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chapter twenty-one


Evie wasn’t in the guys’ bedroom, so I knocked on the door across the hall. “Eve?”

“Go away, bitch!” she yelled from the other side.

Well, at least I know she’s in there, I thought sarcastically. “Evie,” I called again. “I’m coming in.” That said, I made my way into the bedroom Jessie, Avie, and Mack shared. The beds were situated like the ones in Ike, Tay, and Zac’s room. Evie was sitting on the top bunk.

Quietly, I crossed the room to where she was. I scaled the bed frame and sat down next to her. “Eve?” I asked softly. “What’s wrong?”

Evie turned her head, refusing to look at me. “Nothing,” she grumbled.

“Evette.” I sighed. “Look, you can tell me whatever it is that’s bothering you. I’m your best friend and you’re mine -”

“Not anymore,” she said softly.

I felt my jaw drop slightly. “Is that . . . Evie, we’re still -”

“No, we’re not.” For the first time, Evie turned to face me. Her blue-green eyes were damp with tears. “At least, you’re not.”

I didn’t know what to say. “Evie,” I tried to begin. “I still -”

“You promised,” she whispered passionately. “You promised, Jaye, remember? You said nothing would ever come between us. But since we’ve been here, that’s what’s happening. We’re not hanging out at all and you’re keeping things from me -”

“What am I keeping from you?” I demanded.

Evie shook her head but did not reply. Instead, she turned her attention to a far corner of the room.

“No,” I said. “You’re not getting off that easily. Tell me what you meant. What am I keeping from you, Eve?”

She turned to me again. “You know what you’re keeping -”

“Honestly, Evie, I don’t,” I insisted.

“Yes, you do.” She wiped her eyes with the backs of her hands. “You’re breaking our promise outright, Jaye. Honestly! The promise was your idea!”

“Don’t change the subject,” I told her. “What am I keeping from you?”

Evie shook her head. “That’s what I’m trying to tell you,” she said quietly.

“Well,” I said openly. “Tell me already.”

She shook her head again. “This is hard to say -” She took a deep breath.

“It’s all right,” I insisted. “Just tell me and we can get this cleared up and -”

“Jaye, I was awake.”

chapter twenty-two
The Index

