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The Examinations Begin

On March 19th Rebecca Nurse was named a Witch. Martha Corey was examined before Hathorne and Corwin on March 21st in the Village meeting house. On March 23rd Dorcas Good, 4 or 5-year-old daughter of the accused Sarah Good, was sent to Boston prison where for nine months she remained in heavy irons. Dorcas was the youngest accused in these witch trials, she was accused because the afflicted girls accused her of biting them, their evidence, small bite marks on them. On March 24th Rebecca Nurse, a 71-year-old who could barely hear, was examined before Hathorne and Corwin at the Village meeting house. Her quiet and humble manner touched everyone in the room. With quiet confidence she said she was innocent, when she said this, the girls broke out in fits, a few in the room doubted that Nurse was tormenting the girls.

On March 28th Elizabeth Proctor was named a witch. Then on April 3rd Sarah Cloyce, Rebecca Nurse's sister, was accused of Witchcraft. On April 11th Elizabeth Proctor and Sarah Cloyce were examined before Hathorne, Corwin, Deputy Governor Thomas Danforth, and Captain Samuel Sewall. John Proctor was accused during the examination and imprisoned with his wife because he made it known that he felt that the girls perpetrating the hysteria just needed a good spanking.

Abigail Hobbs, Bridget Bishop, Giles Corey and Mary Warren were examined on April 19th. Only Abigail Hobbs confessed to Witchcraft. On April 22nd Nehemiah Abbott, William and Deliverance Hobbs, Edward and Sarah Bishop, Mary Easty, Mary Black, Sarah Wildes and Mary English were examined before Hathorne and Corwin. Nehemiah Abbott was cleared of charges. Hathorne and Corwin examined Sarah Morey, Lydia Dustin, Susannah Martin and Dorcas Hoar.

On May 4th George Burroughs was arrested in Wells, Maine and on May 9th he was examine along with Sarah Churchill, one of the afflicted girls, by Hathorne, Corwin, Sewall, and William Stoughton. On May 10th Sarah Osborne died in prison, her body cost one pound, three shillings and five pence to get from the jail. Also on May 10th, George Jacobs, Sr. and his granddaughter Margaret were examined before Hathorne and Corwin. Margaret confessed to her sins and testified that her grandfather and George Burroughs were both Witches. On May 18th Mary Easty was released from prison but due to outcries and protests from her accusers, she was arrested a second time.