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Falling (Chapter 10)

Tay just sat there for while then he told me of a girl back home who took his breath away the day he first laid eyes on her and to this day she still has his heart. I told him I understood, and that they probably were better off together if they both felt the same way. Tay just laughed and said "You really feel that don't you? I mean I feel like I could tell you that the girl who I love is in the bus right now and she's sleeping like a baby." Thinking of who was in the bus... Kelley, Mel, and Ash I got a little teary... well it had to of been them right? Wrong! Ike came out with Zoe and Mackie when Tay said "look there's my little heart breaker now!" and took Zoe. Boy did I feel stupid. Tay just looked at me and said "I told ya she way sleeping like a baby." I had to say something so I looked at Ike and said "Hey Ike... I got something for ya... it's on the bus. Let's go... We'll just leave Tay and his one true love outside. Hurry Mackie run." Tay looked to where we were and just laughed.
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
