I have 5+ years retail experience. Working my way from the bottom up. Going from associate to supervisor in less than a years time. I am customer friendly and willing to go out of my way to help. I am able to meet strict deadlines, and work on multiple projects at once I am willing and able to learn anything that will help my further my career.
1993-1997 State of Michigan Endorsed Diploma, Bay City Central High school
1995-1997 Certificate of Completion in Electronics , Bay Arenac Career Center
2000-Aug,2004 Freight flow Supervisor, Bed Bath & Beyond 2103 Northern Blvd. Manhasset, NY 11030
I started out as a simple Associate, moved up to Supervisor on my way to becoming Manager. Job includes, getting merchandise from receiving to sales floor, make sure it is priced properly, ensure in store security on high ticket items, communicate with Department Managers on a daily basis, Receive Merchandise daily, Review inventory notes, read shipment manifests, Customer Service, Knowledge of Chain wide inventory network -JDA- .
1998-2000 K-Mart Store, Miscellaneous Utilities 1377 W. Center Rd. Essexville MI. 48732
Run checkout when needed, setup and dismantle display shelves, haul pallets
of freight, clear parking lot of carts, lifting of heavy objects, keep store
clean, mix paint, fix/repair different things around store when needed.
1996-1998 Monitor Lanes, Mechanic 1700 S. Euclid Ave. Bay City MI. 48706
Fix and repair bowling machines, daily maintenance, ensure they are working properly while being .
COMPUTER SKILLS Blender3d(3d creation/rendering program), Blender3d Gaming Engine, Yafray, Cinema 4d(Another 3d creation program) The Gimp (image manipulation program) Microsoft Works, Microsoft Word, Windows 3.1, Windows 95, Windows ME, Windows XP, Mac OS, HEX Workshop, HTML, Internet Explorer 4-6.0, Netscape Navigator 6, Adobe Photo Deluxe, Illustrator, Paintshop Pro 5, Video Mach. Installation of Hardware/software experience, Some Repair/troubleshooting.
3d works of Art
#1 A walkcycle of a pit-droid from star wars. [file size:427k mpg]
#3 This was my first idea for the contest in #2, but i could never get it to look right [35k .jpg]
#4 This was an entry for a contest. The theme was destruction.[253k jpg]
#5 This was for yet another contest with the theme being cars =o) [54k jpg]
#6 A picture i did for fun. Its a Petit Angel from the card game Yu-Gi-Oh [47k jpg]
#7 A contest entry. theme was air [jpg 32k]
#8 Contest Entry. Theme Space [110k jpg]
#9 one of my first created images took a couple months to make [122k jpg]
Same image as above just a different angle[126k jpg]
#10 This is a link to my latest work and my pride & joy. 3 separate pics in different stages.
#11 This is a picture taken of a factory(found on the net) with a Cg robot/alien in it. There is also a picture without the background added. Done for a contest, theme was alien.
this is the same picture only render in a program called yafray
#12 This was a business card done for someone on irc, only The Gimp was used
#14 this was going to be a town healer in a game i am making. he has not quite gotten finished yet
#15 This is a wing i did in 3d using yafray. i was inspired by a picture from Feng Zhu
#16This and This are the same Base i was trying out different environments out on it
#17 this is an unfinished mechanical bumble bee with inter changable stingers.
#18THIS IS A EXE FILE. It is a demo of a level. consisting of a house that you can enter and leave. (controls are uparrow=forward, rightarrow=right, leftarrow=left, downarrow=back, a key=strafe left, d key=strafe right, tab=enemy hit, left alt=heal 1 heart up to 6)
#19 Contest Entry theme was egypt
#20this and this Are of a sword i seen on Feng Zhu's web site.
#21HeadHunter1 and HeadHunter2 These were created out of boredom, i call them the head hunter pics or obvious reasons, i add to it when ever i get the urge