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James W. Stitley, Jr. (Jim)

On the personal side, I am married to my Best Friend & SoulMate . . . Tresa Rose Adkins "The Perfect You".

We met on the Internet in 1995 and on Sadie Hawkins Day of 1996, she asked me to be "her happily ever after" of course I said "YES!". We were married on July 13, 1996, the anniversary of her parents. The best part is, she came 'equipped' with a ready-made, darling GrandSon, Joseph Charles and we have since become Nana & Papa to seven more beautiful children. Together, Tresa and I are dedicated to connecting as many neurons as we can through Experiences and Love with our grandchildren! They are pure Joy and Love in our lives, and enrich US in so many ways!

My Group Affiliations:

Professional Associations: Marquis Who's Who In Finance And Industry, World Future Society, American Chemical Society, Institute of Food Technologists, American Society of Bakery Engineers, American Association of Cereal Chemists, Home Office Association of America, National Association of the Self Employed.

My Personal Interests:

Hobbies/Crafts: Amateur Astronomy, Photography, Writing, Hiking, Playing the organ

Areas of Study/Research: Advanced Food Technology, Psychology, Brain Biochemistry, Futurism, Speaker, Writer, Transcendental Meditation

Travel Destinations: Favorite Place - Australia

Favorite Wine: Gerwurztraminer (introduced to me by my wife)

Philosophy/Religion: Existentialism and Humanism

Books/Authors: Alvin Toffler, John Naisbitt, Steve Covey, Faith Popcorn, M. Scott Peck, Joel A. Barker, James Joyce

Cars/Autos: Old British Sports Cars - Favorite was my 1967 Sunbeam Tiger

I am President of TechnoVation Network, Inc., a consulting firm specializing in developing new markets and applications for new food technologies. I conduct Technology Assessment Day(s) to explore new opportunites for new markets - a presentation and brainstorming session for new business ideas. Discover new ways to use Technology for a Competitive Advantage. Form alliances and partnerships to leverage technologies, and create new market opportunities. If you are a food manufacturer, assess your present technology, and investigate new technologies to improve Efficiencies, Quality and Costs! Become more Competitive in the Global Marketplace. . . TODAY!

Also a Trendsetter, Writer and Speaker on the FUTURE. I gives low cost, and in-home "Step Into The Future"(c) Seminars, aimed for transitional adults - those who have either lost jobs, think they will lose their job, or wish they'd lose their job!. I am geared to turning Passions into SelfWork. Home-Based businesses are the fastest growing segment of the U.S. economy! YOU can be part of this new workplace revolution - NewWork - turn Passions into Actions!

E-mail for more information, and how you might attend FREE just for setting up a group of family, friends or neighbors for an interesting open discussion. Discover what's going on in the world today; what's going on in America and explore how you can become a multiple profit center, contract NewWorker of Tomorrow... Today! THE INDIVIDUAL WILL COUNT ONCE AGAIN... they just don't know it yet! Email, call or write for more information TODAY! YOUR Future Begins Now!!!

Also, if you are an avid amateur astronomer and are tired of 'lugging' all your observing charts, accessories, cameras, equipment, etc. each time you want to observe, call or email me for plans to build a Mobile Observing WorkStation (MOWS) and spend you time observing, not making a dozen trips to the yard with your equipment. The MOWS holds everything but your telescope, and provides variable red lighting, setting circles light, and a source of power for your telescope - Everything in one place, easily wheeled outside, and a place for everything - too many features to list here.

Booklet available for building your own WorkStation. Call, Write or Email today - enjoy your nights under the stars - observing, not transporting!


Home Web Site of TechnoVation Network, Inc.

Backyard Astronomy (Mobile Observing Work Station)

Tresa's business: "The Perfect You"

Tresa's Ministry Page

Help One Student To Succeed

Our Wedding Ceremony


Email:Jim Stitley