
Ok, our Cd is mostly likely NOT going to be finished by the end of October like I said. We haven't even started recording yet. No real reason, we've just been busy. As of right now we are seriously thinking of adding Liz Scaris (formerly of Lizard) as lead guitarist. We're kind of at a standstill right now becuase Dan is very busy, and I've joined another band, and Jon has been working really hard on his own music, but we should have some more shows booked soon. Keep checking the page for updates! Thank you for your support!

Past Shows (See the bottom for the most recent shows)

Sunday, October 20, 1996
I-Rock Night Club, Detroit

Rainbow Striptease

We rocked. It was our first show and everyone said we did great. We got very srange looks and this crazy lady was hanging out on Tony all night, not that we cared. Tony had gotten so drunk the night before that we almost had to cancel. He had to keep a bucket next to his drum set in case he had to puke while we were playing. He never did though. Only 4 of our friends came to support us (thank you Becky!). The I-Rock is a totaly "cock-rock" bar. All the bouncers had on tight stone-washed jeans and big blonde feathered hair cuts. It was like Jon Bon Jovi fest of '87. One of the bouncers, Spike, who's like 40 years old (and carried a glock) gave Kelly his phone number (ha-ha). One of the other bands, Untamed, was basically a cover band that was a joke. They had good guitarist though, all 5 of them. I swear to God, 5 guitarist. Their bass player had to borrow Chris' bass cabniet and Chris got mad. Chirs was always mad. Mad or drunk. Becky's little brother's band, Indignation was also there. They were good, but not my style of music. They are broken up now. Tony and Chris thought they sucked.

Thursday, October 31, 1996 Halloween
Java House I, St. Clair Shoresz
Rainbow Striptease

We sucked. I was nervous as fuck, I don't know why, there was only 20 people there. Maybe it was because Frame was there and I really respect them and wanted to make a good impression. Our first 3 songs were ok, then they made us turn down our levels because the restaurant next door was complaining and all went to hell. All I could hear was drums, and our drummer at the time, Tony (see past members) wasn't a very good guy to follow. None of our friend went, not that we expected them to. Frame's bassist had to borrow Chris' bass cabniet which made Chris mad. Frame was fucking awsome. Randy has so much charisma and Andy is the best guitar player I knew at that time. They played my favorite song of theirs "On your knees". I was totaly into it the whole time and was suprised to turn around when they were finished and saw that the whole place was empty except for Frame's girlfriends and the rest of my band. They were awsome. Tony and Chris thought they sucked though. We got a whole $20 for that show.

Friday, November 1, 1996
Java House II, Warren Mi
two guys
Rainbow Striptease
Mad Cow

We did pretty good at this show. Nothing went wrong. The reaction from the crowd of about 40 was pretty good. What was weird about this night was most the two guys who went on before us were both left handed. 3 out of 4 guys from Mad Cow were left handed. I'm left handed and so is Chris. The bass player from Mad Cow had to use Chris' bass cabniet which made Chris mad. We made a whopping $65 at this show.

November 9, 1996
Java House I, Warren Mi
Rainbow Striptease
Norval's Goat

The day of this show began with Kelly's mom calling me and telling me that Kelly couldn't play tonight's show. It was so fucking stupid. We almost broke up that day. We played the show ok, but for some reason Tony wanted me to use Norval's Goat's guitarist's amp, and it kept going out on me and I sounded like shit. They used Chris' bass amp. ???? Alot of our friend's were there, like 25 people we knew came to see us. Even Kelly's dad. He told her "don't swear". He left in the middle of our set and didn't seem too happy. That's like telling Kelly "don't sing". The audience sucked. A bunch of coffe house whores. We made $50, but Tony stole it from us.

November 10, 1996
I-rock Night Club, Detroit
Rainbow Striptease

Once again, Kelly's parents tried to prevent her from playing a show. Once everthing was settled with that, Chris decided he wasn't playing. Tony got him really pissed off and Chris quit. We played without him. It didn't matter, the only people there were the other bands and their girlfriend's. Tony totally kissed our asses the whole time. He bought us pop and said thanks a million times, as if we were doing him a favor. I think he knew things were going to change.

Some Friday in Febuary 1997
Java House, Warren

On this day: Kelly's mom forbid her to play. Chris quit. The Java House went out of business. Tony disappeared.

