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Falling (Chapter 12)

Well I guess were all going to Tulsa. Ben told me that he likes Mel and I need to hook them up... Mel told me the same thing. How do I get 2 of my best friends together when I used to like one? I have no clue but I talked to the Hanson clan, Kelley and Ash. We decided that for us to hook them up we best let them be and hook themselves up. Good choice? We thought so. We all decided that when we get back to Tulsa that we were all going to go to Rex's and then go see a movie and then go to paint ball and Laser tag. We woke up the next morning and found Ash and Ike gone... they went out for a walk while the rest of us ate some breakfast. Ok so they ate breakfast... I don't ever eat anything that early in the morining... so they all joked saying I was starving myself but then they realized that wasn't funny so they stopped. When Ike and Ash came back they were holding hands and were smiling... turns out They hit it off pretty well and wanted to make thier feelings official... When Mel saw they together she looked at Ben and then at her toast... she almost started crying. That's when Ben took her by the hand and outside.We all got a look like "We did it... they're gonna be together!"

Chapter 11
Chapter 13
