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Northville High School - Class of 1962

150th year of first Northville High School Celebration Link

Graduation Day was June 19, 1962 [My birthday!]
Written and researched by Margaret J. [Knight] Sypniewski. B.F.A.

In 1962:

Classmates were:

Camille C. Adas ..... James E. Anderson ..... Freda Angel ..... Alison [Atherton] Drummond ..... James Barton ..... Donald Busch ..... Jerry W. Biddle ..... Jack W. Boyd ..... Robert L. Burton ..... Diane R. Brasure ..... Dennie K. Busch ..... Manfred Bartelt (Exchange Student) ..... William R. Beadle ..... Robert G. Budlong ..... Joan E. Bryce ..... Thomas E. Bongiovanni ..... Sharon K. [Bongiovanni] Mitchell ..... Rita J. [Bradford] Edford ..... Joan Y. Brayman ..... Paul E. Barbara .....Klaus Borkman (Exchange Student) ..... Richard A. Bathey ..... Kay D. [Berryman] Rowe ..... Grace E. Brinson ..... Gerald G. Burnham, Jr ..... David H. Clark, Jr. ..... Laurie E. Chabut ...... Shirley J. [Coleman] Slobodnik ..... Suzanne W. [Cowie] Jones ..... William E. Clappison ..... Thomas A. Daniels ..... Ray W. Doeksen (deceased) ..... Jean A. Dixon ..... John W. Dowd ..... Michael W. Daleo ..... Linda [Deal] Juday ..... Susan M [Ely] Cherveny ..... Charles M. Early ..... John W. Engel ..... Sally V. Filkin ..... James S. Frisbee II ..... Nancy A. Frounfelter ..... Gary J. Guntzviller ..... Laura Grysiewicz (deceased) ..... Carolyn L. [Gardner] Davis ..... Robert C. Galli ..... Dennis G. Gilbert ..... Julie C. Gazley ..... Bruce E. Godfrey ..... Karen A. George ..... Daryl M. Hopper ..... Jennie M. Hayward ..... Cynthia K. Hildebrant ..... Robert T. Hallam ..... Gloria H. Hollis ..... Cheryl A. Hadley ..... James L. Hart ..... George "Skip" Howell ..... Vicki J. Junod ..... David J. Jendrisak ..... Gerald Jerome ..... Stephen A. Juday ..... Ronald D. Johnson ..... Carol L. Jones ..... George Howell (not on the class composite) ..... Linda R. Klocke ..... Margaret J. [Knight] Sypniewski ..... Fern R. Kinnamon ..... John M. Kahler ..... Lee D. Kloppenstein ..... Delphine M. Kaczor ..... William L. Krist ..... Linda J. [Lepper] Atchinson ..... Murilla A. [Lefevre] Berryman-Pope ..... Carolyn A. Lamp ..... Kathryn A. [Lee] Kapp ..... Charles G. Larson ..... Marvin E. Lemmon ..... Donna M. Lien ..... Thomas E. Long ..... Daniel E. Ling ..... Michael L. Meyers [deceased} ..... Christine B. Muller ..... George R. Marshall ..... Eugene G. Martin ..... Sharon L. Mahoian ..... Joanne E. [Malik] Popp ..... Terrence Patrick Meyer [d. 1993] ..... Terry J. Muns ..... Brian C. Mellen ..... Carol L. [Morse] Jendrisak ..... Kerry Madigan ..... Steve Mickalacki ..... Thomas W. Morrison ..... William S. Milne III .....Gary W. Nichols ..... Patricia E. Owens ..... Mary C. Oglesby ..... Rosemary L. [Padgen] Coleman ..... William R. Parker ..... Daniel W. Pattison ..... Susan E. Price ..... Pamela L. [Parmenter] Correll ..... Patricia A. Palenchar ..... Robert S. Palmer ..... Susan [Pharo] McFetters .....Dana L. [Rowland] Hunton ..... Ronald Paul Rumble ..... Ronald R. Richardson ..... Roy E. Rice ..... Lillian H. Rackov ..... Diana L. [Riley] Frederick ..... Dennis L. Riley ..... Stephanie L. Reed ..... Judith M. [Ritter] Darling .....Stuart J. Schlief ..... Joan S. Smith ..... Russell R. Stevenson ..... Susan J. Swank ..... Lynn L. Spietz ..... Larry D. Snow ..... Thomas R. Slattery ..... Robert C. Schneider ..... William D. Starnes ..... Dale Schultz (deceased) ..... Tina F. Secrist ..... Amelia K. Sigfridson (exchange student) ..... Philip R. Simenton ..... Carla C. Sarver (deceased) ..... John E. Schwartz ..... Susan Y. Stuckey ..... Marion C. Slentz ..... Sharon L. Soubliere ..... Cheryl C. Thibos ..... Rosemary H. Tetzlaff .....Janice C. [Williams] King ..... Lynn C. [Wineman] White ..... Clifford H. Wilson ..... Kenneth C. Webb ..... Charles E. Woodruff, Jr. ..... Sandra [Ware] Snowgold ..... Walter E. White ..... Charles T. Weiss ..... Suzanne B. Winner ..... Marsha J. Zoll ..... Ronald F. Ziegler



Northville High School Class of 1962 - Class Composite.

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This page was last updated on June 30, 2017

Webmaster: Margaret nee Knight-Sypniewski