and 7th Precinct Studios present . . .
The Friends of Jasmine Award
October 2nd, 1997 was the official
start of Domestic and Sexual Violence Awareness Month in the state of Michigan.
Because of this awareness event, I have decided to begin an awards program.
This is the "Friends of Jasmine" award. As regular Motown
Heat readers know, "Jasmine" in this case refers to Jasmine Chin, a.k.a.
Cutup, who as a teenager was raped by her father, whom she later killed
when he attempted it again. (See Issue #11, Shattered
Innocence, for more detailed information.)
I came into contact with a lot of sites designed for support of rape, incest,
and domestic violence survivors, whom I placed on a special resource
page attached to Issue #11. Many of the Webmasters of these pages were
survivors themselves. These were the original inspiration for the "Friends
of Jasmine" Award, especially because of the assistance the Webmasters
gave me in completing the issue (I consulted with them on certain aspects
of the story, as well as collecting their links.).
So, I encourage you to submit pages whom you think offer the
best support and advice for survivors of rape, incest, and domestic violence.
Webmasters, you are encouraged to send your pages, also. There are very
few requirements I have, though I do plan to stick by them:
1. No Java script, Shockwave apps, etc. Frames are OK.
2. Explicit text (as in survivors' stories) is acceptable, so long
as it is not gratuitous. Explicit graphics will disqualify a site from
3. The pages will be judged heaviest on their content. Looking
pretty is an added bonus, but I'm more interested in what you have to say.
Okay, enough rules. If I do choose your site as a "Friends of Jasmine"
site, you will be notified via e-mail (probably from your own site) with
instructions and code script. The script will be a link to a special page
which will be established, containing your page as a link, with the complete
list of "Friends of Jasmine." You'll have your choice of the following
graphics to place on your page:
If you are chosen, I would appreciate it if you would download the graphics
from here, rather than using a link to the graphic's location.
e-mail me with your
nominations, and as soon as I receive your site URL, I'll start checking
it out. Thank you, and good luck.
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