Welcome to my BON JOVI page! I'd like to tell you a little story about July 15, 2001 in a little place called Detroit, Michigan. Well, it was my first ever by myself road trip, and I got to Symnazik's without a problem. Yay! By the way, Symanzik is our awesome friend who got us tickets and let us stay at her house! Well...we had a fun time playing Uno, playing 6's for 9's and all that. (oh wait that was me LOL) Then at about 5:00 we head off to Pine Knob (I mean DTE energy...whatever!) I rode with Bront and Bro and we followed 2 gold SUV's. When we got there, the sign said RAT DOG! We get there around 5:40 and we got to park in what we thought was VIP parking (it was realllly close!) So then we go in, and had to wait till they opened the gates to go up the hill. Then everyone ran up the hill! It was great!! We layed our blankets on the lawn and chilled till 7:30 when EVE 6 played. Oh, but before that we took a walk to get something to drink. Me and Bro thought we got this good deal when we got a pop for $4 that was free refills all night. LOL we never got a refill! We also went to buy merchandise and I got a glow stick and a poster! Yay! Dang, I shoulda got a shirt! Oh well, it's over now. Oh, then it rained a little bit and I was scared for my poster, but I put it under my sweatshirt and all was good. It only rained 5 min tops. Eve 6 was really good. The lead singer was wearing Jon Bon Jovi's underwear! It was great! Then they stopped around 8 and then we waited another half hour for Bon Jovi to start. Everyone got up and screamed, and we stayed standing the whole night. It was INCREDIBLE! Every song he played I loved! And I love him he's SO hot. I was pissed though when some girl got on stage and Jon kissed her. That's no fair!! I kept on screaming and screaming when it was over, thinking he was gonna come back out and play Thank you. That was the only dissappointment, no Thank You and no Always. But I got over it cuz it was so WONDERFUL! My throat hurt like crazy for days but it was all worth it! Afterwards, we go into the parking lot, still so excited and listening to 80's music. We saw a tour bus pulling out, and we got all excited, and I yelled "HI BON JOVI" cuz we figured he was on that bus. Well, then another one pulled out and we thought he could be on that one too. So we thought that we should follow them, but we're like nah...but Bront and Bro were talking about driving to a few hotels to look for them, and then going home. And I went home with Symanzik to stay. Well, when we left, Bront and Bro went the way that the buses pulled out, and we went the other way. On their way out, a 3rd bus cut off Bront and Bro! They were so excited and followed it, of course! When me and Symanzik got back, there was a message that said they were at a private party with Bon Jovi. I was like NUT UH they have to be lying there's no freaking way! So Symanzik called them back and sure enough, they were in the parking lot at Gameworks (in Great Lakes Crossing). They wanted us to come back of course, even though they knew they could be waiting for Bon Jovi to come out till 4 am. Symanzik had to get up at 5, but gave me directions to go. Boy was I scared, not knowing where to go, it being 1 am and all. But I got there without too much of a problem, and I got there just in time to get the low-down, see the cups that Bront and Bro were given by bus driver Joe. (Those cups were gonna be used by Bon Jovi!) And they had met some friends who had been to every concert of Bon Jovi since 1987. Lucky! Anyway, there was a little confusion of which door they were coming out of, cuz the security guards were trying to fool us, but we were smarter than that. They came out and we SAW them. We were like 3 feet away! Bront got AWESOME pictures and soon she's gonna give me copies. Then we went to Steak and Shake with our new friends, and headed back to East Lansing...got there about 5 am. And here I am 4 days later STILL excited!!!!!!!!! It sure was ONE WILD NIGHT! Pictures will be coming "soon"! :) home