~*~Chocolate Euphoria~*~

~*~Chocolate Euphoria~*~

A little chocolate heart fell out of the sky. Lucy started to eat it not knowing ever why. The chocolate looked delightful and it tasted really good. It tasted good enough to die for just like chocolate should. Little yellow hearts decorated the wrapper. Lucy began to eat that chocolate faster and faster. She giggled and she smiled after every bite. She didn't know that little chocolate would make her high as a kite. Yes - that chocolated had drugs in it and I can tell you why it's so. Everyone needs drugs sometimes, everyone you know. The room started spinning around and around. Lucy got light-headed and she fell down to the ground. She felt like she was in a perfect state. Lucy felt so good, she felt so fucking great. She began to see colors of frosty white and blue. This is what drugs did for Lucy and this is what they can do for you....copyright 1997

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