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General History

"The 'history' of Witchcraft is based on a minute piece of first hand information and a whole bunch of ridiculous superstition, religious politics, and fear of the unknown."(Witchcraft Dawning, history.html)

The roots of Witchcraft lie in the practices of ancient religions. Witchcraft is said to be the oldest religion existent in the West. It is pre-Christian, pre- Judaism, pre-Buddhism, pre-Islam, and pre-Hinduism. Witchcraft is closer to Native American traditions and the early Shamanic traditions of many areas, taking its teachings and inspirations from nature. The Sun, the Moon, and the Stars are looked upon for their insights and information. Trees, birds, animals, seasonal cycles and other vibrational realities are also looked upon.

I should note that Witchcraft or Wicca is not Shamanism. Shamanism is not a religion it is an ancient mystical practice that use altered state of consciousness to contact Gods, Spirits and other energies from this realm and others. Shamanic practices exist within Witchcraft and many other religions.

The people of England worshipped the Goddess Ceridwen and were led by priests and priestess called Druids. It was thought that these people could control the weather, heal the sick and cast spells or brewed potions to cause love or hardship. All of these abilities later became associated with Witches.

The association of broomsticks and Witches goes back to ancient times. During spring planting ceremonies, worshipers of the Great Mother would mount brooms and pitchforks and ride through fields like hobbyhorses. Broomsticks were associated with female Witches because it was a woman's tool. A broom propped outside the front door signified that the woman of the house was not home.

Anthropologist and Egyptologist Dr. Margaret Alice Murray has traced back and has seen Witchcraft's roots in Paleolithic times some 25,000 to 30,000 years ago. She found information that Witchcraft was the remnants of an ancient, pre-Christian, fertility oriented religion. Murray started her research by throwing out all of her preconceived notions on Witchcraft. After reviewing almost all of the old Christian church laws and records, she was then able to prove that not only does Witchcraft have nothing to do with the Christian Satan but that the church has known this since the beginning. Murray also believes that Witchcraft was a fully organized religion throughout Western Europe. All of Murray's research has been published in her book "The Witch-Cult in Western Europe."