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PerthWorks: Anime Art2






Page Two!


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Newest at the top.


Meet Leetra. My blue sea gargoyle. I love/loved that show. There are so few good shows... and there are even less good cartoons.
I was very very close to giving up to this picture. It looked sooo bad, not sure if it's really that much better now that I finishe it. I have to lay off the water colors. But they are so cheap! Good o'l Crayola.
You know what. This one is old. I just didn't like it enough to scan. But of the few people that I've talked to on the web. They seem to like ones I never thought were very good. So here she is.
You would not believe this! I found an artist named/called Eden!! o . O I've only ever meet a 10 year old boy named Eden! Anyway, this is Eden the changling/gargoyle. Cool-Beans!
I happened completely by accident on this page a day or two ago. The owner of the page was named Shara, and here she is.
Val! Your angel! Hope you like her. I'm not sure if she looks old, or just beautiful.. not to say that old isn't. It just wasn't what I was going for.
I love this picture! I drew it for Tommy...only I never see him any more.. Anyway. This is Card. Maybe I should add a character section so you guys can understand that there are stories behind my characters...
Again, another picture with a story... well, every picture I have has a story, I just don't always know it 'till I've drawn it.
This picture I drew on quite a night... my friends and I got sort of got messed up with the cops. I mean, it was all a mistake. I do like the picture very much...
This is a trade picture with my new friend. She draws Aqum, I draw/drew Jen-Neko-Han.
I think this is my favorite. I like it so much I'm afraid to finish it... ~ . ^ But you'll see the color one soon.
I for one like my pencil works better. Though I'm told my color is my strong point/talent.
This was a gift for a friend. I scanned it before we RAN out the door.
What can I say about one of my favorite pictures...? It was a mistake, and sometimes sick days are good.
I'm putting up some of my pencil works. This is (bunny) Zeal. I'm not going to finish it.. I think.
I'm sure you remember these guys... I miss those toys. :* I always liked the sea ponies.
^ - ^ This is the PaintCrew! PaintCrew RULES! See if you can find me... (this is in color... I need to scan it in that).
^ - ^ I went to this HUGE party with my dad. I got all dressed up and everything. Guess what I did...
Hmmm... I think this is the one character I've drawn so much of in a row... hmmm...
This is my first try at one of Tommy's Puppeta, FourFlame. She's my favorite.


Please, if you have any thoughts on my art work
Tell me!!
Just a little...something...
So I know I'm not alone...






All images are copyrighted by Perth Works or their owners:
Don't take them... just ask before you save and run!
Last updated 4/28/99