Tara Jayne's Insights

Hi friends! :) Welcome to my newest page. Here you will find whatever is on my mind. I try to change it often, so come a lot!

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Saturday, January 13, 2001

Yup, haven't written in a while and here's why. First of all, I'm a busy girl and don't have a lot of time for websites like this (as you can see I wrote a total of 1 all last year). Second of all, I made the boys are dumb page, so most of my insights go there! Because, my latest insights and motto for life is that Boys are Dumb. (To get to that sight you need to email me and I'll tell you the address, since no boys are allowed!) I call this insight reflections because out of Saturday boredom and loserness of having nothing to do, I was looking at my site and realizing how old it really is. My first insight is in Aug. 1997, and I made the page almost a year before that. Doesn't seem possible I've been on the web for almost 5 years! Amazing how time flies. That's why you have to always enjoy the moments, because years will pass you by like there's no tomorrow, and you'll find yourself sitting at New Year's Eve ready to go into 2001 and forgetting where 2000 went. Truly amazing.

Hi friends :)

Wednesday, March 29, 2000

Hi guys :) Well, I suppose this is my 1st insight of the millenium :) How special. Only the thing is, it's late at night (really it's Thurs, it's 1:14 am) and I'm not tired and I have nothing to do :) (no one's online now, what's up with that?) I just wanted to say hello. I honestly don't have any new and thoughtful insights. I'm sorry to disappoint you. Well, I will say that lately I've been thinking a lot about the importance of friends, new and old. Always make new ones, but never lose the old ones, ok! And if an old one comes back, they must be a true friend. Friends are the best and always I am here for each and every one of you (unless you're a random person looking at my page, in which case I'm not sure why you care about my insights :) So friends, I love you and I'll do anything for you ok! Later! p.s. I just reread all my old insights, when we got a III, boy was I a raving lunatic! Good lord! :) I'm not really like that ok :) Good night!

Have you missed me?

Saturday, June 17, 1999

Well, another boring night on the computer, why not update my insights? :) I'll take this opportunity to update you on all the important information in my life. (not much) Except, I did make MSU color guard, which was awesomely exciting! (after never marching guard and only 1 year of winter guard) I'm getting ready to go off to college...even went to orientation last week or something. It was the longest and gayest thing! I'm having problems with people never ever emailing me, and it's sad, and people aren't talking to me tonight on ICQ for some reason. Noboday likes me... just kidding. Ummm...mainly I just wanted you to know I haven't given up hope on this page, yet! If anyone read the previous insight about festival, I just want you to know that I know the band's attitude will be 100% back to normal in the fall and ready to get that I! You guys know how much I love band! I will be to every performance I can possibly be at :) Good luck getting your 1, now you know you have to work for it! Love always, TJ

III Exuse me? What????

Sunday, March 21, 1999

Rather than type the information for the hundreth time again, I'm just going to post the email I wrote to Mr. Martin about this incident:

Mr. Martin,

I'm emailing you because of the fact that I've never been so mad, upset, frustrated, dissappointed, etc. I just can't understand it. I can't understand how it's possible. I know what I am saying is going to sound conceited and arrogant, but it's so true. How is it possible for a band that's consistently gotten straight I's at districts AND states, go down that much in one year? How? How can a higher band at a school get a lower rating than the lower band??? Gosh, I can't understand it. When they first wrote down the very first III I thought, no, they're writing the wrong school, it's not right... imagine when they put in the last III. ????????? It's so impossible to think that it could have happened. We didn't even have a bad performance!! It would be a lot different if we left that auditorium unconfident and feeling like we did a poor job. But not a single one of us felt that way. We felt like we had a good performance. A I! And I'm not saying it was flawless, I would have fully expected us not to get straight A's, and even if we had a low I I would understand it. But to walk away satisfyed with a performance, and get not even close to what we thought we did, what everyone thought we did...how can it happen? I still think of the possibility of a mess up in the rating, they wrote the wrong one down, and I know that's not the best thing to think because I'm still holding onto the possibility, but I just don't understand how it is possible.

