Monkey's Official Homepage!!!!
Hello.This is my Official Monkey Homepage.
Above is Monkey.Yes,that's Monkey.Here's Monk10!
The Adventures of
Monkey woke up,slowly getting out of bed,as usual.He walked into his kitchen to eat breakfast.He opened the cabinet and found he only had Leaf Bran cereal.Monkey gritted his teeth,and got a jar of Jeff Peanut Better Butter and a spoon.Slowly he poked the spoon into the peanut butter.He noticed his toilet was making some weird sounds.He walked to the bathroom slowly.He looked inside the toilet,and as soon as he did,he was in a spiral of time and space."What's......HAPPENING?!?!?!?!?"Monkey wailed,as he soared down the spiral.Monkey landed into a sewer,one that seemed familiar."Sheeeoooow!"Monkey yelled,"this sewer smells like a bantha gone bad."Monkey traveled through many pipes,and in one,a guard was standing with his back to Monkey.Monkey jumped on the guard.They brawled for a loooooong time.Finally,in a misfire,the guard shot himself in the head with his own laser."Just what the doctor ordered,"Monkey said,as he picked up the laser.Monkey traveled through another pipe.In it,was a guard.Monkey crept up to the guard."Hell-ooooo!"Monkey said.The guard turned around,and just before Monkey blasted his laser,shot Monkey in the chest.Monkey fell to the ground.
Is this the end for our fuzzy friend?
Tune in next time,same Banana place,same Banana Time!