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Twister's Personal Pics

Embarrassing pictures of me.

Me and one of my "bros" from Michigan.

(from l to r)My brother Aaron and his wife Jennifer, me, my brother Eric and his wife Elizabeth behind me, my sister Marci and my brother Michael.

Michael and I making sure Lynne has enough to drink.

Me and my bros.

Let me get this straight...Bourbon street is in New Orleans and your giving college students money for "food"? What did you think was gonna happen?


I was so drunk.

TKE party. from left to right: Jason, Jason, Me, Matt, Bailey, Keegan

Same party. from left to right: Me, Bailey, Cheyne, Sterling

Same Party. from left to right: Chris, Me, Bailey, Will

Me and my lil' bro Tim at the formal.

Me beating up my lil bro Tim at the formal.

Me, Tim, and Brad being goofballs at the formal.

Will and Tim being themselves at the formal.

Me shootin hoops in my Dad's pool. That's about the extent of my basketball skills.

This is so going to be my storm chasing car one day!

Me on my cell phone...a usual site.

Hangin' with a Pi Phi.

Me and Alison

Looks like I should be in some kind of rap video