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...... Welcome to the Perennial Home of Natureschild ...... Wild Flora of East Tennessee Wild Things of East Tennessee

Photo Album
Garden Tips
The Garden Bench
Garden Links

Come...walk in my garden.

Welcome to my Gardenworks. The gardens are located in East Tennessee near the Cherokee National Forest at the base of the beautiful Appalachian Mountains. They are mostly perennial and my favorite is the Daylilies. I have uncounted varieties and consider them the perfect perennial. I've even dabbled in hybridizing them with some successes. Another favorite is the ornamental grasses, and I've acquired quite a collection. The gardens are always changing and expanding, and something is in bloom from the first daffodil to the last mum. The Wild Things are encouraged to visit and take up residence.

I moved here from Michigan, August 2004. I brought many of my favorite perennials from MI, and they are getting settled in their new home. I'm really enjoying the longer growing season and all the new things I can grow here in Zone 6-7, and especially the milder winters. This gardener is in heaven.

The signs will take you to various rooms in my virtual garden. Enjoy your stroll and thanks for visiting.

"Living is not enough.", said the butterfly.
"One must have sunshine, freedom, and a little flower".
~ Hans Christian Anderson ~

Today is

days until Spring!

updated 10/23/05

Click for East Tennessee Forecast

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photos by Natureschild

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