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I get the same questions over and over again so here are the answers to those questions all on this great page.

Yes we have our own P.A. system and we have the capabilitie to use 7 mics.

We supply the mics

Shows start at 6:30.

no drugs or alchol allowed.

no smoking.

The shows cost $4.

Each band will play for 45 mins.

Each band which must travel a distance will get a percentage of the door. The pay will not be that great so you should take note of that. If you are a headling band you will probably get 20-30 bucks. If you are a band which plays fist or second and no one comes to see you you may not get any money at all.

We have a stage. But if you have a band with a ton of members like a ska band you should probably tell me so I can put on a exstention.

We do sell pop and chips at the barn.

we can not be responsible for the turn out at the shows. If you are not a well known band around HERE then you might not have many people at your show. If you are that concerned you should try to do some publicitie your self.

We have a balcony.

The Promotion is flyers which I hand out.

If it is raining you may have to carry your equipment about 100 feet. So be prepared.

If it is raining than you must park on the street.

Hey damnit if you cant make your show than call me and tell me so!

If there is any other questions email me and I will put it up on this page. Get back to me!
