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Wild Things of East Tennessee
East Tennessee

At The Feeder, In The Garden, In The Woods

Page 1 - Birds

Page 2 - Flutterbies & Beasties

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* Photo taken in MI.

Updated 10/23/05

Photos Comments
Eastern Black Swallowtail
Papilio polyxenes
8/15/04 1 2 Flying, on ground, and wildflowers.
Dogday Harvestfly
Tibicen canicularis
9/6/05 - Handsome cicada w/loud buzzsaw call from a high perch.
Eastern Tiger Swallowtail
Papilio glaucus
8/10/04 1* On wildflowers.
Great Spangled Fritillary
Speyeria cybele
10/1/04 1 On Butterfly Bush, ground.
Gulf Fritillary
Agraulis vanillae
10/1/05 1 On Butterfly Bush, dung.
Hackberry Butterfly
Asterocampa celtis
9/25/04 - On ground.
Hummingbird Moth
Hemaris thysbe
7/1/05 1* 2* On flowers.
Leonard's Skipper
Hespetia leonardus
9/15/05 1 0n butterfly bush.
Long-Tailed Skipper
Urbanus proteus
10/19/05 1 0n butterfly bush.
Danaus plexippus
6/7/05 1* 2 3 4 5 On cosmos, butterfly bush. Caterpillar found on milkweed at nursery. Butterflies emerged 10/1/05.
Mourning Cloak
Nymphalis antiopa
3/29/05 - Flying early morning.
Question Mark
P. interrogationis
9/30/05 1 On ground.
Painted Lady
Vanessa cardui
10/19/05 1 2 0n butterfly bush.
Pearl Crescent
Phyciodes tharos
9/25/04 1 On ground.
Pink-Edged Sulpher
Colias interior
9/15/05 - On ground, butterfly bush.
Pipevine Swallowtail
Battus philenor
10/24/04 1 On ground.
Praying Mantis
Mantis religiosa
7/1/05 1* All over.
Red Admiral
Vanessa atalanta
7/1/05 1 2 On ground, dung.
Silver-spotted Skipper
Epargyreus clarus
8/1/05 1* On flowers, ground, deck.
Spicebush Swallowtail
Papilio troilus
8/30/04 1 2 3 On Tall Ironweed, Butterfly Bush, dung.
Spring Azure
Celastrina ladon
3/29/05 - Flying above grass, on mud, dung.
Tawny Emperor
Asterocampa clyton
9/1/04 1 0n wood deck.
Variegated Fritillary
Euptoieta claudia
9/13/05 1 2 On Butterfly Bush.
Limenitis archippus
10/1/05 1 2 On Butterfly Bush. Emerged same time as Monarchs...10/1/05
Virgin Tiger Moth
Grammia virgo
9/13/05 - Colorful caterpillar w/spikey hairs.
Unidentified Skippers
9/15/05 1 On Butterfly Bush.

Species Count
10/23/05 26

Photos Comments
Common Gray Treefrog
Hyla versicolor
7/20/05 1* In yard, garden, clinging to shed.
Canus latrans
1/1//05 - In field, forest, howling.
Eastern Cottontail
Sylvilagus floridanus
6/1/05 - In yard, garden.
Five-lined Skink
Eumeces fasciatus
9/1/04 - Juveniles w/bright metallic blue stripes. Spring sighting - 4/18/05
Fowler's Toad
Bufo woodhousei
5/1/05 1 In garden, burrow in ground.
Fox Squirrel
Sciurus niger
11/1/04 1* In forest.
Gray Squirrel
Sciurus carolinensis
4/1/05 - In forest.
Great Slug
Limax maximus
8/10/04 1 Ugh! This creepy crawley can be over 5" long!
Procyon lotor
6/1/05 1* Bird feeder marauder.
Rat Snake
Elaphe absoleta
7/22/05 1 In yard, garden. Skin found in pump house.

Species Count
8/10/05 10


Butterflies of North America

Caterpillars of Eastern Forests

Michigan Wildlife Species

Moths of North America

Patuxent Bird Identification InfoCenter


American Birding Association

Backyard Bird Lovers Forum

Backyard Wildlife Habitat

Birds of North America, Audubon's Watercolors

Crafty Birds House and Feeder Plans - Migration Map

Operation RubyThroat

The Butterfly Website

The Hummingbird Website

Tennessee Trees, Flowers, and Plants


"All About Tennessee Wildflowers" ~ Jan W. Midgley

"Birds of Michigan" ~ Ted Black & Gregory Kennedy

"Birds of North American" ~ A Golden Field Guide

"Butterflies and Moths" ~ A Golden Guide

"Eastern Forests" ~ The Audubon Society

"Edible Wild Plants" ~ Peterson Field Guides

"North American Insects and Spiders - Eastern Region" ~ National Audubon Society

"North American Wildflowers - Eastern Region" ~ National Audubon Society

"North American Wildlife" ~ Reader's Digest

"Stokes Field Guide To Birds - Eastern Region" ~ Donald & Lillian Stokes

"Trees of the Southeastern United States" ~ Wilbur H. & Marion B. Duncan

"Wildflowers of the Eastern United States" ~ Wilbur H. & Marion B. Duncan

Page 1 - Birds

Page 2 - Flutterbies & Beasties

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