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The Alexis and Flynn Show!

Those of you that know me, you probably know my best friend Sarah. And I suspect you've been around when we've expressed a few of our inside jokes. Actually, they're not jokes, persay, more like phrases and names we give things that we just find to be quite funny. Though I am sure you don't share this humor, we thought that we'd share the scoop with you (well, a bit of it...maybe not ALL of it..) just for the heck of it. And we get a good laugh seeing a few of these things in writing. It also helps us remember some of them.

This will be constantly growing, so visit back, maybe you'll learn something, or hurt something, who knows.

Sarah and I have a fascination with pillow heads. This is us at Lesley's after Homecoming sleepover. I'm the one with the piglet "head."


I'm not going into any detail with that. All I have to say is Sarah had her '80' too.


Did you know they show the television show Clueless at about 1 in the morning? Well we found this out, and we also discovered that a cheerleader who is also a bimbo is a CHIMBO, so use that line of defense in your next girly girl brawl.

Pizza cookies

You have to try this! Get that ready made cookie dough, and spread it out on a pizza sheet. Pop it in the oven, and you've got a pizza cookie! It seems like you're just eating one cookie, so the nutrition factor is for the one serving!


What we call pizza.

My wife was kidnapped by a seven foot amazon lesbian on our honeymoon!

An article in a very acurate newspaper!

Make whoopee in the snow!

Just say it, it's great.
