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James W. Stitley


In Today's Global Marketplace,
Technology Creates A Competitive Advantage For You . . . OR For Your Competitors!

TechnoVation Network, Inc. has been on the cutting edge of New Technology Developments, in several industries, for the past 25 years. We have helped manufacturers of new equipment and ingredients identify and penetrate new markets with great success. On the other side, we have helped a number of companies who are users of New Technology, to Identify, Investigate and Implement a wide range of new technologies for Quality, Cost and Efficiency Improvements. We leverage technology as a Competitive Advantage, and often form Alliances to further leverage Synergy where additional benefits are possible.

In order to determine where you are in today's marketplace, and where you want to be in the future, TechnoVation Network, Inc. has developed the Technology and Market Assessment Day(s) as an inexpensive tool for YOUR Company to begin the process of Creating Your Future . . . TODAY!

After suitable non-disclosure agreements are exchanged, we begin the process with a discussion of what your business is today, who are your customers, who are your competitors, and what are your core competencies? Following that, it is very useful for me to see your operation, if possible, and the tools and techniques used for various aspects of your manufacturing. ALL information shared is ALWAYS kept CONFIDENTIAL!!!

From there we return to a conference room and begin the two way process of discussing options, new opportunities and possible new business sectors where your technologies might provide a new benefit to new potential customers. Many times this part of the process resembles a Mastermind approach - a collective brainstorming session where I can introduce some new, unexplored options for consideration. By the end of the day, the client comes away with a broadened perspective of their business, and usually several new ideas to explore further.

The Technology Assessment Day does NOT obligate you for a long term consulting agreement. Sometimes our further assistance offers additional benefits, but often the client can continue the process completely in-house. We are always available to offer further guidance and insight if needed. We also work with organization realignments for maximizing efficiency and synergy of functions and people. Merging Technical and Marketing roles are our specialty for improved effectiveness and more rapid market entry.

Quality, Service, Product and People Empowerment are the keystones which when combined with the concepts of Team Synergy, make for success in the New World Marketplace. TechnoVation Network, Inc. can be your partner to make this happen . . .


Contact TechnoVation Network, Inc. now
to discover how
we can take you
into the Next Century
. . . TODAY!!!

Please check out the additional links on this web site for additional background, experience and information. There are also other pieces of information available for the asking, including Brochures, Articles, Futurist Activities, Resumes and Success Stories.

We Stand Ready To Help You Move Into The Next Century!
Take The First Step Today!!!


Technologies Pioneered
Major Achievements
