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House Rules and Creations Herein is contained the few house rules that we've created for the LARP, and for those interested a few new Disciplines, and bloodlines, etc. that have found their way into the game.

Table of Contents

Koldunic Sorcerry MET Version
Byzantines and Evolution
Long Night Errata and FAQ
Bardo and Children of Osiris
Casino Influence
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Casino Influence
Casino Influence: This influence gives you control over the tribal elders who run the casino, or one of the higher up managers who really control it.

1. Get into invitation only games. Have friends hired/fire employees.

2. Fix a game (win $1,000) Blacklist other gamblers

3. Shut down one section of the games. Fix a high stakes game (win $1500)

4. Pass as a high roller* Arrange your own quasi-legal games

5. Blacklist other high rollers Rig major games, or skim profits ($5,000)

Other influences that give control over the Reservation

Tribal Politics x 4, Tribal Bureacracy x5, Tribal Legal x5, Tribal Police x4, Tribal Health x3, Casino x5

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Bardo and the Children of Osiris

The Children of Osiris are a group dedicated to practicing and spreading Osiris’ art to the deserving. Working in the shadows of the vampiric world, the Children continue to battle Set and his minions while preparing for the awakening of their own lord. Osiris himself saw the Embrace as a violating corruption, as well as a gift of awesome powers. This understanding led him to fight his Beast, setting forth on an eternal quest to transcend the evil that consumed him. Osiris died a horrible death at the hands of his brother Set, but taught his art to a select few of his childer. Unfortunately, all but one of them were destroyed in a great battle along with their sire. Khetamon, who now slumbers in a remote temple far from civilization, was the lone survivor whose awakening the Children anticipate.

Recently, the majority of the Children have suffered the effects of some powerful spell. What exactly happened has not been revealed, but even those few who have had contact with the reclusive Children in the past have noticed that they seem even rarer and harder to contact.

Disciplines-All Children originate from within some other clan or the Caitiff because they cannot create progeny; they must adopt followers from among existing vampires. Consequently, newly created characters should take at least one other Discipline (from the clan they would have been a part of), then take at least one level of Bardo. The character does not receive Bardo in addition to her other Disciplines, but as a substitute for one. Pre-existing characters who convert and become Children retain whatever Disciplines they possessed before joining and add Bardo to the list when their experience allows.

Advantage: Due to extensive clan unity and intense training; all Children of Osiris begin the game with a free level of the mentor background. Because of their strong virtues, all Children also can an extra level of will power at character creation. This extra will power can not raise their permanent will power higher than their humanity however.

Disadvantages: The Children’s blood is infertile, so they can not create progeny. They are also more prone to frenzy if they do not spend some time every day meditating in a specially prepared temple. For every month a Child spends outside of a temple raise the difficulty to resist frenzy by one.


Restore Humanitas

This Discipline allows the Child to reclaim a lost trait of humanity. It is only possible to do this for others if it is a trait they recently lost (within the last few weeks). The Child must spend a Willpower Trait and meditate or sit out of game for one half hour. She must not contact or speak to any other players while out. To raise someone else’s Humanity, the subject must spend one Willpower and the Child must expend one mental trait.

Banishing Sign of Thoth

This Discipline allows the Child to defend herself from other vampire’s Disciplines. To evoke the Sign, the player must make an appropriate gesture where her opponent can see it. She may then engage in one retest by spending one Trait that is appropriate to the challenge. This Discipline wards against Thaumaturgy, Dominate, Presence, and Auspex.

Boon of Anubis

This Discipline allows the Child to protect a mortal from the Embrace, but not from becoming a ghoul. To effect the Boon, the Child must spend one Willpower Trait; win or tie a simple test with a Narrator and meditate for a half-hour. Neither the mortal nor the vampire will be aware the mortal has not become a vampire until she wakes from her first sleep. This power must be used before the mortal’s Embrace-it will not work after the Embrace has been given.

Pillar of Osiris

This allows the Child to establish her own temple where Bardo may be studied. For every month away from the temple the Child becomes more prone to frenzy. This trait requires a hour of meditation and the expenditure of one Status trait.

Mummification Ritual

This ritual allows the Child to cause torpor in a vampire for a given amount of time. It is normally used to eliminate those who are evil without causing Final Death. The Children are rumored to harbor a collection of such vampires, many rumored to be elders of the Followers of Set, whom they store for safe keeping.

