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Mosher's Realm

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Chris's Looks Poll
How do I look?


Some Things About Me.....

I have short blonde hair combed back, brown eyes.(You can see for yourself on my pics page) But best of all, I finally hit 6' tall!! I go to Ford II and am a Junior.

I try to be the best at everything I do, so I have a decent number of talents. I'm basically a dude that loves to have a good time wherever I can find one. And if your having a party, pass on the info man!!! ;)

Some Things I Like.....

My greatest talents are juggling, which is becoming an obsession I'm coming up with all sorts of new trics, and am learning 5 balls. I also aggressive skate.

I like mostly everything that has to do with darkness. (in case you didn't notice.) I have a dark lifestyle, and you don't see me around white clothes very often, if im wearing a shirt at all. I love the outdoors and stay out of the house basically all summer.

Some Things I Don't Like.....

When it comes to things that I hate, of course you can go on and on.

I don't like being around people who don't have a sense of humor, and cannot accept mine. I also hate people who talk way to friggin' much. Although it's all good as long as they arent boring...

That about raps it up, Thanks for stopping by. Check out my Metallica page if your so inclined, and please sign my guest book before you leave......

Oh yeah, if you want to get a hold of me for some strange reason, I'm on AIM (Mosher2002)

This Page Is Deticated All Of Those People Who Want Me...