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Spiritual Growth

All Ways are One in the End...

Everyone has their own beliefs about God, angels, etc. So, sometimes when people start discussing one particular topic and begin splitting hairs, then they go in different directions. But when people do things in a general way that everyone can relate to -- like the Golden Rule, I believe it makes sense to most people. If we start talking karma, some people will run and think of evil or cult when it only means that you "get what you give", or "you reap what you sow."

Everyone has to find his or her own path. There is no "right" way or "wrong" way, it just must be a path that you can understand, relate to, and make progress on, or at least be at peace with; and not be harmful to oneself or to other -- IMHO.

We must also remember, with regards to ourselves and to others, that we are human and each one of us is doing exactly his or her best at any given time, and be forgiving -- and loving and kind.

If you are on your spiritual journey and looking around, here are a few other sites that you may find of interest to you:

AngelScribe Church of Today Conversations With God
Eckankar Foundation for "A Course In Miracles" Spiritual Gathering
Catholic Higher Realms Buddhist
Resources in Religion Soulstar Spiritual Adventure A Spiritual Philosophy
Unitarian Universalist Principles Unity Universal Life Church Headquarters
The Global Renaissance Alliance Comparitive Religions Native American

Email: Rev. Tresa Stitley, D.D.