To effect this ritual, the victim must first be incapacitated. Then the Child must retire to a sanctified temple for one hour to perform the ritual. Others may be present, but the Child must be undisturbed. To successfully place the victim in torpor, the Child must win a Mental Challenge or spend two Willpower Traits to circumvent failure.

Ra’s Blessing

The Child may engage in two hours of meditation or spend two Willpower Traits to evoke this blessing. Ra’s Blessing enables the Child to withstand sunlight for as many hours as she is willing to spend Willpower Traits to do so. The first hour of immunity costs two hours of meditation or two Willpower traits, while additional hours cost only one hour of meditation or one Willpower Trait per hour.

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Long Night Errata and FAQ
Q. Can I play a Lamia, Lhiannon, or Laibon? 

A. Only if you your previous character had earned 30 
experience, or with Storyteller permission.

Q. What is the Lamia clan advantage? 

A. Lamia were originally traied as bodyguards by the 
Cappadocians. They still train thier bloodline in the 
martial arts, to ensure survival. All Lamia gain a 
free level of Melee. Furthermore, being decendant’s of 
Lilith and not Caine all Lamia may purchase the expert 
ability Lilin Lore at character creation, and due to 
the Clan’s resources they may more easily purchase 
this Lore after character creation. 

Q. What is the Lamia clan flaw. 

A. It doesn’t change from the Long Night. Vampires 
feeding from Lamia gain the flaw Disease Carrier. 

Q. What is the Lhiannon clan advantage? 

A. Lhiannon are enjoying the fortunes of a renewed 
interest in ancient pagan ways. Any Lhiannon may spend 
the a level of the occult ability to garner a single 
blood trait from a herd of curious neo-pagans similar 
to the Toreador clan advantage. 

Lhiannon are also students of the ancient pagan past. 
All Lhiannon may being the game with one free ability 
from any of the following Occult, Theology (with a 
free specialization in any one pagan European 
religion), or Fae Lore. 

Q. What is the Lhiannon clan flaw? 

A. Lhiannon draw their roots from Lilith as did the 
Lamia. However, something of their attachment to Her 
is apparent in their features and bearing. All 
Lhiannon are 2 traits down in any social interactions 
with descendents of Caine. Cainites on the path of 
Lilith and Lamia do not count as descendents of Caine 

Q. What is the Laibon Clan advantage?

A. Laibon survived the Dark Ages by moving constantly. 
This habit has continued into the Final Nights and all 
Laibon gain a free level of Transportation influence 
and one trait in from the following abilities 
streetwise, survival, or expression (Laibon often 
entertain hosts while traveling.)

Q What is the Laibon clan flaw?

A. The Laibon’s ability to dominate their beast comes 
at a price. Anytime a Laibon spends a bloodtrait for 
any reason, one trait is “lost” to the beast.

Q. What is the retest for Deimos?

A. It depends on the power used. Generally, Lilin Lore 
for Whisper’s of the Soul; Thanatology for Kiss of the 
Dark Mother; Lilin Lore for the Ichor powers; and 
Thanatology for Black Breath.

Q. Why is there only one intermdiate Deimos power?

A. There isn’t. Ichor allows you to make four 
different potions. The first two listed are the first 
intermediate level, the second intermediate power 
allows you to make the second to potions. 

Q. Are there really only three levels of Ogham? 

A. No...WhiteWolf smokes crack in my opinion (or their editor is stingy, one of those two). 

Consecrate the Grove and Crimson Woad are basic 
powers. The Moon sigil is the first intermediate, the 
Sun sigil is the second intermediate. Dragon Lines is 
advanced. Inscribe the Forgotten Names is Elder. And 
the retests use the Occult ability.

Q. What are the five Abombwe powers then? The first 
four are in the Long Night, Predator’s Mastery is the 
second intermediate power though. Devil Channel is 
advanced, and Taking the Skin is elder. Retests use 
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Byzantines and Evolution


Basic level

Ionic Discharge

With this ability you have to the power to discharge an electrical current at any one part of your body. Anyone that is in flesh-to-flesh contact with you in that area of your body will be stunned for a length of time depending upon how powerful the charge is. To use this discipline simply bid one physical trait for a physical challenge and the appropriate amount of blood equal to the number of rounds you want to stun your victim. (Up to three blood points max per round being spent this way) In the event of a tie it is your mental traits verses their physicals. A person may also "charge up", to do this simply spend a number of blood one round before the actual challenge is made. This blood is then added to the blood spent in the next round cumulatively making a larger charge. However, for every level of fortitude the recipient has, will be subtracted from the number of rounds there stunned.

