^~^~The Jason Complex^~^~

He has a dog named Murph and people smoke weed at his house. He had some mescaline but he fed it to a blue mouse. He sells people Windex and he says it's LSD. He says "I'm such an asshole, but people still love me"

~*Jason's aren't good for much but sex and that's the tradgedy of the Jason Complex*~

His dad's a male stripper. He drives a red truck. He thinks he's really cool but, we all know that he sucks. He has stickers all over his face. If the cops ever came he'd lead them on a chase. He'd climb a tree.

*~Jason's aren't good for much but sex, and that's the tradgedy of the Jason Complex*~

They don't have parents or they just don't care. They party every night and they sleep in underware. Their best friends are in the back. They're a little crazy they just bought a another sack. They'll let you smoke it with them maybe. If you say for 50 bucks I'll be your baby.

*~Jason's aren't good for much but sex, and that's the tradgedy of the Jason Complex.*~

This last Jason is the strangest of them all. This brain cell count is less than 4. He's been higher than any Jason ever was. He has a life-long permanent buzz. Just like all the others, he dropped out. He's so fucking stupid that it makes me want to shout. Jason's aren't good for much except for sex, and that's the tradgedy of the Jason Complex.....

© 1997

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