Malkaynu Shuvah is a Hebrew expression meaning, "Our King is Returning." We
are a missionary work, committed to bringing the Basar (Gospel) and the Messiah
Y'shua to Hebrew and Gentile people everywhere, especially in the mid-
Michigan area. Our ministry is dedicated to Scriptural study and teaching
for the purpose of restoring the "Faith once delivered" to the House of
Israel and the House of Judah while proclaiming this Basar to all whom YHWH
is calling. This movement is an independent non-denominational pursuit.
We are also pledged to conveying a more accurate and deeper understanding of
the Hebrew roots of the Faith to seekers anywhere, whether Hebrew or Gentile in
their ancestory. We desire to present a united witness on behalf of the Messiah
to the Hebrews and the nations. Our labor is towards restoration of of the
forgotten Faith known and practiced by the original Believers of the 1st-century.
Malkaynu Shuvah is recognized as an Ecclesiastical Corporation (non-profit)
by the State of Michigan under the provisions of Act #327, Public Acts of 1931.
As such, Malkaynu Shuvah Ministries is organized and operated in compliance
with Sections 170 (C)(2), 501 (C)(3) of the United States Internal Revenue
code of 1986.
All donations to Malkaynu Shuvah Ministries are thus, tax deductible.
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