Electrical Manipulation

With this ability you can induce a flow of current within a circuit (or surges if the circuit was already live) or make no current flow at all. This ability affects all electrical systems within a ten-foot radius of you. To use this ability simply spend one blood trait, no challenge is necessary. Effects of this ability last for fifteen minutes on any one electrical system within the ten-foot radius even after you have left the area. The storyteller or narrator may determine any residual effects on the electrical system. Also you can generate interesting visual effects with this ability, one being "skin effect", where the electricity ripples across and all over your body. When doing this you gain the social trait intimidating for that scene.


Electricity for Blood

You have now evolved to a point where you are able to feed off any one thing that produces current. While you can still drink blood, you would rather go for the rush you get when sticking your fingers into an electrical outlet, or some device that has potential energy or current flowing within it. At this state merely touching (contact with your bare flesh on any part of your body) the bare metal leads of any outlet or device that has some potential energy or current within it, and successfully making a mental challenge against five mental traits, and you may feed. You will gain blood in this fashion, at one blood point for every ten minutes.

Electrical Bolt

At this stage you have learned to focus your energy to mimic that of lightning. To do so requires you to spend one blood and bid a mental trait for a mental challenge, in the event of a tie its your mentals verses their physicals. If successful you do two aggravated wounds damage to your opponent. The range of this ability is ten paces, and when used a loud audible "crack" is associated with a flash.


Grid Travel

Now you have now ascended to a level where you can become one with the power. Any outlet, or device that has a potential energy or current flowing within it, can be a veritable hiding place or means for travel. Simply make flesh contact with any one part of your body against the bare leads of any outlet or device described above, while spending three blood, and you will transform into electricity traveling into that circuit. You may stay in this circuit for as long as you like, you may also sleep there, if it is a power grid or some other form of network utilizing electricity you may travel from one place to another at the speed of light baring that you KNOW the destination (i.e. you must have been there before) and that there is an open outlet of some kind to come out at. While in this form you have no conscious knowledge of what happens on the outside world, because of this you cannot initiate nor be the target of any disciplines. If in the grid and a section you are in loses power you are simply pushed back to a live circuit, however if your circuit is isolated or becomes isolated you will be ejected out of the circuit to the nearest bare wire opening.


Electric Form

You have evolved to a state of being that few may ever experience, you may now take the manifestation of an electrical form, your body becoming electricity. By spending one willpower, and two blood traits you can enter this form. You will gain the mental traits determined, determined, determined, determined, clever, clever, and the social traits intimating, intimidating. While in this form you can only use the social traits intimidating. People who touch you, either themselves, or with something that conducts must make a test verses stun one round. Moreover the lower levels of evolution do the following, Ion Discharge costs nothing to use, Electrical Manipulation costs nothing to use, you can gain one blood per five minutes with Electricity for Blood, Electrical Bolt does three aggravated damage, and Grid Travel costs nothing to use. Its takes one full round to enter this form, and you can be staked in this form.

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Koldunic Sorcery
To use any Koldunic power the individual must spend a will power trait and then make the appropriate challenge. All retests are made using the ability Koldunism. The Way of Spirit is replaced by the Way of Sorrow, and does not exist in MET.
                 The Way of Earth

When any Way of Earth power is invoked the user’s eyes 
become walnut brown and patches of stone ripple across 
her body.

·	Soil Silhouette- A koldun invoking this power 
has the ability to command dirt to rise up from the 
ground and crawl up the legs of an individual. The 
soil rises up very quickly and, as it passes above a 
victim’s knees, renders him 
         MET System: By engaging in a physical 
challenge against a target’s physical traits the 
Koldun may cause dirt anywhere in a 100’ radius of the 
invoker to crawl up a victim’s legs. The Koldun may 
spend up to three stamina related physical traits upon 
invoking this power; each trait spent will render the 
victim immobile for one round. Each level of potence 
the victim possesses reduces this time by one round. 

Unearthly Stamina A Koldun invoking this power 
temporarily borrows the earth’s resilience, lending 
him stamina. Some elder Tremere of Eastern Europe 
reminisce on the frightening capacity for pain their 
rival Koldun could withstand when invoking Unearthly 
Stamina. Sabbat Koldun often use this power to prove 
their mettle during the ritae.		       MET 
System: The Koldun must spend a Willpower trait, and 
engage in a simple physical challenge against a 
difficulty of 6, the Koldun gains the physical traits 
resilient x2 and can soak aggravated damage for the 
remainder of the scene. 

