to get married!
Guybrush got back in his ship and sailed back to Melee.
         When they finally arrived at Melee, Guybrush was stopped by the
Scumm Bar by a pirate.
         "Excuse me sir", Guybrush said, "can I interest you in some fine wine?"
         Squirt. The pirate disintigrated with one squirt of the voodoo
potion. Another guard told him the church was restricted but Guybrush ended
that pirates life with one squirt.
         As Guybrush entered the church, he saw the ghost priest and LeChuck
and Elaine all together.
         "And if someone objects to the marriage of these two speak now or..."
         "NO!!!", Guybrush yelled.
         "Who??", LeChuck turned around, "how dare you? I can't beleive your
         "Yeah, well I can't beleive your atrocity!"
         "Oh yeah, well I can't beleive your mobility!"
         This exchange of rhyming insults when on for some time until LeChuck
roared, "I grow sick of you boy!!!!" and gave him the fist all the way to Stan's
shipyard. Guybrush picked himself up and grabbed a root beer from the
machine and squirted LeChuck. Guybrush watched as the evil pirate wasted
away. And Guybrush and Elaine lived happily
ever after... until LeChuck's Revenge!
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