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Falling (Chapter 11)

Ike, Mackie, and I all got back on the bus when we noticed Ash was crying again. She told us that her dad called and her mom's heart had stopped and no one could explain why. They got her heart started again but she's not going to make it. That was the bad news. The good news was that the guy who hit her confessed that he was the guy and that he was going 85 in a 25 zone. Which means even if her mom lived she would have major brain damage and would be a vegtable the rest of her life. Ike sat down next to her and put his arm around her to make her feel safe. Then he whispered something into her ear. Just then Diana said "Maybe you should go lay down so when you wake up this whole thing will be over and hopefully it'll all be some big Dream or Nightmare... whatever you wanna call it." Ash agreed and went to Ike's Bunk, Ike slept on the couch... Tay got back on the bus and well the 10 minutes were up and we weren't home yet... why? Well Walker forgot, all he heard was home and went towards Tulsa. Sorry Walker wrong way... Ben(The guy who I use to like and is now my best friend) and I live in Michigan, Kelley lives in Ohio, Mel lives in North Carolina, and Ash lives In Georgia... Oops!

Chapter 10
Chapter 12