Soil of Death-By invoking soil of death, a Koldun 
commands roots to rise from the ground and drag a 
target below the soil, incapacitating him. Once buried 
up to his neck a victim finds it increasingly 
difficult to breathe as he feels the weight of the 
earth crushing his lungs. MET System: The Koldun makes 
a physical challenge against the victim, if successful 
he may spend up to three physical traits related to 
stamina. For each trait spent the victim is held 
underground by powerful tree roots. Kindred take no 
damage from this, but any creature unable to breathe 
suffers one lethal damage for every round they are 
held underground unless they win a physical challenge 
against 7 traits.

Root of Vitality-Many healers believed that burying a 
person in the ground would allow the rich soil to 
purge him of his ailments. This power allows the 
Koldun to draw a person into the ground up to the neck 
to heal grievous wounds
	          MET System-With the expenditure of a 
Willpower point, the Koldun commands the soil to pull 
a person down into the ground. The character must stay 
underground one round for every level of damage they 
wish to heal. Even aggravated wounds may be healed in 
this manner, but the injured party must spend one 
blood point for aggravated wound healed. During this 
time the subject is helpless and unable to perform any 
other actions. 

Dracula’s Restless Soul-This power allows a Koldun to 
call upon the dormant wrath of blighted land. When 
invoking this power, a Koldun creates a large earth 
tremor capable of shaking the foundations of a city 
	                      MET System-Expend a 
willpower and win a physical challenge against 9 
traits. By expending a permanent stamina related trait 
a player enables her character to cause the earth to 
shake violently. Each trait spent, up to five, 
increases the radius of the quake; victims in the area 
suffer levels of lethal damage equal to the traits 
spent to invoke this power. This tremor lasts for one 
turn. {1 trait-affects one structure 2 traits five 
structures 3 traits a residential street 4 traits a 
half city block 5 traits a city block).  Always recall 
that the caster is in the radius of the quake.

                   The Way of Wind

When any Koldun uses the Way of Wind, her eyes change 
color to a sky blue and breezes blow around her body.

·	Winds of Guilt-Ancient Koldun uses this power 
to ensure loyalty in their boyars without the need of 
a blood bond. The power caused a wind to surround 
their victim and sound like whispering voices telling 
the horrors that would befall them a nd their families 
should they betray their voivode. Sabbat koldun enjoy 
invoking this power before feeding during ritae, 
reveling in the mixture of fear and adrenaline in the 
blood of a stricken vessel. 	          MET System-
The koldun then spends a perception related mental 
trait, and engages in a mental challenge against the 
target. The victim is then convinced that they hear 
voices whispering of his most evil deeds 
(Storyteller’s discretion on what those are). When in 
the presence of the koldun, the target loses two dots 
of Courage, minimum one. 

Biting Winds-The use of this power invokes a wind as 
chill as the air atop the Carpathian Fagrash 
Mountains. A koldun invoking this power had a much 
easier time ridding his land of unwanted guests. 
Modern Sabbat koldun invoking this power often refer 
to it as the “meat locker”. 			
	          MET System-After spending a will 
power point, the player makes a perception based 
mental challenge against a difficulty of 6. The power 
then summons a freezing cold wind that whips around in 
a 100 yard radius. Everyone in the area is down two 
traits on any test of dexterity, and are reduced to 
half movement. Anyone attempting to enter the area 
must first spend a will power point and engage in a 
physical challenge against the koldun’s mental traits 
to soak a level of bashing damage from the extreme 
cold. The power may be extended as a reflexive action 
(make a perception based challenge every round to keep 
it going). 

Winds of Lethargy-Although these winds do not induce 
immediate sleep in a victim, prolonged exposure to 
this gale causes exhaustion and fatigued movement. 
Targets caught in the wind smell a bittersweet smoke 
in the air. Individuals in the gale also feel 
intangible hands massaging muscles into relaxation. 
	          MET System-The player spends a will 
power and engages in a perception related mental 
challenge against 7 traits. If successful the koldun 
creates a wind that induces lethargy in anyone within 
200 feet. The koldun may extend the power each round 
by engaging in a mental challenge (as a reflexive 
action). People caught in the win must make a physical 
challenge against 8 traits (retest survival) or suffer 
a half trait penalty to engaging in any physical 
challenge, and have their movement rates halved. 