I have never felt this bad in my life, and every person in the band is feeling the same things, but I can't imagine what Ms. Furman is feeling, or what you are feeling. She was so supportive and willing and she did an excellent job with us... and look what she gets. Now people are going to look down on her because she took a band from a I to a III. Well, if that's true, how did concert band get a II? But still, I mean what about Ms. Furman getting the job? People are not going to want her to get it now. And she doesn't deserve that and neither do we. She was the best thing that could have happened to us after you left, and she got nothing for it. I can't imagine the feelings in her head and I feel so incredibly sorry for her... and you... I mean I can't imagine either. I know people are going to think it's because you left but how does that change a band's rating that much? How?? You always said that the students make the music and we do! So how can that change our rating because the face on the podium is different? And people are going to say that if you didn't leave, we would have gotten a I. but what do they think? That you were going to stay forever? Eventually, some point in time David Martin would not be our band director. But how can that change a rating of a band? I mean, when John Whitwell left, did they get a III? I don't know for sure, but I don't think they did. I want to know what band in the history of Northwest High School has ever gotten a III? I could be wrong, but I don't think it's happened. I remember that I was schocked to hear when the Jr. High got a III that year... but this year 7th grade got straight I's. What the heck? And you know what, I heard concert band play this morning, and I thought they did good. I did not think they deserved the one III that they got. I thought sight reading for them was not good, but their performance was good. I was hoping for a I for them. Even when I was talking to concert band members, parents, etc. they didn't even think concert band should have gotten that one III. But how could we deserve a III over all?? HOW is concert band better than us??? It's NOT possible. It can't be possible!!!!!!!

I guess that's all I can say, I'm sure I've been a little repetitive, and I'm sure you'll get many of these emails today... but I had to do it because I am so distraught with this. And I know that the attitude of the band will only go downhill from here. At least this year I mean, people are not going to want to work hard anymore. I will, but the band... and then what about next year when they get ready for festival and think...why work hard, we'll only get a III? That's a bad attitude to have but I know that people are going to be that way. Ok, I'm done now. I just don't understand how it is possible. That's what it comes down to.

Oh, just out of curiosity, are you glad you weren't there to see it? Well, thanks for taking the time to read this, I know you'll have many.

Love, Tara

I decided to write a letter to MSBOA. If you'd like to read what I've written, email me and I'll send it to ya. I've never been so mad in my life as I was yesterday, so I figured, that would be a good insight. I really want to know your comments on this.

The Best Teacher Ever

Saturday, January 16, 1999

I was asked why I have not updated my page with this information, and it's because of lack of time, and didn't think about it. Mr. Martin is the BEST teacher ever. And, unfortunately he is leaving us very soon. Tuesday is his last day with us, and our last pep band performance. I've said this so many times, but it can't be said enough. Mr. Martin, I wish you well and nothing but happiness. You have always been there for me, and the entire band. I can't thank you enough for all that I have learned from you and all the fun I've had for four years. High school band will forever be the best time of my life, thanks to you. (Coming soon: web page dedicated to the Best Teacher Ever!!)

New Contest

Wednesday, October 14, 1998

Here it is: I want to see who can send me the coolest, most creative, unique email I have ever gotten. (therefore I can not have gotten it before) This will go for one month, and I will announce the winner then. I will also post all of the emails I receive for this contest on this page! Good luck!

Marching Mounties Prove it Once Again!

Wednesday, October 14, 1998

I am proud to say that we got a I at festival again!!! This is such a major accomplishment and I have to recognize it every year! Congrats to everyone! I especcially like to thank my fellow drum major Andrew, the color guard captains (Guard was the best ever this year!) Andrea and Julia, and the drum captains Kelly and Erinn. I'd also like to thank all the squad leaders, especcially Erin who is the only one who ever tells people to stay at attention. I want to thank all the seniors for making it a great four years with me and a wonderful last performance at Mountie Stadium. I also extend a HUGE thanks to our OUTSTANDING director: Mr. Martin. You are the greatest and I thank you for everything! Also, many thanks to our student teacher, Miss Furman. You have been such a wonderful help to us! And last but certainly not least, our assistant director, Mr. Rehberg. You have always been there for us and I truly appreciate it! Congrats to all Mounties and I know you will continue the tradition of excellence!

School Sucks

Wednesday, September 2, 1998

Yes we've been back in school for an entire week now. Some of us even have homework every night in every class. Today was Picture Day. This makes a lot of us laugh. First, because a lot of people know that school pictures suck so they do not buy them, or they know they're going to end up getting retakes. Second, because most seniors don't buy school pictures cuz they buy senior pictures. In the past there has been a few seniors who have done some pretty funny things in their picture (since it's mandatory you have to get them taken, for the ID card) So, a few of us funny seniors wanted to do funny hairstyles. So, we all did funky things with our hair, and Lis decided to rat her hair out to a fro. So she did, but she got in the mean picture lady line, who told her she couldn't do it. But then the other lady said yes because Mrs. Popp said yes, but then the mean lady walked over and told the nice lady she couldn't, not without principil permission. So, Lis went down to get the principal, but instead she found the vice principal who told her no, because of something about a composite (hello Oxley, these pictures don't go in the composite!) So basically, our school told us how we could wear our OWN hair in our OWN pictures. I don't know about you, but I think this is wrong!! That's how we really wanted our hair for OUR pictures so what the heck?? I'm interested in hearing your feedback to this insight, so please drop me a line! Your opinion counts!

