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Well we didnt practice this week that sucks alot. All of our shows have been moved back for some reason. We dont have any shows coming up that are set in stone. I am trying to get together a show but I cant find a place. I really hope that shows start coming our way.


Me and korey just got back from doing some ice skating. Its all good. We have wrote a lot of new songs now. I think we have like 7 or 8, depending on how you count them. Well I am working and going to school. Holiday season is coming around so some peeps from college are coming home. That means many destractions and probably no shows....That sucks. Not to mention no practices


Well we just got back from blissfield. Erik will put up a review soon I bet. He likes to write those long ones. There isn't much going on. A little low on shows. That sucks. I think I am going to inlist a profesional to do the booking for our tour. I will see what I can do. Also due to the fact that I forgot my video camera for the show there will be no live album coming out. Hopefully we will do it at the next show.


We got back from the tour and we got a call from Brian. I returned the call and we were talking. Things have not been going good before that so me and brian came to ther conclusion that it was better if he left the band. There are no hard feelings and there is not any large reason why we seperated. The only reason was time restraints. We will hopefully be getting a new singer but we dont exactly know what is going to happen as of now.


We just got back from our short tour to the upper peninsula. it was a great time we are going to have a lot of pics from it and also we will be having a review on the review page soon. But in the mean time vote for your favorite song and do what you can to get us on the radio and playing shows near you.


Mainly we are looking for shows. As you have probably noticed we are playing in vermont. We are also looking for bands to tour with. It looks as though Us and DeadLock'd will be touring together this summer. It is still in the works but is looking really good.


We are also finaly going to be on some compilations. We are going to be on the Hate Breed comp and we are going to get on some other ones also.


In the mean time we are trying to get our stuff out to some radio stations. If you run a radio show let me know.


We are looking for a zine that wants to interview us. So if you have a small zine or what ever drop us a line and we will do an interview.


We are getting on the hate breed comp. I will let you know when it is out by for now you check out there page. hate breed records


We are now changing our name to Breaking Rubicon. In essence it means past fail safe. We are changing it because we are going to conquer the world and we have been running into problems trying. The main problem is other bands have the same name and get credit for our ass kicking.
Thats about all for now. Check back soon.

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