The Past, Present, and Future of Gray

I have decided to stop working on this page (as if I had been working on it at all lately). There are still errors and unfinished pages, but I believe its best to leave it that way to represent unfinished tasks and flawed dreams. Thanks for stopping by

Welcome to the Home of Gray and Kagato. This is a RhyDin role-playing page. Its role-playing in AOL chat rooms. If you don't know what either of them are that's okay because this page is mostly an informational one for my stories I am working on. Kagato and all the characters I mention are creations of mine, unless said otherwise or its just common sense and I haven't posted it yet. This page also talks about the Energies of Creation, The Plane of Valior, The Valiorians, Even, and the Royal Family. Each is explained more inside the page but I'll give you a quick run through. The Energies of Creation is basically the creation of everything. The Plane of Valior is a plane in reality where most of the story takes place. Even was the heir to the Kingdom of Valior and the Royal Family was the title given to his family.
If anyone has any ideas for this please send them in. I am more likely to post it then not. If you want to play a character that I have mentioned or want to create your own then let me know and I will help you. If you do not let me know and go off to create a character based on my ideas I will be very angry and will take further action. That only applies if you take one of the strong points of my creations. I wont go after you if yours lives for a long time.

I've decided to start an update section so you know what's new. That way you can't say I don't do anything.


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Of course I have to give credit were credit is due, other wise I could face a law suit. Okay I would like to thank angelfire for the web page. Then I would like to thank all the creators of the fine music playing on my pages. I never found the names but well thanks. I would also like to thank Sierra and Impressions. They gave me the idea for how the Circle of Gray should look. Thanks guys. I would like to thank my friend, Jason, for the little bit of help he gave me. And finally I would like to thank my girlfriend. Without her support and ideas I probably would have given up on this, thank you she is also the one who has been color coordinating my pages. She hasn't gotten to them all but you can tell which ones she has.
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© 1999-2002 by Brandon Strickland. All ideas withen the domain name is protected by federal laws. Any duplication in part or in full with out written consent is a violation of these laws. ALL images are owned by others and you must go to them for the rights to use them.