Michigan State University High School Engineering Institute

Saturday, July 18, 1998

Last night I got back from the best week I've ever had!! Being accepted to the institute on a full scholarship ($350), I decided to go, even though I didn't know a single soul who was going. It turns out that I met TONS of people, and some I feel like I'm best friends and I've know them my whole life!! Soon I'm going to be making a page dedicated to them, including pictures from the banquet!! Just to give them recognition now though, my greatest friends I met are, Curt, Amy (my roomie :), Maureen, Andrea, Weird Ben (or Crazy Ben), Ben (or "normal" Ben), Chris, and Leani. I love you guys and miss you already!

New Contest

Friday, June 12, 1998

This is not a hard contest at all. All you have to do is tell me a good idea to make SADD more fun, or an idea for something SADD should do to help reduce the number of alcohol related car crashes. Prizes will be awarded to ideas actually used! Email me or sign the guestbook. I am going to try to always have a contest going on, so this is the one for now! I will keep it going throughout the summer.

General Thoughts

Friday, June 12, 1998

First off, I'd like to say that there is only one winner for the contest, and I presume it's because no one ever comes to this page.... but, the winner is Andrew so congratulations! Your prize will be emailed to you. Now, I have a few things to announce, one, I was elected SADD president for the 98- 99 school year, and two, I made drum major for 98-99. :) I'm very excited for the upcoming year, which will be my senior year and the best ever!! By the way, just to recognize them, the rest of the SADD board includes; Heather, vice president, Kelly-secretarty, Cathy-publicity, and Andrea-historian. And, my fellow drum major is Andrew (yes the same one that was the contest winner) I guess he already knows me pretty well. Actually, it was just an easy contest, and for those of you who didn't know the answer (Blue Jello) it is Back to the Future (parts 1,2, and 3). Duh! It would never be anything else. One more thing, there will soon be a Northwest SADD web page, and I know you all will visit it as soon as it's made. Have a great summer everyone, and call me if you're bored and looking for something to do (like I am tonight) :)

The best movie EVER

Wednesday, April 15, 1998

I have a trivia for you. What is the best movie EVER? There are three choices. Please email me or sign the guestbook with your guesses. (You will only be right if you match with mine!) Whoever the winners are, you will get a very cool prize, plus special recognition on my homepage. There can be any number of winners, and for a contest this easy there should be lots!

Parents are the gayest

Saturday, February 7, 1998

You guys have been bugging me because I never change this page. Well this is for you. Parents are freaking gay. They never believe a word you say, they butt into things in your life that are none of their business, they treat your brother like the almighty freaking one, they tell you to be nice even though they treat you like crap, they never let you go anywhere or do anything, they get mad because you don't do your own laundry and then when you do they are mad because you are doing your own laundry, they get mad if you don't help out around the house, even though you have 900 other things to do and places to be and your brother just sits on his butt all day and eats, watches tv and plays the computer, they love your boyfriend more than they love you, they talk about you like they think you can't hear them, they take money from you without asking, everything is always your fault, you can never ever do anything right, they don't even bother making dinner for you anymore, they expect you to stay home but they get sick of you and tell you to leave, they yell about your room being a disaster when they don't even have to look at it if they don't want to, they pick an arguement about everything but they get mad if you try to argue for one second, they never let you talk, they are always freaking right, they are DUMB.

Yeah, yeah

Thursday, January 15, 1998

Yeah, yeah, yeah. I haven't been here in a while. Heck, I haven't even touched my web page in a while. I'm sorry for that. I will be better now though :) I have nothing really new for an insight...except that boys=poops. But hey, it's life.


Tuesday, November 11, 1997

I thought that this would be an excellent thing to write an insight about. Yesterday, I recieved my letter that told me whether or not I made the Varsity cheerleading team. Well, unfortunately I didn't. A lot of things went through my head. I had this feeling, why didn't I make it, that's not fair, they want me on JV???? Then, I found out that two other juniors also didn't make Varsity and have this option. First of all, on our try out sheets we had to specify if we were trying out for Varsity only, or JV or Varsity. I marked Varsity only, for fear of being the only junior on JV and looking like a dork. But, now that three of us are in the position, I am beginning to reconsider. I also think it would be a relief not to have to worry about one more activity, but I've had a lot of fun with it in the past, and I don't want to be a quitter. I have to make my decision by tonight. I'm still kinda undecided, but I do not agree with the way they picked the squads.

