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Falling (Chapter 3)

Tay walked to where Zac's drums were and them Ike followed... the rest of the band figured they should be there too so for about 2-3min. everyone on stage was in a huddle around Zac's drums. The crowd started cheering "Hanson, Hanson, Hanson..." and Tay looked out at the crowed smiled and ran off stage. So we cheered louder. Tay can out and with him he brought Mackie, Jessie, and Avie. Each with a rose in their hansds. We all awwed... of course it was so adorable! Then Walker came out adn so did Diana each with 2 stools... Walker had set one next to Ike and one next to Zac... Diana... she set her's next to Tay and in the middle of the stage. 4 stools all spaerd out everywhere... we were all totaly clueless as to what was going to happen. Mackie ran off stage yeeling something about a rose and ran backon with 2 instead of just one. Tay was pointin to people while talking to Avie, Ike doiung the same with Jessica, and Zac... of course he was chatting and pointing with little Mackie.

Chapter 2
Chapter 4
