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Last Update - 2/24/00

Michigan Chat!!

Who Are These Crazy People?

I am sure you have entered Michigan chat and wondered who and what kind of people there are in that crazy room! Well, I have created the site for you! In this website you will see what the people behind that chat look like! You will also see many of our get togethers...and find out a little about everyone in this room! So..take a look...and don't hold ME responsible for anything you find in this site!!!!....Talk to you soon...Mia

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Michigan Chatters
Don't forget to come back often to check the messages link below for any current issues or events in chat!!

Michigan Chat Messages Click Here

***Special thank you to Xavier for all his help teaching me ways to make this site easier for all of us =)***

***If anyone is missing from the new drop down list for pics...please email me and let me

Click here for BIRTHDAYS!!


Good times and memories happen when we all get together! We have done many fun things together! Party in Saginaw, Lansing....and Midland! Also, bbq's, dance clubs and good ole Beaver Creek! Yes, you may meet alot of wierdo's online but this is the best bunch of wierdo's you will ever meet!! So join us for some laughs...hopefully you will be at one of our parties soon!!

Some Other Sites to Visit!!

Mia's Animations and Gifs

The Goose Nest

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