25 days!!!

Tuesday, October 28, 1997

I'm sorry I haven't changed this page as often as I would like, but I've been busy! What am I supposed to do ? :) Anyways, all that is on my mind lately is Eric getting home, which takes place 25 days from now!! Whoo hoo!! (November 22) I am VERY excited for this!!

Northwest High School, recieve your division..... 1 !!

Friday, October 17, 1997

Yes, this is a while after festival, but I just got around to this so shut up ok! :) Just kidding. On Saturday, Oct 11 the mounties hosted MSBOA district festival. A record of 19 bands performed this year. It was beautiful weather, a fantastic audience turn out, and an all around wonderful day. Festival is the funnest, scariest, happiest day of the year. It is a feeling you wouldn't believe, to be on that field with 18 other bands around you and knowing that your band exceeds above the rest. We're the Best, Northwest! Congratualtions mounties! Super job! I love you all !

A very special thanks to my squad, Toad, Jody, Megan, and Jenny. My best friends Jeff,Dan, Becki, and Geeda. A special note to Jamie also: I love you honey! (not LOVE you, love you :) (good luck w/ you know... that one guy :)

Marching Band Festival

Sunday, September 28, 1997

October 11 is District Marching Band Festival at NW. I'm so excited for this because I KNOW that the Marching Mounties will continue our tradition of a I rating. (at least I hope so) We are doing good so far, and we have two weeks ahead of us to work on things :) We'll do good.

World Humanities

Sunday, September 21, 1997

World Humanities is a class I am taking this year. It's for Juniors, and it's 2 hours long and counts for an english and social studies credit. I took it because I thought it would be fun. Well, it is kinda fun, but there's some things I don't like about it. Reading 3 times a week is the best, but lectures are boring. The assignments and things are kind of interesting, but I don't like the grading system, it frustrates me. They grade on a 4, 3, 2, 1 scale, like they do in college, and I don't like it at all. I've been a 4.0 student all through high school so far, and I haven't gotten a lot of "4's" in this Humanities class. This upsets me because I work really hard. I just hope it will get better as the year goes on.

Freshmen Friends

Sunday, August 31, 1997

Band camp was excellent, and most of the freshmen are really nice! We have a wonderful group this year, not only for marching, but for friends too! Some of my new friends are Jeff, Dan, Megan, Megan, Jody, Tracy, David, etc. It's great to have younger friends, as when I was a freshmen I had older friends. :) We're gonna have a great year.

School is Really Soon

Thursday, August 14, 1997

I can't believe how soon school is coming! The summer went by SO fast. Although I am really excited for band camp, I'm NOT excited for school one bit. I can't believe I'm going to have to start doing homework again. :( That is poopy. I also can't believe I'm going to be a Junior. My first two high school years went by SO fast. They were the best years of my life. I know that my last two will only be better.

Squads for the Season

Thursday, August 7, 1997

Today we found out who is in our squad for the season. In my squad there's Toad, Jenny, Megan, and Jody. Toad is a sophomore and the other three are freshmen. I'm really excited for my squad, because I have one friend, plus I get to meet new people. I was talking to Toad's sister Geeda today, about having squad bonding time at band camp. I think this is an excellent idea for everyone to get to know their squads! I'm very excited to get to know everyone. Band camp is the most excellent time to do that!

Freshmen Excitement

Wednesday, August 6, 1997

Yesterday we had our first freshmen band practice. I'm a squad leader, so I had to be there to help teach them how to march. Before this, everyone assumed there weren't going to be very many freshmen even staying in band, because of the low numbers of freshmen the last 2 years. To our surprise, there are 40 going on, from the around 50 that were in the 8th grade band. That is a phenomenal number! I was very excited about this. Then, when the practice started, I was even more amazed. Although I was mostly paying attention to the two girls I was working with, just glancing down the line I saw that all the freshmen looked exceptionally well! For their first time anyways. I was very impressed, and I'm very excited for the upcoming season. I know the tradition of "We're the Best, Northwest" will continue!

Also, the two girls I was working with, Tracy and Megan, they were great! They caught on so fast! I was really proud and I hope that one or both of these girls will be in my squad.

Stay tuned for further insights!

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Email: chris215@pilot.msu.edu