Friends are your friends!

Hi friends! Here are some old pictures of friends, more to come some day when I have a)time and b)a scanner

Who's in the picture? top to bottom, left to right: Jenny, Ashalina, Nicole, Kelly, Laura, April, Nicole, ME :), Stormie, and Heather!

This is the prom dinner (around the table L to R): Brian, Sabi, Julia, Axel, Pam, Eric, ME :), Heather, Stormie, and Will!

This is in Spain! :) Toad, ME :), Kelly, Brandy, Ashalina, and Chunky Monkey Andrea!

At the 360 restaurant at the CN tower in Toronto ($46 a meal Canadian money!) it's ME :), Tia, Heather, and Katie!

Ok, I decided that this page really needs to become more of an actual friends page. So, allow me to do this little tribute to my best friends!

Going way back to high school, Dave is one of my definite best friends in the entire world. Dave is always there to listen to me, and he's always up for a good time! I don't know what my life would be like without Dave, but it just wouldn't be the same. I owe a lot to him!!
Zuchow/Moosejaw, Jane is the f*ckin best! Jane was a member of the SMB guard and graduated last year. She always keeps me sane, and definitely introduced me to MUCH fun an weirdness. I can't even begin to describe it all! BFD especcially!!
Ok Sarah, if you must, but her real name is Vinning! Vinning is TBS President and an SMB guard member as well. Vinning has become one of my greatest friends as well, through dumb boy complaining and good boy praising, we've really been through it all! I couldn't of done it without her!
Karen would be her real name, also an SMB guard alum and great friend! Bront just got ENGAGED to 7 foot 8! Bront is the best, and shares my Bon Jovi and Huckleberry Groove obsessions :)
My roommate for the 3rd year in a row, going way back to 2nd grade! I couldn't ask for a better roommate. Ash is always there when I need her, and knows when I just need to be to myself. I wouldn't trade her for the world!
Megan some people sometimes call her, Chach is my next door neighbor of 3 years. Ash, Chach and I are living together next year, and I can't wait! Chach is great for late night library trips, and as always to talk about dumb boys!

Sorry to lump everyone else together...but I don't have all night! ;)

My sisters of Tau Beta Sigma-Vinning, Missi, Nick, Joya, Sharon, Erica, Courtney, Matt, Sarah, and Hilary-
These girls and boys are the GREATEST! Even if we're small, we have the best sorority around, and the best TBS chapter you'll ever meet! I love you all!
My brothers of Kappa Kappa Psi-especcially my little bro Ed!
Little bro Ed is my favorite brother by far, but the rest of the brothers are pretty fricken awesome too!
Symanzik and Bro-
(Angela and Anette, alumni guard as well) I lumped you together cuz I already did Bront and Jane...sorry! :) You guys are the fricken best too! But you need to visit more! See you on my birthday :)
Maria, Henny, and Shoes-
These guys were the rest of our Rather possy, and I miss you guys SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO much. I know we keep saying we'll get together...but we need to follow through!
My little sis! I miss you too and can't want to come hang out over break! Let's have a danceout! REMEMBER!
Heather and Stacey-
My bestest friends from high school! Of course we still get together to catch up on all the gossip :) I miss you guys too!!
Cristine, Becky O, David, Sonya Jo, Megan, and the rest of my little Marching Mounties-
I can't believe that most of us have graduated little babies are all growed up! You guys made band the best, and I'll never forget it. I MISS you guys immensly and I really want to see you soon!
My old friends, that is the Marching Mounties who came before me-Becki, Geeda, Shawna Jean, Marcy Ann, and more-
I definitely miss you...because for the most part we have lost touch :( Please email me if you ever see this, let's be friends again!
Oh yeah, 7'8"!
You're engaged!! I'm so excited for you and Bront! About dang time ;)

If I forgot you it isn't that you aren't loved, it's that I'm tired! I DOOOO love you :)
