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The following research demonstrates the unknown quality and severity of the disorder known as Anorexia Nervosa. Why would this type of Pandora's Box ever be opened on the American children by NICKELODEON?

Kay WH,Weltzin TE,Hsu LK,Bulik CM: AN OPEN TRIAL OF FLUOXETINE IN PATIENTS WITH ANOREXIA NERVOSA. Journal of Clinical Psychiatry 1991;5(11):464-71. Summary: Anorexia nervosa is a disorder of unknown etiology with a high rate of relapse and no known treatment.

Kennedy SH,Goldbloom DS: CURRENT PERSPECTIVES ON DRUG TRERAPIES FOR ANOREXIA NERVOSA AND BULIMIA NERVOSA. Drugs 1991;41(3):367-77. Summary: Anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa are eating disorders that strike a significant number of adolescent and young adult women and carry a significant morbidity and mortality. Over the last 30 years, virtually every class of psychiatric drug as well as atypical agents have been tested in the management of these vexing and often chronic disorders. For anorexia nervosa, there is in 1991 little if any role for pharmacotherapy.

Hoffman L,Halmi K: PSYCHOPHARMACOLOGY IN THE TREATMENT OF ANOREXIA NERVOSA AND BULIMIA NERVOSA. Psychiatric Clinics of North America 1993;16(4):767-78. Summary: Anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa remain enigmatic disorders with poorly understood etiologies. Clinicians continue to find these disorders very challenging to treat. As their underlying pathophysiology is clarified, it is hoped that specific pharmacologic treatments will be developed to alleviate the pain and disability these disorders produce.

Nasser M: SCREENING FOR ABNORMAL EATING ATTITUDES IN A POPULATION OF EGYPTIAN SECONDARY SCHOOL GIRLS. Social Psychiatry Epidemiology 1994;29(1):25-30. The results confirmed the initial impression that disorders of eating are emerging in cultures that did not produce such morbidity in the past, with more or less the same prevelance as in the United Kingdom. The study concludes that no society is truly immune to the development of such disorders, because of the globalization of culture by virtue of the media.

Mehler PS,Weiner KL: ANOREXIA NERVOSA AND TOTAL PARENTERAL NUTRITION. International Journal of Eating Disorders 1993;14(3):297-304. Summary Anorexia can have devastating outcome. There is a high rate of treatment failures and recidivism among anorectic patients.

Walford G,McCune N: LONG-TERM OUTCOME IN EARLY-ONSET ANOREXIA NERVOSA. British Journal of Psychiatry 1991;159:383-9. Summary: Fifteen children who developed anorexia nervosa aged 13 years or less were followed up at least three years later (mean 5.3 years)...Where onset was very early (11 years and under) and where hospital stay was prolonged, outcome tended to be poor.

Norring CE,Sohlberg SS: OUTCOME, RECOVERY, RELAPSE ADN MORTALITY ACROSS SIX YEARS IN PATIENTS WITH CLINICAL EATING DISORDERS. Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica 1993;87(6):437-44: Among the recovered patients, the total risk of relapse was 48%. The mortality was 17.8 times higher than expected.

Herzog DB,Sacks NR,Keller MB,Lavori PW,von Ranson KB,Gray HM: PATTERNS AND PREDICTORS OF RECOVERY IN ANOREXIA NERVOSA AND BULIMIA NERVOSA. Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry 1993;32(4):835-42. CONCLUSIONS: Our findings suggest that the diagnosis of anorexia nervosa has severe implications.

Steinhausen HC,Seidel R: OUTCOME IN ADOLESCENT EATING DISORDERS. International Journal of Eating Disorders 1993;14(4):487-96. Summary: A consecutive series of 60 adolescent patients with eating disorders was followed up after a mean period of 58 months. At intermediate follow-up, 4(6.65) of the former patients were reported deceased, and 6 could either not be traced or refused to cooperate. Follow-up assesment revealed the following diagnostic pattern in 50 patients who were followed up: 5(10%) of the patients still suffered from anorexia nervosa, 2(4%) from anorexia nervosa with bulimia nervosa, 7(14%) from partial syndromes of anorexia nervosa, 2(4%) from partial syndromes of bulimia nervosa, and 34(68%)had recovered.

Deter HC,Herzog W: ANOREXIA NERVOSA IN A LONG-TERM PERSPECTIVE: RESULTS OF THE HEIDELBERG-MANNHEIM STUDY. Psychosomatic Medicine 1994;56(1):20-7. Summary: The long-term outcome of 84 anorexia nervosa patients was studied over a period of 12 years using global clinical ratings and differential physical findings in addition to standardized psychometric measurements. An unusual polarization into good and fatal outcomes was found, with a high recovery rate of 54% and a high mortality rate of 11%.

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