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Can I Come Over (Ch. 1)

By: Stacey G

Sarah Greenwood was on a flight which was taking her to her new apartment in Orlando, Florida and started to think about what she was leaving behind. She had lived in Michigan her whole life and in an instant she was giving it all up. She was moving in to a small 2 bedroom apartment with 3 of her closest friends. Megan was coming from North Carolina, Justina was flying in from Singapore, & Sarah’s cousin - Kylie was relocating from Ohio. As soon as she stepped off the plane with her boyfriend, Cody she felt like she was home. Cody took her hand and he knew. She felt like she was meant to live here. He smiled at her and then leaned over and kissed her once before he picked up their ‘on-board’ bags and walked off. Just after they got their luggage Sarah heard her name being called coming from somewhere behind her. She whirled around to see a friend of hers running towards her. “JAKE!” She called as she ran towards him. He dropped his bag and picked her up as he swung her around. “I missed you, Sarah.” When Jake set her down he shook Cody’s hand and smiled. “Hey Cody. You two are still couple? What is it now 3 years?” Cody smiled at Sarah with those huge eyes, one blue & one green and her heart melted all over again. That always happened when ever she looked at him. Cody looked back at Jake and replied. “Yeah something like that. I didn’t know you were on the flight too. What are you doing here? Are you here to help get Sarah settled in her apartment?” “No actually I’m moving into an apartment only like a few blocks from Sarah. So I can keep an eye on her if you want me to.” Sarah smiled and shook her head. “You two. Anyway, Cody. Didn’t I tell you? I’ve been Jake’s manager for quite some time now and since I was relocating we thought it’d be a good idea for him to be closer to some of the bigger recording companies. Well at least until we find him a label.”

When Cody and Sarah reached the apartment they noticed that Megan was out on the porch & looked as if she was daydreaming. “Hey Meg! We’re here” Sarah called in her sweet innocent voice. Megan shook her head as she came out of her daydream and smiled as she saw Sarah standing below her. Sarah was wearing a light pink 3/4 sleeve shirt with a white tank top underneath, her fave kaki shorts, the same white tennis shoes she always wears and of course without socks. Sarah always hated socks. Her fine deep brown hair was tied back in a ponytail but a piece that had fallen out was sweeping across her face in the wind. The sun hit Sarah’s hair just right so that it looked almost red because of the red tint her hair has had all of Sarah’s life. She reached up and pushed her sunglasses to the top of her head as she waved up to Megan. Within a few seconds Kylie came running out to the porch. “Sarah! Cody! Hi! Hurry up here you two. It’s so cool!” Cody and Sarah smiled at each other and ran upstairs to the apartment. Kylie & Megan immediately opened the door to reveal Kylie’s boyfriend, Trevor kneeling in front of a box across the room. “Hello, Trevor. I didn’t know you were going to be here today.” Sarah stated as she smiled at Kylie. “I wasn’t supposed to. But then I found out Chad was going to be here so I thought I’d see if he’s worthy of Megan.” Trevor laughed as he stood up and turned to face Sarah. “Wow. What happened to you? Have you always looked this good?” Trevor teased as he picked up the heavy box and carried it into Sarah & Kylie’s room. When Trevor came back out he walked up to Cody and shook his hand. “Hi. You must be Cody. I’m Trevor, Kylie’s Boyfriend. Megan‘s boyfriend, Chad should be back with lunch any second.” Within a few minutes a large moving truck pulled up and Megan ran to the door yelling. “My stuff is here!” Just as she opened the door there was a tall brunette guy standing across the hall. His tan was perfect. His stone washed jeans fit him just right and the white wife beater he had on made his broad shoulders seem to have an affect on Megan. She stopped dead in her tracks and slammed the door shut. Everyone stood perfectly still and then where there was a knock on the door Megan’s golden face lit up. She opened to door and there was standing a girl looked about 16. Her charcoal colored hair was tucked behind her ears. She seemed to be lost because she was looking all around her until Sarah ran up to her. “Justina! I thought you‘re flight came in tomorrow!” “It was supposed to be I wanted to get here with my stuff so I rode along with my stuff.” “Wait! You rode all the was here from Singapore just to be with your stuff?” Justina laughed as she stepped into the apartment and looked around a little more. “No. I flew to California and then drove the rest of the way with my stuff. I didn‘t really want to keep switching flights the whole way here.”

Chapter 2