Traveling the Winds-A koldun employing this power 
moves at incredible speeds by riding the winds. The 
voivodes of nights past often appeared in each of 
their boyar’s homes nightly instilling fear and 
terrorizing them into loyalty. A koldun’s body becomes 
almost ethereal when riding along the winds, 
disappearing into a blurry outline of his physical 
self and rematerializing in a similar fashion. 	
	         MET System-A koldun spends a will 
power trait and makes a successful perception based 
mental challenge. With a successful invocation of this 
power the koldun’s body blurs in a gust of wind, 
moving through the air at 250 mph, though not directly 
affecting how fast the wind blows. This effect must be 
invoked outdoors. This power lasts for one scene, 
after which the koldun materializes at his 

Body of Zephyr-A koldun dissolving into Body of Zephyr 
blends into the air, maneuvering through the smallest 
of cracks. The koldun’s body retains its basic shape, 
though it is ephemeral and transparent. 	
	        MET System-This power takes a full 
round to invoke after a successful mental challenge 
and the expenditure of a will power. This doubles the 
caster’s movement rate, though he can not take 
physical actions. The caster returns to normal after a 
full round of concentration. 

                   The Way of Water

When invoking this power the Koldun’s eyes change to a 
vivid aquamarine color. 

·	Pools of Illusion-This power allows the koldun 
to create a three dimensional illusion along the 
surface of a water source. Modern koldun use this 
power to prey upon superstitious mortals. MET System-
The koldun spends a willpower and makes a wits related 
mental challenge to create an illusion of his 
choosing. The illusion can speak and move, but is 
intangible and cannot leave the boundaries of the 
water. It lasts for two rounds (several seconds) and 
then fades away. 

Watery Solace-Should the Koldun desperately need 
shelter from the sun, fire, or enemies they can opt to 
sink below the surface of a body of water. The koldun 
can immerse himself into nearly any body of water, but 
cannot move and is not moved by currents. 	
	         MET System-This power does not 
require the expenditure of a willpower trait. Instead 
the player must spend a wits related mental trait and 
a level of Koldunism to sink beneath the water. This 
power works like the Protean power of Earth Meld. 
Those looking directly into the pool of water may make 
a perception related mental test to notice the koldun 
resting in the water (difficulty of 8). 

Water Walk-No longer bound by the laws of physics, the 
koldun has the ability to walk along the surface of 
water as if it were solid earth. 		
				        MET System-The 
koldun may walk across the surface of water by 
spending a willpower and making a wits related mental 
challenge against a difficulty of 7. This power may be 
extended as a reflexive action at the beginning of 
each round. This power does not protect the user from 
underwater threats such as sharks or Rokea, and it is 
possible fisherman or easily impressed religious 
zealots may notice the user. 

Watery Minions-The koldun once used this minions, 
summoned from their moats, to protect their castles 
from invading Turks. The minions follow simple 
instructions without hesitation.   MET System-The 
player spends a will power, makes a successful wits 
related mental challenge difficulty of 8, and then 
spends any number of wits related mental traits to 
summon a minion. The minions have the same power level 
as an Imp (See Guide to the Sabbat), take no damage 
from bashing sources but two aggravated damage from 
fire. All minions last for one night. 

Doom Tides-Many Turkish ships lie below the Black Sea, 
destroyed by the mighty whirlpools invoked by the 
koldun. Some of tonight's kolduns invoke these 
whirlpools in pools to surprise late-night swimmers. 
		      MET System-The player spends a willpower point and makes a wits related mental 
challenge (difficulty of nine), and then spends a 
number of wits related mental traits. Each trait spent 
increases the size of the vortex by 10 feet. Doom 
Tides have a strength of 15 physical traits (which may 
be increased by the koldun spending additional wits 
related mental traits at a even trade of mental traits 
for five physical traits). Victims must make a 
physical challenge to escape the Doom Tide. Mortals 
and ghouls obviously will drown if caught in the 
vortex, losing one health level for every round they 
remain trapped unless they make a successful physical 
challenge (retest survival). This power lasts for one 

                       The Way of Fire

A koldun using the Way of Fire will discover that his 
eyes glow a feverish orange. Kindred witnessing these 
powers may be overcome by Rotschreck.