April 25, 1997
Pharoh's Westland, Mi
Daisy Head Maisy
Rainbow Striptease
Sonic Reducer

This was our frist show with our new Drummer Jon and our new bass player Tony Cattini. My guitar kept going out of tune becuase I had just put new strings on and forgot to stretch them out (stupid girl, I know). Kelly and I looked awsome, that's all I can say. We made out during the drum and bass solo. Becky acted as our roadie so she could get in free. I don't remember what the other bands were like, we were in the van smoking pot most of the time when we weren't playing. I don't like Pharho's. The owner and manager guys were dicks.

May 22, 1997
Pharoh's Westland, Mi
Toke Hold
Rainbow Stripteae
Daddy X-Ray

We played pretty fucking good. For the first time we actually played too long, the sound guy made us stop. I was so fucking pissed. Everyone was having a good time, the audience was lovin it and we were rockin and we had to fucking stop. He wouldn't turn Kelly up either, even when people were yelling "more vocals!". When we were done like 20 people came up to us and started talking to us, like before I could even put my guitar away, it was cool. We stayed to see Daddy X-ray. They were really cool. They had a keyboard player. The stopped in the middle of our their set and requested a round of applause for us. Hopefully we can do another show with them, if they still exist.

June 2, 1997
Battle of the Bands, Lakeview High School
Killer Lint Balls
Rainbow Striptease
Irreverent Smile

The sound quality in the gym was beyond sucked. Broke a string. I should have known better than to do this. Indignation, who came in second, dazzled the crowd of pimple-faced, purposely pathitic-looking, dirty, arrogant fucks that ran around school like rats with their oxymoronic display of patrisim. E-Coil won and I'm SO glad. I don't understand, but you gotta pay your dues - and we are. Jon really pissed me off that day, and as far as I'm gonna go with that one.

Friday, June 13, 1997
Record Time Rosevile, Mi

Good show. Lots of people I didn't excect to be there. They were probably just shopping. This was to be Tony's last show with us.

April 1998
House Party, Ferndale

Tony returned for one last time to play bass (it was his house party). It was fun. We were trashed. Kelly, Myself, and Jon woke up in bed together. That's all I remember.

September 5, 1998
House Party, Ferndale

Ok, sparing all the emotional details of this horrible heart breaking gut wrenching soap opera which is Rainbow Striptease, I'm just gonna tell how the preformance went. It went great. It was the frist public performance of the new Rainbow Striptease. I had so much fun after I calmed down after the first few songs and my leg stopped shaking. We ripped though 12 songs in what seemed like 2 minutes. It was such a rush. Jon's drumming was at an all-time high and Dan the new bass player put on a marvelous stage show. I was not really paying attention to what I was doing, I just know I've never yelled so loud in front of so many people in my life. This is really just the beginning. I can't wait until our next show.

September 13, 1998
I-Rock, Detroit
Slave 1

Well for our first real show in over a year, it went pretty well. We were a little rusty, and we didn't have as much fun as we did at the party, but it was good. I didn't break any strings like I thought I would, but Jon's drum stick did fly past my head at one point. We totally fucked up a few songs, and some songs were fucking awsome. Not much of an audience, but that wasn't our fault. Good show, considering it's the I-rock and no one really goes there. We went on last and the other bands didn't even stick around to hear one song, that's ok cause they sucked anyway. I don't mean to be mean, but their attitude sucked, so they sucked. Anyways, I got some great compliments on my voice, which surprised me beucase I couldn't even hear myself, I didn't think anyone else could. But anyway, great show, can't wait until the next one.

October 14, 1998
I-Rock, Detroit

I think this was the funnest show. When we got to the I-rock we had 3-hours before we had to play, so we went to Rite Aide and bought candy to throw at the audience. I think it was our best turn out ever with a total of 20 people! Whoo-hoo! Actually, the best and most entergenic people there had come to see the other band, props to them. I think we played great, a few screw-ups, but I'm not perfect. I wore a cheerleader outfit (I left the pom poms at home, dammit!) and Dan looked like a pimp. Jon had bought a gold shiny showercap to ware, but he pussied out. I'll say it again, I think we did a great job, I never showed so much energy on stage before, and it felt good. I felt really raunchy though, kinda slutty...maybe it was the short short short skirt, or maybe it's just time to change some of those old lyrics. Oh yeah, we got an encore too! I'm really proud of me for showing so much energy and attitude, but I think I acted like a total bitch. Oh well, I'm not really bitch....yeah right.

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