·	Shatter-In a small demonstration of power that 
is inherent in the Way, a koldun invokes the air about 
an object to increase in temperature until it 
combusts. 				        MET 
System-The player makes a successful manipulation 
related social challenge against a difficulty of five 
traits and spends a willpower. The koldun must have a 
target object in his line of sight, once this power is 
invoked, the heat around the object intensifies until 
the object spontaneously combusts. The object must 
make a static physical challenge, difficulty 
determined by Storyteller or immediately shatter. This 
power may not be used on living or undead targets. 

Rouse the Molten Rock-The koldun can now cause magma 
to bubble up from the earth’s core and slowly ooze its 
way along the ground. The magma burns everything in 
its path, and moves slowly along the ground. 	
		 MET System-After spending a willpower 

and making a successfully manipulation based social 
challenge the koldun may spend additional manipulation 
based social traits to keep the magma superheated. 
Anything coming in contact with the magma which moves 
as fast as molasses(the amount summoned is only enough 
to fill a bathtub and moves about one step a round), 
suffers three levels of aggravated damage (Make a 
dexterity challenge against the Koldun’s social 
traits). When the magma cools it instantly creates a 
small slab of rock. 

Gates of Magma-The koldun invokes molten rock to 
bubble up from the ground in a circular ring, 10’ 
high. The flow of lava is constant, creating a 
makeshift wall around the koldun.    MET System-the 
koldun spends a will power and wins a manipulation 
based social challenge to summon the Gates of Magma 
which last for two turns for every manipulation bases 
social trait spent immediately after they are 
summoned. Individuals who approach the Gates must make 
a Courage challenge, difficulty of 4. If successful 
they may approach the heated barrier but suffer one 
health level of aggravated damage. To pass the barrier 
one must spend a will power trait and suffer three 
levels of aggravated damage. 

Heat Wave- The koldun acts as a conduit for steam 
geysers and evokes a blast of dehydrating air, 
withering and desiccating an opponent. 		
				        MET System-The 
koldun spends a will power and makes a successful 
manipulation based social challenge difficulty of 8. 
The vampire then summons a geyser blast of hydrogen 
sulfide that blasts the target. Mortals suffer five 
health levels of lethal damage as their bodies 
dehydrate. Vampires suffer the same damage, but may 
soak. Kindred lose five blood traits when suffering 
from this power, regardless of how much damage they 
soak due to the extreme heat. 

Volcanic Blast-At this mastery of Way of Fire, a 
koldun commands lava to explode from the ground in a 
huge stream. The molten rock sprays in a small arc and 
then forms rivers that flow in every direction burning 
and melting everything in their path.	 	
		       MET System-This power is not 
subtle. Lava erupts 20’ into the air with the 
expenditure of a will power and a successful 
manipulation based social challenge. The koldun may 
expend additional manipulation based social traits to 
extend the duration of this eruption for one round for 
every trait of Koldunism spent after successfully 
invoking this power. Anything in contact with this 
molten rock suffers three levels of aggravated damage. 
Once this power expires all magma immediately cools 
into rock. Any moving creature can easily avoid the 
rivulets of molten rock after the initial spray, but 
inanimate objects may be destroyed in their paths 
(Storyteller decision on the magma’s flow)

                    Koldunic Rituals

·	Basic-

Reawakening the Dead Water. A koldun must drip one 
blood point of water (his own or someone else's) into 
a source of water from which she intends to drink. 
Then ingest the equivalent of one blood trait of 
water. The liquid mystically evaporates throughout the 
koldun’s body. After successfully completing this 
ritual the koldun regains one will power. This ritual 
may only be cast once per night. 

Recur of the Homeland

Ties that Bind After spilling four blood points onto a 
patch of earth and then ingesting the soil the koldun 
gains the trait Koldunic. This trait may be used in 
any application of Koldunic sorcery and count in the 
case of ties and overbids even exceeding generational 
limits. This trait remains for the remainder of the 
night, and this ritual may only be invoked once per 

Create the Sanguine Bonds-This ritual allows the user 
to create a Blood Brother. It requires that all the 
Blood Brothers intended for the Circle be present. The 
Koldun drains, or has possession of 3 to 7 recently 
drained corpses. The Koldun must then Embrace each 
corpse personally, and then sacrifice one blood trait 
for each Blood Brother he intends to create. Normal 
rules for the Embrace apply, the Blood Brother’s will 
enter hunger frenzies which may pose a danger to the 
koldun. The Blood Brother’s are of a generation of one 
less than the koldun casting the ritual. 

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